Updated Mixed Reality Partner University courses now available!
Published Nov 15 2022 01:11 PM 5,505 Views

Updated Mixed Reality Partner University courses available now!Updated Mixed Reality Partner University courses available now!


Calling all Mixed Reality partners! Looking to refresh your knowledge on the latest and greatest Microsoft mixed reality technology?


Check out our newly refreshed Mixed Reality Partner University courses below:

  • Device and Environment Considerations of a Quality HoloLens 2 Application (18811)
  • Managing Performance of a Quality HoloLens 2 Application (18812)
  • Building a Quality HoloLens 2 Application with the Mixed Reality Toolkit (18813)
  • Designing a Quality HoloLens 2 Application (18814)
  • Deploying HoloLens 2 devices in an enterprise environment (19006)
  • Using Azure mixed reality services (19007)

Happy learning!


#MRPartners #MRPartnerUniversity

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 15 2022 01:11 PM
Updated by: