There is a small park in my neighborhood that is next to a home for the elderly. It's a beautiful park with groups of men and women chatting like birds and playing checkers. Picturesque is the only way to describe it. On a recent trip to this park I noticed that the game tables weren't in the best shape, so I decided to make one for them. With this process, you could encase almost anything from copies of old photos to memorabilia, even coins and toys. By the way, they loved it. Be creative!
xoxo, Mark
The Glaze Coat is like glass
See how I made it here!
22" x 22" x 3/4" plywood
Two 22" x 1 1/4" wood trim
Two 22 3/4" x 1 1/4" wood trim
Wood glue
DecoArt Dazzling Metallics (in a matching color)