It's the global blog hop of crafters'  searching for a better way! Julia over at Stamping Ground  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/ hosts this world wide peak at every one's favorite spot, their craft desk!   Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!

On my desk today is a scrapbook of cards people are sending me, I decided I needed to have something nice to put these lovely cards in so I worked up a bound book.  Not a fancy scrapbook, just a nice functional one I could whip up in an hour.

The Cover is actually Navy Blue and  I used one of my peacock cards to adorn it. 

The inside pages are also a Navy Blue, linen finish 80#

I'm also trying to improve my photography, one small step at a time!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by! ~ Ginny


wow! what a lovely idea!
You sure have been busy. Very elegant and cool. I bet your family loved your idea.

Glad I am finally making it around to see your lovely creations because I am also busy this morning! I am on my way to IKEA to buy some stuff for our flat.
have a nice day!
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Those notebooks are amazing!! I love the artwork we've put on the front - the peacock is gorgeous. You are clever!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I have been very spoilt!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx
nerllybird said…
Great idea for saving your cards, I like how you've done the binding in two bits.
Helen S #72
Glenda said…
Lovely book cover and I like how you are take photos of your cards! Happy WOYWW! Glenda 93
Eliza said…
Your book is perect for the cards to be placed in them. I have also been surfing other parts of your blog and your cards are amazing. Oh and I do love your card wall.

Eliza #16 again
Happy crafting.

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