Showing posts with label Sam's Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam's Diet. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Story of Sam

Once upon a time, there was a cat named Sam.  She was a sweet kitty with a good disposition and she was the apple of her mother's eye.  She loved to run, jump and play with the other kitties in the household.  She also loved to eat.  Over the years, she went from being slightly chubby to overweight and finally obese.  As she put on the weight, it became difficult for her to do the things she used to do.  She stopped jumping up on furniture and playing with her sisters.  Her mother had tried putting her on diets before without much success, but when it became hard for Sam to even walk, her mom decided something had to be done.

So Sam went on a strict diet.  Her mom was determined that Sam would lose the extra weight. Unfortunately, Sam didn't agree with this plan and fought every step of the way.  She went from being a happy kitty to a mean, grumpy and cantankerous one.  She kept her mom up all night begging for food and even biting her when she didn't get any.  Her mom fought for every single ounce of weight that Sam lost and it was a difficult and frustrating battle.  In desperation, Sam's mom finally resorted to putting her on medicine.  This made a tremendous difference in Sam's mood.  She became the sweet, lovable and adorable kitty she used to be.  Best of all, the weight started to melt off her.  Sam could now run and jump and play like she used to and all her sisters were happy to wrestle with her again.  And they all lived happily ever after (hopefully)...

It was an arduous and difficult journey, but you've finally reached your goal!  After 14 months of dieting, you've gone from a record high of 18.1 pounds to a svelte and healthy 13.7 pounds.  

Before and after pictures of Sam
We're praying you can keep the weight off for good!

Until later...
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. 
Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sam's Diet Update (#12)...

It's been months since I've last posted about Sam's diet.  Mainly because she'd been holding pretty steady - up a couple of ounces, down a couple.  However, a month or two ago, she starting taking Prozac.  She went on it - not because of her weight - but because she was really cranky, mean, cantankerous and was having some bathroom issues.  Since she's been on it, she's sweet, charming and a delight to be around!  She's also back to purring all the time.

My (now) sweet girl Sam
As an added bonus, she's also lost another half pound.  I've even been giving her special treats every morning.  It's a fairly new product called Crispies.  It's like kitty crack or something and all my cats have become addicted to it. 

Purina Friskies Crispies Cat Treats
So Sam's stats are now...
  • Starting Weight - 18.1 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 14.6 lbs
  • Current Weight - 14.1 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.5 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 4 lbs!!!
Way to go Sam!
Until later...

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives. 
Galatians 5:25 (NLT)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another update on Sam's diet (#11)...

It's been 3 weeks since I last reported on Sam's weight.  In that time, I've weighed her 3 times.  The first two times, she weighed exactly the same.  (I'm always pleased when there's no weight gain.)

I weighed her again this morning - exactly 7 days since her last meeting with the scale.  After this one, I felt like a very bad mother.  No, she didn't gain any weight.  In fact, she lost 0.9 lbs!  I've read that cats shouldn't lose more than 0.2 lbs per week.  I've fed her the same amount of food that I usually do, the only difference is I haven't been sitting to watch her eat it.  The other cats no longer went after her food while I was there so I assumed that they also left her alone when I wasn't in the room.

Obviously I've been mistaken.  The little snots (aka - the other cats) must be bullying her and taking her food as soon as I'm out of sight.  Although Sam can be crabby with me, she won't stop the others from taking her food.  This also explains her extreme orneriness lately.  The poor thing must have been starving.  I'm back on patrol duty now though so I know she'll get all of her food. 

Now that she's down to 15 lbs (from a high of 18.1), you can really see the physical changes in her.  She has bags of skin that hang down.  It's particularly obvious on her elbows and makes her legs look so short.

I suppose she could benefit from a tummy tuck, but that's not going to happen.

I'm grateful that she's feeling a whole lot better now.  She can make jumps that she couldn't before and her joints don't make the same noises.  Still a little more ways to go though, but hopefully at a much slower pace.

So Sam's stats are now...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 15.9 lbs
  • Current Weight - 15.0 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.9 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 2.9 lbs
Until later...

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. 
Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sam's Diet Update #10...

(Note:  You may have noticed I haven't been blogging much lately.  Although I'm busy here, it's not with anything you'd care to read about.  My sewing room is still a mess, so not much happening on that front either.)

However, I do have an update on Sam's diet.  She's lost another 0.2 lbs in the last 10 days and has finally dropped below 16 lbs!  When I asked how she felt about it, this was her response...

Yeah, I kind of feel like that when I'm on a diet too.  Still another couple of pounds to go though, but every ounce lost is a step in the right direction.

So Sam's stats are now...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 16.1 lbs
  • Current Weight - 15.9 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.2 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 2.0 lbs
Keep up the good work Sam!

Until later...

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 
1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sam's Diet Update #9...

This is just a quick update on Sam's diet.  It's been 18 days since her last weigh-in and she's lost another 0.2 lbs.  I told her I would give her an extra helping of food today if she had lost at least half a pound, but no go.  I'm very happy though that the scales showed a loss - even as small as it is.  She is now the skinniest she's been in years.

This was an old picture, but she really doesn't look much different now.  I expect I'll see a big difference after she's lost another couple of pounds.  At her current rate, it will take her another 180 days to lose 2 pounds.  It's a good thing I'm in it for the long haul - midnight feedings and all!

So as of today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 16.3 lbs
  • Current Weight - 16.1 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.2 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 1.8 lbs
In related news, I weighed her brother, David, today as well.  He's about to turn 2 on April 8th and he now weighs 21.5 lbs.  However, he's really not overweight for his size.  He's just a behemoth of a cat.

David, helping me organize my sewing room
Until later...

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.  
2 Peter 1:5-7 (NIV)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sam's Diet Update #8...

I figure it's about time for another update on Sam's diet.  It's been a month since I last reported on her progress.  I weighed her this morning and she's lost 0.7 lbs!  Unfortunately, it's the same 0.7 lbs she lost back in the beginning of January.  Between then and now she managed to gain it all back and we've been struggling to take it off again.

She's very, very sneaky and has managed to find food in unexpected places.  I can't let my guard down for an instant.  Mr. Quilting Bug isn't on to her tricks and whenever I'm out of town, she manages to pull a fast one over on him and get extra food.

Do you see the food in her bowl?  That's actually a full portion for her.  She gets the same amount 3 times a day.  How she's not as thin as a stick is beyond me.

However, she is getting around better now that a little of the weight has come off.  Her joints don't pop with every step she takes.  I've also been able to stop giving her one of her medicines.  Both positive side effects.

Of course, there are some negatives too.  She's obviously not happy with the whole diet thing and isn't remiss in letting me know.  She's cranky as all get up - except for those days she's on her happy medicine.  This medicine is supposed to help alleviate any pain or discomfort she's having, but I'll admit I give it to her sometimes to give me a break.  (Is that wrong of me?)

We started her diet on July 4th, 2010 and so far she's only lost 1.6 lbs.  She needs to lose at least another 2.  At this rate, it'll be next year before she makes it.  I wonder if I can hold out that long.  Please pray for us...

So as of today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 17 lbs
  • Current Weight - 16.3 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.7 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 1.6 lbs
Until later...

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.  
Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Sam Diet Update (#7)...

I can describe her current progress in two words - Not Good!

It has been 21 days since her last report and in that time she's managed to gain half a pound!  Ugh...  At this rate, we'll be dieting forever.

Despite her weight gain, I think her face is looking skinnier.  She's also still carrying around loads of extra skin.  It's super-attractive!  (much like my upper arms...)

Anyway, she's still on the same prescription diet food as before.  And I'm still feeding her the same measly amounts.  But after such an awesome report last time, the only difference is me.  I relaxed my super vigilance and she's managed to find other sources of food.  Particularly regular cat and dog food.

Let me explain.  Sam gets me up every single night sometime between 1 and 4:30 AM to feed her.  (As I discussed previously, the consequences of not feeding her during these times is a bad case of Samsonia.)  I feed Sam her special food and also give the other animals some food as well.  Until recently I would sit there and wait for each of them to finish.  If the other cats or dog didn't eat everything I would put the rest of it away.  But it's been cold and I'm tired and she was doing so well, I've been sneaking off back to bed before they were all done.  Sam has taken this golden opportunity to sneak in some extra food.  She particularly likes Gabriel's dog food.  All of these extra calories have caused her to gain in half a pound in the past 3 weeks.

I've learned my lesson though and will just have to suck it up and wait the extra 10 to 15 minutes during the middle of the night before climbing back into my nice warm comfy bed.  Sigh...  Lesson learned.

She is getting more limber now.  Used to be she couldn't stretch back there.
By the way, do you know that every time I'm out of town and this job falls to Mr. Quilting Bug, not one of the pets wakes him up.  No late night potty breaks for the dog and no midnight feedings for the cat.  But if I'm at home, they will harass me constantly until I get up and do their bidding.  Harumph!

So as of today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 16.3 lbs
  • Current Weight - 16.8 lbs
  • Net loss - gained 0.5 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 1.1 lbs
Until later...

O Lord, hear my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips. 
Psalm 17:1 (NLT)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another Sam update (#6)...

It's been a while since I've reported on Sam's diet - 24 days to be precise.  She's been on her new prescription diet food the entire time and we are finally starting to see a difference.  She is walking better and has even started jumping up on things more.

