Azure Synapse MVP Corner - October 2022
Published Nov 09 2022 08:00 AM 4,287 Views

About this blog series


Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, or MVPs, are technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community. They are always on the "bleeding edge" and have an unstoppable urge to get their hands on new, exciting technologies. They have very deep knowledge of Microsoft products and services, while also being able to bring together diverse platforms, products and solutions, to solve real world problems. To learn about the Microsoft MVP Award and to find MVPs visit the official website:


The Azure Synapse Analytics team presents you with a blog series "Azure Synapse MVP Corner" to highlight selected content created by MVPs.


This month's MVP content


Published by MVP: Kevin Chant (Twitter: @kevchant)

Description: Covers a complete CI/CD experience for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 tables, which uses a YAML Pipeline in Azure DevOps. Including how to automatically stop and start it in the pipeline.


Blog post: Dedicated SQL Pools DMVs: Show Name of Synapse Studio Script Being Executed

Published by MVP: Andy Cutler (Twitter: @MrAndyCutler)

Description: Within Dedicated SQL Pools are a set of Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) which show SQL activity, we can actually use these DMVs to see the name of a SQL script that was executed from Synapse Studio.


Blog post: Mastering DP-500: Score ML models in Synapse with PREDICT function!

Published by MVP: Nikola Ilic (Twitter: @DataMozart)

Description: Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool provides you the capability to score machine learning models using the familiar T-SQL language. Using the PREDICT function you can bring your existing machine learning models trained with historical data and score them to enrich the data in your data warehouse.


Video: Locking Down Azure Synapse Analytics

Published by MVP: Kevin Feasel (Twitter: @feaselkl)

Description: This is a talk Kevin gave to the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group on Tuesday, October 18th. Azure Synapse Analytics is a complex system, combining dedicated SQL pools, serverless SQL pools, Spark pools, and more. With such a broad scope, it can be difficult to understand what you need to secure and how you can lock it down. In this talk, Kevin first reviews the Azure Synapse Analytics surface area. Then, he introduces settings and procedures to protect data at rest, in transit, and during processing. Finally, he reviews several tools you can use to increase your security posture and reduce the risk of data exfiltration.


Video: Microsoft Ignite 2022 - Book of News Recap

Published by MVP: Simon Whiteley (Twitter: @MrSiWhiteley)

Description: Run through the data/analytics focused announcements made during Microsoft Ignite.


Video: Behind the Hype: Should you ever build a Data Vault in a Lakehouse?

Published by MVP: Simon Whiteley (Twitter: @MrSiWhiteley)

Description: Discussion on whether the data vault approach is suitable for a lake-based architecture - what are the drivers and detractors for this approach.


Blog post: Four different ways to incorporate Azure Synapse and Power BI

Published by MVP: Ginger Grant (Twitter: @desertislesql)

Description: Describe different methods of using Power BI and Azure Synapse, including browsing, source for dedicated pools, Data Lakehouse and serverless SQL databases. The post also includes a link to a recent video where Ginger discussed this topic for the DFW Power BI User Group.


Blog post: Connecting to Azure Storage from Synapse Analytics using Private Endpoint

Published by MVP: Adrian Chodkowski (Twitter: @Adrian_SQL)

Description: Security is a very important aspect of every cloud-based project. Synapse Analytics ecosystem allows us to configure many different options including networking and connectivity. In this article, Adrian demonstrates how to set up a private endpoint from Synapse Analytics to external Data Lake storage.


Video: Empowering Azure Synapse Analytics with Azure AD

Published by MVP: Heini Ilmarinen (Twitter: @HeiniIlmarinen)

Description: When working with Azure data services it is nearly impossible to ignore Azure AD. It is what we can use to secure Synapse Analytics as well as to powerfully manage access control within Synapse. To start making any sense of this, in this video Heini walks through the essentials of what you need to know about Azure AD, and how to make the most out of Azure AD when setting up Azure Synapse Analytics - both in terms of giving users the access they require, as well as allowing an external service to authenticate to Synapse using Azure AD.


Call to action


  • Read / watch the content listed above.
  • If you like the content, subscribe to the blogs or YouTube channels of the MVPs.
  • Follow the MVPs mentioned above on Twitter.
  • Stay tuned for the future "MVP Corner" blog posts!
Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 09 2022 12:21 AM
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