We’re Off to See the Wizard!

by Marinka on March 16, 2009

I was recently contacted by some theatrical people to do a giveaway on this blog for theater tickets to the Wizard of Oz which is opening at the Madison Square Garden next week. Immediately I thought that I’m so not that kind of a blog, but then I figured maybe some people would enter the giveaway because they thought that it was a giveaway to see OZ, that show with the hot prisoners. Because I suspect that my readers skim a lot out of a sense of self-preservation.

The giveaway is for four tickets to see the live stage performance of The Wizard of Oz at Madison Square Garden (in NYC, duh) on April 4th at 11 am. I’m sure that the show will be tons of fun and the best part? You don’t have to think of ways to entertain your kids on Saturday morning! And it’s free! And you get to be all “I’m a winner!”

To enter this giveaway, leave me a comment and tell me the first play/movie/tv show that you remember watching as a child. If you have no memory whatsoever about which play/tv show/movie you saw as a child, I encourage you to lie. Because that’s what passes for creativity around here.

I will announce the giveaway winner on Saturday, March 21st.

Good luck, and for those of you who don’t win (technically, losers), or those who wish to see the show on a day other than April 4th at 11 am, or who know down deep in your soul that you will need to see the show repeatedly, click here for a 15% discount on tickets.

One year ago ...

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