Before I weighed her, I was hoping for a half a pound weight loss, but she exceeded even that!  She's lost 0.7 lbs in the last 3 and a half weeks.  She had also just finished eating when I weighed her.  Yippee!  I'm so happy to see so much progress right now in both her weight and her well-being.  It's worth getting up at 2:30 every morning to feed her.

She's now starting to develop bags of skin around her elbows.  You know how the arms bag when you put on a sweater that's too big for you and push up the sleeves?  That's kind of what she looks like.  Not the most attractive thing, but it doesn't seem to bother her.

She's happier and that makes me happy.  I'm also finding that I don't need to give her "happy" medicine as often.  She doesn't appear to be in much if any pain right now - although I know that cats can be very stoic when it comes to that.  She's still got at least another couple of pounds to lose, but I'm so encouraged by her progress so far.

So as of today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 17.0 lbs
  • Current Weight - 16.3 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.7 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost - 1.6 lbs
Until later...

"According to your faith will it be done to you" 
Matthew 9:29 (NIV)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sam's Diet Update #5 (and other issues)...

Yesterday was 15 days since Sam's last weigh-in.  We've settled into a sort of routine with her food now.  I feed her right before bed and she'll wake me around 2 or 3 in the morning begging for more.  I'll get up and feed her again and she's generous enough to let me sleep the rest of the night.  She gets to eat one other time during the day around lunch time and that's it.  She's allowed to have 1/8th of a cup of food each time and I measure it carefully.

She's not looking any thinner though and I was a little hesitant about her most recent weigh-in.  I'm pleased (sort of) to report that she's lost another 0.2 lbs.  Yep, two tenths of one pound in 15 days.  So I'm happy that it was a loss, but at this rate we're going to be battling the bulge for the next 10 months.  Of course, that's about the same amount of time I've given myself to lose around 10 pounds.  Perhaps we can have a contest to see who gets to their goal first!

Sam just started her new prescription diet food a couple of days ago so it'll be interesting to see what the scales say next time.  Either way, we're in it for the long haul.  On a positive note, she loves the taste of her new food.  Unfortunately so does our other cat, Moses.  I have to keep shooing her away.

I mentioned in my last post on Sam's diet that she had developed acne from the stress.  We shaved her chin and began cleaning it with a special gel each night.  It took almost a week before we realized that she was allergic to the cleaner.  Poor girl.  Here's a picture of her chin before we stopped using it.

I hope that didn't gross you out.  The black stuff isn't actually the acne but scabs that formed because her chin was so raw.  She's now on an antibiotic - amoxicillin - for a couple of weeks.  Remember that stuff from when you were a kid?  It's pink and has to be refrigerated.  You should see me trying to squirt it down her throat.  Not fun.  Poor, poor Sam.  However, her chin is now healing nicely and it doesn't seem to be causing her any pain.  As for the acne, it appears to be mostly gone but it's hard to tell for sure.  She's got another week of antibiotic so I pray it will be healed by then.

Doesn't her chin look so much better now?

So as of today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 17.2 lbs
  • Current Weight - 17.0 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.2 lbs
Until later...

"If you love me, you will obey what I command."  
John 14:15 (NIV)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sam's Diet Update #4 (and other issues)...

It's now been an additional 13 days since Sam's last weigh-in.  Although I must confess that I did weigh her 5 days ago and she had lost nothing.  I tried again this morning and she's down 0.2 lbs.  At least it's something.

Although after dealing with a wicked case of Samsomnia last night, I'm a little disheartened.  As much as she and I are struggling with her weight, you'd think there would be more to show for it.  Or actually less to show for it.  I've talked to her vet about it some more and I'll now be trying her on a prescription weight loss food.  Or I will as soon as it comes in.

As if her weight and joint issues are not enough, she has now come down with another case of acne.  If you didn't know, cats get acne on their chins.  Usually it just looks dirty unless the acne gets really bad.  And in cats, it all shows up as blackheads.  About 6 years ago when we adopted Moses, both Sam and Jack came down with it.  It can be caused by stress and also plastic food dishes.  Sam had a really, really bad case of it with festering sores and all.  It was horrible for her and you could tell it hurt her.

Her case of it right now is very minor compared to that, but we've had to shave her chin again.  We figure this current case is caused by the stress of her diet.  Mr. Quilting Bug and I have to wrestle her every night to wash her face and apply medication.  I'll spare you the pictures because it's not pretty.  But for some reason, Moses has now become her champion.  The first night while Mr. Quilting Bug was holding Sam and I applied the medication, poor Moses was so distraught that she attacked my husband and bit his arm, breaking the skin and causing it to bleed.  Every night since, she shows up as soon as Sam starts crying and circles around the two of us.  Fortunately she hasn't attacked either of us again.

So today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 17.4 lbs
  • Current Weight - 17.2 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.2 lbs

So please pray for her.  She's having a really tough time of it.  It always seems to be her that these things happen to...
  • We're practically starving her while the others get to eat a lot more
  • She has degenerative arthritis in her joints and can't walk or jump like the others
  • She had the horrible case of acne before and now has it again
  • She gets a shot every month for her arthritis
  • I pry her mouth open and stick a 'happy' pill down her throat every other day or so
  • She gets the lower half of her back shaved once or twice a year because she can't reach back there to clean it herself
  • She used to have an unfortunate habit of marking things when she would get too excited and had to have her anal glands expressed every few months (luckily this no longer seems to be an issue)
I know, this is probably too much information, but I really feel for her.  She's such a sweet creature.  I pray that her face heals quickly and that she can finally start losing some significant weight and feeling better.

Until later...

"Give me relief from my distress, be merciful to me and hear my prayer."
Psalm 4:1 (NIV)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sam's Diet Update #3...

It's been 18 days since Sam's last weigh in.  I was really nervous this time.  If she hadn't lost any weight after the radical measures I've taken, she was going to have to go back to the vet to have more tests done.  But praise God, she lost 0.7 lbs!  I am so very, very pleased with this number.  First, it's a weight loss not a gain like last time.  Second, it's a significant number for a cat her size.  Third, it's not too much for the time period, 18 days.  If cats lose weight too quickly, it can negatively impact their health and organs.

She's not too happy on her diet - except for the days I give her her 'happy' pills.  But I don't care.  I also don't care how many times she wakes me up in the middle of the night begging for food.  All I have to do is hear her walk across the room with every joint popping at each step to make me hold firm.  As she loses the weight, she will feel better and will be healthier.  I guess the same thing can be said for people!

If she can keep to this pace (.7 lbs in 18 days), it will take her a little more than 3 months to drop below 14 lbs.  Ideally, I'd like to see her around 13 lbs and to maintain it.

I just can't tell you how happy I am to finally see some positive progress on this front.  It's been a long time coming.

So today, Sam's new stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 18.1 lbs
  • Current Weight - 17.4 lbs
  • Net loss - 0.7 lbs
Way to go Sam! 

Until later...

From now on if you listen obediently to the commandments that I am commanding you today, love God, your God, and serve him with everything you have within you, he'll take charge of sending the rain at the right time .... 
Deuteronomy 11:13-14 (MSG)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sam's Diet Update #2...

I weighed Sam again on November 2nd.  She had gained .4 lbs.  Of course, so had David and myself.  It was not a good day on the scales for any of us.  So Sam is 18.1 lbs, David is almost 20 lbs and I'm not disclosing my weight.  Ever.

I decided a radical change was necessary.  Also I'm tired of getting up 2-3 times a night to feed her a piddling amount of food only to have her gain weight.  And as much as I keep insisting David is not fat, just all muscle, I don't think he can continue to gain half a pound a month without turning into a blubber ball like Sam.

So as of 4 days ago, I've moved all of them to a twice a day feeding schedule.  No more feeding Sam 5 or 6 times a day!  No more all you can eat buffet for the other 3 cats!  No more getting up in the middle of the night to cater to them! 

They each get a separate food bowl with a measured amount of food once in the morning and at night.  So far, they're so discombobulated that they're eating practically nothing.  Although for the first time yesterday morning every one of them showed up for breakfast and chowed down.  I know it'll take a while for them to understand that this is how it's going to be from now on.  They obviously preferred the old way of things.

And as for my Samsomnia, it's a million times worse right now.  She spends hours trying to get me out of bed and I just have to push her away and roll over.  Again.  And again.  And again. And again.  I think you get the picture.

So for now, Sam's stats are...
  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
  • Last Weigh-in - 17.7 lbs
  • Current Weight - 18.1 lbs
  • Net loss - Gained .4 lbs
By golly, her next weigh-in is going to be better, even if it kills me (and her)!

Until later...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sam's Diet Update #1...

This is Sam...

She is fat- very, very fat.  She has degenerative arthritis in her elbows and the extra weight makes it worse.  She has been on a diet for a little while now.  Here are her stats...

  • Starting Weight - 17.9 lbs
  • Target Weight - less than 14 lbs
In the last 9 days she has lost a total of 0.2 lbs.  That's not too bad for her.  It's a combination of diet food, 'happy' pills and light exercise (chasing the laser pointer).
  • Current Weight - 17.7 lbs

Until later...

"These things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will sure come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!" 
Habakkuk 2:3 (LB)