Quantum Resource Estimation and Cryptography

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" parameterselectorheading="Resource Estimation parameter selection" estimateresourcesbtnlabel="Estimate resources" encryptionalgorithmtitle="Encryption algorithm" keystrengthtitle="Key strength" qubittypetitle="Qubit type" qubiterrorratetitle="Qubit error rate" tooltipencryptionalgorithm="

Select one or more encryption algorithms to investigate their vulnerability to attacks by a future scaled quantum computer.

" tooltipkeysize="

Select from various common key sizes used for each algorithm to see how security is affected. Standard, enhanced, and highest parameters correspond to the following key sizes:

  • RSA: 2048, 3072, 4096
  • ECC: 256, 384, 521
  • AES: 128, 192, 256
" tooltipqubittype="

Qubits are the building blocks of quantum computers. Select different fundamental methods of creating qubits that could be used in a future scaled quantum machine.

" tooltipoperatedspeed="

Qubits are prone to errors, and scaled quantum machines may be better or worse at reducing errors. 'Reasonable' reflects projected error rates of early scaled quantum machines, while 'Optimistic' shows the potential of more advanced systems. See the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator documentation for specific parameter values.

" askcopilotlinktext="Ask Copilot in Azure Quantum" loginmodalmessage="

Welcome to Azure Quantum!
Sign in to explore our AI-powered quantum cryptography experience.

" loginmodalheading="Explore cryptography with quantum copilot" homepagebtnlabel="Go to quantum home page" loginbtnlabel="Sign In" walkthroughstepheadings="["Welcome","Guided experience","Explore on your own","Copilot at your assistance"]" walkthroughstepmessages="["Welcome to the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator for Cryptography! This powerful tool lets you investigate the potential vulnerabilities of popular encryption algorithms in the face of future scaled quantum computers by calculating the resources required to compromise different encryption schemas. <p><b>Important</b>: These attacks and quantum computers are theoretical and based on projections of future technology, not ones that exist today.</p>","As you click through the panels at the top of the page, note how the Resource Estimator parameters change in the box below. You will see that encryption algorithm, key strength, qubit type and qubit error rate impact resource requirements to differing extents.<p>There is also an “Insight” noted on each panel, associated with the specific parameter selection below.</p>","In addition to the guided experience, you can explore how different combinations of parameters impact the results. Selecting different parameters will update the results shown in the graph. Each plotted point identifies the number of physical qubits and runtime required for a theoretical quantum computer to break the selected algorithm. The chart is displayed in log-log scale, with runtime on the x-axis and physical qubits (in millions) on the y-axis.","Copilot in Azure Quantum is available to answer your questions as you explore. Whether you need help understanding input parameters and results, or have a broader question about quantum computing and ongoing efforts to develop quantum-safe encryption algorithms, Copilot in Azure Quantum is ready to help!"]" previousstepbtnlabel="Back" nextstepbtnlabel="Next" endwalkthroughbtnlabel="Launch cryptography" xaxislegendlabel="Runtime" yaxislegendlabel="Physical qubits (millions)" askfaqcopilotbtnlabel="Ask Copilot" downloadchartbtntooltip="Download graph as image" clearestselectionbtnlabel="Clear estimates" mobileviewbannertext="

Please switch to a higher resolution mode for the full cryptography experience.

" showdownloadchartbtn="true" enableclosewalkthrough="true" enablewalkthrough="true" customparamselslidetitle="Explore cryptography with the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator" customparamselslidedescriptionbullets="["<p>Using the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator, you can investigate how quantum computing will impact common encryption algorithms.</p>","<p>The plot below shows the number of physical qubits and runtime needed for Shor&#39;s algorithm on a future quantum computer to break the selected encryption algorithm.</p>","<p>Choose input parameters, such as <b>Encryption Algorithm</b> and <b>Key Strength</b>, to explore further. <b>Qubit Type</b> and <b>Qubit Error Rate</b> will show you the impact of different qubit implementations.</p>"]" presetparamselslidechatprompts="["Explain this resource estimation data.","Explain this resource estimation data.","Explain this resource estimation data."]" presetparamselslidetitles="["Public key cryptography needs to be upgraded","Symmetric key cryptography is already quantum safe","Increasing key sizes doesn’t impact quantum security"]" presetparamselslidedescriptions="["<p>RSA and Elliptic Curve, two common public key algorithms, are selected.</p><p></p><p>A scaled quantum computer using Shor&#39;s algorithm with the selected qubit parameters will need 5.8 million physical qubits and 20.8 hours to compromise Elliptic Curve. Breaking RSA will require 25 million qubits and 1 day of runtime.</p>","<p><b>AES</b>, a common symmetric key encryption algorithm, is added to the selection.</p><p></p><p>The same quantum computer that requires only hours to break public key cryptography would take longer than the age of the universe to break AES!</p>","<p><b>Enhanced</b> and <b>Highest</b> key strengths are added to the selection.</p>"]" presetparamselslideinsights="["<p>Current quantum computers do not threaten all cryptography. However, a scaled quantum computer with millions of qubits <i>will</i> compromise public key encryption.</p>","<p>Symmetric key algorithms such as AES are already quantum-safe and do not need to be replaced.</p>","<p>Public key algorithms vulnerable to quantum threats remain vulnerable regardless of key size. Conversely, symmetric algorithms like AES are already secure against these threats, making it unnecessary to increase key sizes solely for quantum security. However, key size decisions should be made in the context of an organization’s broader security policies and requirements.</p>"]" presetparamselslideestparams="[["A2","A1","B1","C2","D1"],["A3","A2","A1","B1","C2","D1"],["A3","A2","A1","B2","B3","B1","C2","D1"]]" loadingstartedmessage="Your question is being processed. Expected response times are between 10 and 20 seconds." loadingtakinglongermessage="Thank you for your patience. Your question is still being processed." loadingmessagetimeout="20000" copilotheroprompttitlemessage="Here are some useful prompts to get you started on your journey!" heropromptsrefreshtitle="Refresh" copilotwelcomemessage="Welcome to Copilot in Azure Quantum, here to help you explore the intersection of quantum computing and cryptography. Learn more about $PROMPT(1)$. " welcomemessagepromptids="["1"]" welcomemessageprompttitles="["Copilot capabilities"]" welcomemessagepromptquestions="["What can Copilot in Azure Quantum do?"]" disablemathjaxinchat="true" closecopilotalertstimeout="2000" enableanonymouscopilotchat="true">

Learn about quantum and cryptography

The Azure Quantum Resource Estimator for Cryptography helps you investigate potential vulnerabilities of popular encryption algorithms in the face of future scaled quantum computers.

View on a desktop computer for the best experience.

The plot above shows the number of physical qubits and runtime needed for a future quantum computer to break three common encryption algorithms.

View on a desktop computer for the best experience.