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An Apple for the Teacher

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to guest post at the amazing blog, Tatertots and Jello. I shared this simple idea for a gift for your children to give their new teachers. I thought I should share it again here, just in case you still have a 1st day of school coming up!
Last week my kids went back to school! If yours aren’t already there, undoubtedly they will be shortly. Have you met the teachers yet? Here is a simple and sweet idea for something to take to the teacher on the 1st day of school or a Back to School night, that will leave an impression, without going overboard.
When my kids went to meet their teachers they handed them each an apple with special teacher sticker.
The teachers looked a bit surprised, but genuinely pleased by the apple gifts. Turns out, most teachers aren’t actually given apples as gifts in real life. But I want to change that! What better to give them? Practical, portable {edible}, and now personal! (This idea was inspired by these clever valentines we gave last year, thanks to these great printable stickers from Twig & Thistle.)
I designed the apple sticker graphic and then printed out a sheet of stickers on label paper (I used Avery 5408 round 3/4″ labels). I tried to create a printable sheet of stickers for you to download here today, but couldn’t figure out how to keep the formatting just right (any advice for me about making printables on label templates?).
So if you’d like stickers for apples for your teachers, click on the apple graphic above, and right click and save it to your computer. You can download templates from Avery for the kind of labels you are using. Then fill in the circles with this graphic. This specific template is meant for use in Microsoft Word. If you don’t want to mess with templates, just get full-sized sheets of sticker paper and place the graphics all over. You might be able to punch them with a sharp circle punch, or just cut them out with scissors.
 Hope this helps you start off the new school year on the right foot with your child’s teacher!

DON’T FORGET to enter the giveaway to The Pleated Poppy through Monday!

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  1. LOVED this idea. My husband is a teacher, so for the first work day back, I filled an old apple picking basket full of these for the staff. What a great idea! Thanks!!!


  1. […] My Insanity: An Apple for Teacher Printable […]

  2. […] of school supply shopping and uniform hunting. Last year I sent my kids back to school with actual apples for their teachers, decorated with stickers that I […]

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