The Artist
Meg Jones is a Southern artist through and through. Born in North Louisiana, she began painting in a makeshift art studio in her childhood backyard. Pre-school art teachers from Louisiana Polytechnic Institute (now Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana) influenced her early years, thus giving her a passion later as an adult to empower both children and adults in the art experience. “Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist once we grown up.” Picasso
After spending a summer in the studio of Mary Moffett (Head of the Interior Design Department at Louisiana Tech), Meg knew she wanted to be a painter. Teachers like Charlie Meeds, Ed Pinkston and Betty Lee were foundational during her college years and their magnanimous art spirits set the stage for her mindset that art is not only about giving, but also about empowering others in their own creative processes. Meg believes that art in its best form is generous and full of both wonder and gratitude. The quote by Heidi Baker “There is always enough!” encapsulates Meg’s heart for artists that if we work from our truest heart there will always be plenty to share.
She founded The Rosedoor Studio, a working artists studio that serves as a creative haven for other artists, writers, musicians and actors. It is a place where Art and Worship merge while inspiring others to become their best and most creative selves. The architectural design of the Rosedoor Studio is a beautiful space including wood and architectural pieces, windows and doors and wrought iron design work focusing on the work of local artisans, architects and carpenters. Meg’s father was a forester, and her lifelong love for the land and its fruits are showcased both in her artwork and in the construction of her studio.
As an artist, Meg loves living in the historic state of Louisiana. Its aesthetic beauty and cultural diversity serve as a continual palette of artistic inspiration. The state of Louisiana and its people offer endless possibilities for the creative interchange that a professional artist requires. With her studio in her backyard, she is continually grateful that her work and work environment are family-friendly and include the natural rhythm of life as a wife, mother and grandmother.
She was recently featured in the International Contemporary Artists Book, House and Home magazine and the Scout Guide of Baton Rouge.
To quote one of her favorite writers…“I did not ask for success. I asked for wonder. And You gave it to me.” Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel