Showing posts with label Americana Acrylic Paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Americana Acrylic Paint. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2021

Scrap Wood Mirror DIY

Being a full-time DIYer, I end up with tons of scrap wood in every shape and size.  Also being a bit of a hoarder, I pick up scrap wood whenever I see it for future projects!  This scrap wood mirror started off as slats for a bed frame and ended up being a lovely entry mirror on my front porch!  Use what you have, upcycle what you can and don't be afraid to turn trash into treasure!  Now get out there and MAKE YOUR MARK!

My house is painted a gorgeous green and this mirror worked perfectly with it!
I almost didn't want to paint it, but I LOVE color!

Everything I used for this project:
Americana Acrylics: Spray Sealer: Amazing Goop II Max:
Watch the video here OR
Watch how to make it on my YouTube channel here:
Loved the 70s color combination here!
Who is the fairest of them all?

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Paper Lanterns with Gel Press

Summer is almost here and you're going to want to make your outdoor space as magical as possible.  I used my favorite Gel Press printed works of art for this lantern project!  If you have a favorite piece, photocopy it several times OR use all different patterns and colors!  Just a little glue and some long coffee stirrers is all you'll need!  Check out the video below.  Now get out there and Make Your Mark sweet friends!
Glowing and gorgeous!
All along the pathway in my backyard!
Working on my Gel Press
Everything I used for this project:
Awesome Gel Press Products: Americana Acrylics: MY AMAZON STORE:
Long coffee stirrers:
Watch how to make them here OR
Watch how to make them on my YouTube channel here:

I love the geometry!
Happy Summer, possums!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Gorgeous Decorative Eggs

When Easter season comes along I stock up on plastic eggs, fake grass in every color and a ridiculous amount of malted eggs.  When I get home from said Easter shopping trip, I realize that I have more plastic eggs than I can ever use, tons of fake grass from the year before and my big butt doesn't need any more malted eggs.  Still, it's a yearly tradition!  This year I decided to decorate some of my extra large plastic eggs for a coffee table Easter display.  I think they're so fancy and nobody knows they're just plastic eggs and hot glue!  Check out the video below for instructions.  Now get out there and Make Your Mark!
Toss them in a silver bowl with branches from your yard!
My happy trio!
Everything I used for this project:
My silicone molds: & Large Easter Eggs: Americana Acrylics: Surebonder Glue Guns & Products: My favorite glue sticks: Americana Decor Metallics in Vintage Brass:
Watch how to make them here OR watch how I make them
on my YouTube channel here:

I used my Americana Acrylics for the base color.

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Chic Marbled Trays DIY

Gorgeous marble is showing up everywhere in home decor and it can be expensive if you want the real thing.  Marble floors, kitchen countertops and bathroom walls are covered in it in every color! Fortunately you don't have to break the bank to get these gorgeous pieces and they might be just what you need to get a taste of this trend. I started off with some Walnut Hollow wood plaques and added a little paint magic.  It's so easy that in a weekend you could have all of your holiday gifts done!  Remember you don't have to go all-out when a trend hits...A little hint of it might be all you need.  Have a terrific day and don't forget to Make Your Mark!
I love the lapis look of this tray!
 This green is right out of the 80s......and the 80s are BACK!

Watch how to make them here!
Walnut Hollow Basswood Plaques
*I used the French Corner Plaque and the Oval Plaque
Brass Handles
Plastic Cups
1.  Pick your marble colors and fill the plastic cups with about 1 oz. of paint
2. & 3.  Pour 1 oz. of the pouring medium in each color and stir together
4.  Paint the edges of the plaque with the main color you want for your tray
5. Pour the pouring medium/paint mixture on the tray and move the mixture around on the tray to cover most of it
6.  Lightly splatter the other colors
7. & 8.  Move the tray around to get your beautiful marbled patterns
9.  Paint the edges and pour the main color mixture on another plaque
10.  Add splatters of the other colors
11.  Tilt and tap the tray to create the marbled design
12.  When the trays are dry, edge them with a gold paint pen
13.  Spray the trays with protective acrylic finish and let dry
14. & 15.  Measure, drill and screw in the brass handles on the sides of each tray
16.  Spice up your decor!
Tray magnifique!
Go chic or go home!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Painted Love Stones

Like everyone else in the world these days, I can't stop painting rocks!  I love painting them dark colors first (like black and navy) and then adding as many colors as possible.  These were painted with a simple round brush technique that once you learn, you'll be using on everything.   Remember to have some fun this weekend and paint some rocks with your family!  
Oh, and always Make Your Mark!
I love mixing tons of different colors together!
 A simple message on the back to make someone's day

Watch how to paint them here!
Americana Acrylics
Smooth river stones
Americana DuraClear Gloss Varnish
Set of round brushes
1.  Base coat your rocks with Lamp Black or Midnight Blue
2.  Paint 3 thin lines in white for stems
3.  Create petals with a #12 round with the tip of the brush touching the stem
4. With a #9 round brush, paint over the white petals with several different colors using the same technique
5.  Add a third color over the petals with a #6 round brush
6.  Paint leaves at the base using the #9 again
7.  Using the end of the paintbrush, accent with rows of dots
8.  Pencil and paint an encouraging word on the back of your stone
9.  Protect your work with a layer if Americana DuraClear 
*Now give them to someone you love!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Artist Trading Blocks

