Learn quantum computing with Azure Quantum

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" loadingstartedmessage="Your question is being processed. Expected response times are between 10 and 20 seconds." loadingtakinglongermessage="Thank you for your patience. Your question is still being processed." loadingmessagetimeout="20000" quantinuumemulatordropdowntitle="Run code on different targets" quantinuumemulator="Quantinuum's H-Series Emulator" histogramtraces="Traces" histogramtracesmessage="Traces only applicable to in-memory simulator." inmemorysimulator="In-Memory Simulator" cancelbtnlbl="Cancel" histogramerrorlbl="Error" vscodeadditionalqueryparams="{}" tipsbannermessages="{"H1 Emulator:" : "<p>Quantinuum’s emulator uses a realistic noise model and generalized parameters for the System Model H1 20-qubit system. <a href="https://www.quantinuum.com/hardware/h1/quantumemulation" target="_blank" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-id="coding_tip-h1-emulator_learn-more" data-bi-name="Learn more" data-bi-area="tip-h1-emulator" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn more.</a></p>","Why use an emulator?" : "<p>An emulator is particularly useful for understanding how quantum circuits will perform on hardware before running on quantum hardware.</p> <p> </p>","Join a community:" : "<p>There are several online communities and forums where you can ask questions or share your knowledge about quantum computing. One of our favorites is ….?</p>","Logical qubits:" : "<p>Full-scale, fault tolerant quantum computing requires small, fast and stable logical qubits, as well as robust Quantum Error Correction Codes. <a href="https://quantum.microsoft.com/explore/concepts/quantum-error-correction" target="_blank" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-id="coding_tip-logical-qubits_learn-more" data-bi-area="tip-logical-qubits" data-bi-name="Learn more" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn more.</a></p>","Resource estimation:" : "<p>Understanding the best applications for quantum computing, or the scale needed to run them, is a complex task. Tools such as the <a href="https://quantum.microsoft.com/explore/concepts/resource-estimation" target="_blank" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-area="tip-resource-estimation" data-bi-id="coding_tip-resource-estimation_resource-estimator" data-bi-name="Resource Estimator" rel="noopener noreferrer">Resource Estimator</a> can help you tackle the challenge.</p>","T-State distillation:" : "<p>Quantum Error Correction uses a computationally expensive process called “T-state distillation” to reduce noise. <a href="https://quantum.microsoft.com/explore/concepts/t-states-distillation-factories" target="_blank" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-area="tip-t-state-distillation" data-bi-id="coding_tip-t-state-distillation_learn-more" data-bi-name="Learn more" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn more</a> about the topic and how it can impact your application.</p>","rQOPS:" : "<p><a href="https://quantum.microsoft.com/explore/concepts/rQOPS" target="_blank" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-area="tip-rqops" data-bi-id="coding_tip-rqops_reliable-quantum-operations-per-second" data-bi-name="Reliable Quantum Operations Per Second" rel="noopener noreferrer">Reliable Quantum Operations Per Second</a> measures a quantum supercomputer’s full performance, accounting for the three key factors of scale, speed, and reliability.</p>","Hamiltonian dynamics:" : "<p>Many quantum algorithms, such as HHL (for solving linear systems) and QPE (Quantum Phase Estimation), require an understanding of Hamiltonian dynamics and how they relate to unitary transformations. Learn more here.</p>","Quantum Phase Estimation" : "<p>QPE is an important subroutine in many quantum algorithms, including Shor’s algorithm and quantum simulation. Learn more about how it works.</p>","Tensor products:" : "<p>The state space of a multi-qubit system is the tensor product of the state spaces of the individual qubits. This combinatorial procedure underpins the exponential growth of complexity when dealing with multiple qubits.</p>","Quantum Fourier Transform:" : "<p>QFT is the quantum analog of the Discrete Fourier Transform used in signal processing and other classical applications. It is an important component in many <a href="https://quantum.microsoft.com/explore/concepts/quantum-algorithms" target="_blank" data-bi-id="coding_tip-quantum-fourier-transform_quantum-algorithms" data-bi-name="quantum algorithms" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-area="tip-quantum-fourier-transform" rel="noopener noreferrer">quantum algorithms</a> and can be implemented efficiently on a quantum computer.</p>","Quantum Key Distribution (QKD):" : "<p>Quantum mechanics can be used to create secure communication channels that are impervious to eavesdropping. QKD is a method for secure communication that uses quantum mechanics to guarantee security.</p>","Quantum Networking:" : "<p>As with quantum computers, quantum networks are not meant to replace their classical counterparts. In fact, classical networking will remain the foundation of this technology. <a href="https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/quantum/2023/11/01/quantum-networking-a-roadmap-to-a-quantum-internet/" target="_blank" data-bi-compnm="coding" data-bi-type="link" data-bi-area="tip-quantum-networking" data-bi-id="coding_tip-quantum-networking_quantum-networking" data-bi-name="Quantum networking" rel="noopener noreferrer">Quantum networking</a> will extend the existing networks to enable the exchange of quantum information—whether between quantum computers or classical endpoints.</p>"}" vscodeurl="https://vscode.dev/quantum" vscodequeryparam="code" enablevscode="true" jobtargetendpoint="quantinuum.sim.copilot" enablequantinuumemulator="true" tooltipvscodebtn="Continue Coding in VSCode.dev." quantumtoumodalmessage="

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Quantinuum's H-Series Emulator under the maintenance. Plese try after some time.

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Reduce program complexity or upgrade to the Azure Quantum Service

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