I've been seeing beautiful Artist Trading Blocks everywhere and I really wanted to make some of my own to trade with a few friends.  If you've followed me for a while, you know that I have a particular style when it comes to mixed media.....I call it LESS IS BORING, MORE IS BETTER!  Like many of my creative friends out there, I have tons of doodads in bags and boxes just waiting for a project like this. These blocks were a perfect way to use them up!  Just jump in and go nuts.  My favorite part was creating the "toppers" with game pieces, buttons and old jewelry bits.  Remember, use your doodads, share your art and always Make Your Mark!
 Grabbed a few bags of letter beads at a 99c store and have been using them like crazy!
I used my Dremel to drill holes in the centers of buttons, dice & game pieces
My favorite ATB, by far!
Watch how I made mine here!
2" x 2" pine wood blocks
Printed images
Stamp pad
Beads, Game Pieces, Rhinestone Trim & Buttons
1.  Paint your wood blocks with different colors of Americana Acrylics
2. & 3. Paint and decoupage images & book pages on each side of the wood blocks
4.  Distress the edges by dabbing them in a stamp pad
5.  Glue 3" pieces of wire on buttons & jewelry pieces and let dry
6. & 7.  Drill holes through game pieces, buttons and on the top center of each wood block
*I used a Dremel, but you could use a regular drill if you're careful
8. & 9.  Glue more doodads on each block  
*Things like letters, plastic flowers, rhinestone trim and strips of text
10.  Glue 4 matching wood beads on the base of each block for feet
11. & 12.  Thread beads, dice, buttons and games pieces on the wire and glue inside the hole on the top center of each block
Trade with your friends!
Can't wait to trade these fun little pieces!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Papier Mâché Anatomical Hearts

BIG fan of papier mâché here!  You can do ANYTHING with it.......Make furniture, jewelry, home decor objects.....on and on and on.  Since I was filling my curiosity cabinet with, well, curiosities, I thought these might just be perfect.  They're odd, colorful and, of course, a bit curios.  I may make a batch of them to give away on Valentine's day next year.....Who knows?!  The best part is that they're made from recycled materials.  I'm talking old plastic bags and newspapers. Remember......make messes, recycle and always Make Your Mark!
The heart sees all...
See how to make the entire Curiosity Cabinet here!
Watch how to make the hearts here!
Wood Blocks and Kebab Skewers
Allure Dimensional Design Adhesive Paint
Plastic Bags and Newspaper
Americana Decor Metallics in Antique Brass
1. Create a fist sized ball with a plastic bag
2. Mix Americana Decoupage with a splash of water and use it to decoupage strips of newspaper around the plastic fist
3.  Wrap a large straw or create paper tubes with more newspaper and decoupage medium
4.  When the tubes are dry, cut them in 2" lengths with one end of each cut at an angle
5.  Glue them to the top of the fist with hot glue and add more paper over the hot glue
6.  Paint the hearts with Americana Acrylic in red
*If the newspaper is too dark, paint the hearts white first before the red
7. & 8. Cut out the vintage images, clip around the edges and decoupage them to the painted hearts
9. & 10.  Add shimmer to the hearts with the Metallic Lustre and then dot around the image with the Allure Dimensional Design Adhesive Paint in Gold Leaf
11.  12. & 13.  Glue the skewers into the wood blocks with E-6000, paint the tops and skewers black and the sides in gold
14.  Optional:  Edge the blocks with a metallic gold pen
15.  Pierce and glue the hearts on the skewers  

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Adult Coloring Book Dishes DIY

Still trying to figure out what to do with all of those beautiful adult coloring book pages you've been working on?  Why not create a set of dishes for yourself using dollar store glass plates!  These are dishwasher safe and you can eat off of them because all the work is done on the back.  Plus, you can use this technique for your most beautiful work!  Have fun and Make Your Mark! 
xoxo, Mark

See how easily they come together here!
Stuff You'll Need
Your favorite coloring book pages
Thick permanent marker
Americana acrylic paint in white (and other colors)
Rubbing Alcohol
Glass plates
Paintbrushes or cosmetic sponge
Here's How:
1.  Clean the back of the glass plate with rubbing alchol
2.  Edge the plate with a black paint pen
3. Trace around your design with a thick black permanent marker
4.  Make copies of your page on white and in colors you like
5. & 6.  Carefully cut out your images and decide on your design
7.  Mist the front and back of your cutouts with water using a small spray bottle
8. & 9. Add the Americana Decoupage to the face of your cutout
10.  Gently place on the plate and clip the edges so they adhere around the curves
11.  When all the pieces are adhered, paint the back of the plate with white (or a color) using a cosmetic sponge
12.  When dry, coat the entire back of the plate with Americana Dishwasher Safe Decoupage
*follow the instructions for curing time