Showing posts with label Donald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Eliot and Donald's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my favorite person in the entire world!!!  Donald Duck!  No, I'm just kidding.  I meant my husband Eliot!  (He he!)  Today is Eliot's 34th birthday!

I basically share this same photo every year but it was so much fun to be at Disneyland on Eliot and Donald's shared birthday back in 2016.  As you can see, Donald was so thrilled with the matching celebration birthday button Eliot grabbed for him.

Birthdays not celebrated at Disney seem to pale in comparison to those celebrated at Disney parks, but we're still trying to make today special for Eliot!  His Mom is actually at Disneyland today, so I guess we're kind of there in spirit at least!

It could be worse.  We're not celebrating Eliot's birthday in quarantine this year.  Plus, he was originally going to be gone this entire week on a business trip in Pittsburg, PA; so I'm just glad to have him home here in Maine!

Back in this part of the country, the weather is warming up for the most part.  Today is actually a bit cooler than it has been, but that's fine with us.  We still haven't gotten our air conditioners out yet... so cool is cool with me!  

We're not sure what we're going to do for his birthday tonight, but he should be leaving work earlier than usual so that gives us options!  Some of the big wigs from corporate have been at his work this week, and he stayed three hours late on Tuesday.  It's not really beach weather, so we might head up to Portland to have dinner.  He mentioned going to Texas Roadhouse so that might be where we end up!

No matter what we end up doing today, I hope it will be a special day for Eliot!

I hope you have a Happy Birthday babe!  I love you!!!  °o°

Thursday, January 13, 2022

#tbt 2014 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend

Hi friends!  Today I wanted to share a Throwback Thursday post.  The past few days I've been having a bunch of photos pop up from our first Run Disney race experience back in 2014 and I thought it might be fun to take a stroll down memory lane.

Back in 2014, I wrote a pretty detailed review of our 2014 trip including our visit to the Race Expo, our 2nd trip to the Expo, and participating in the 2014 Walt Disney World Half Marathon.  Today, I just thought I'd take a look back at the overall experience.

Eliot and I first started talking about doing Run Disney races right around the same time as our wedding.  We wanted something else to look forward to after all of the planning and preparing for our Disney wedding was over.  We didn't sign up for the 2013 races since we were still in pretty deep with wedding planning in 2012.  Instead, we signed up for the 2014 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend as our first event.

Jeremy and my Dad also decided to race the half marathon with us.  In hindsight, we probably should have signed up for something a little less ambitious than the half marathon the first time, but it is what it is.  None of us were as prepared as we should have been, but everyone did their best come race day.

I am so proud of Eliot, Jeremy and especially my Dad for all finishing it!  Eliot had a little bit of training that he'd done, so he was able to jog and walk a lot of it.  Jeremy used to run cross country and track in high school, so he was also able to do some spurts to keep ahead of the pace.  My Dad didn't have any training at all, just sheer ambition and motivation.  I'm incredibly proud of all three of them for accomplishing their first half marathons!  It was so special watching them each cross the finish line.

Me, well I made it farther than I should have.  That particular morning was a special type of humid... I think it was 95% or more.  It was miserable even at 4 am when we first gathered into the pre-race area.  The women in my family (Mom, Nana and I) usually mind the heat, so I already had that against me.  

In the end, I made it to just outside of the Magic Kingdom... about 5 miles into the 13.1 miles... before I got pulled.  I hadn't realized that I got behind the pacers, and by the time I knew, there was no way I was hoofing it down the hill by the Contemporary Resort (where the boats drive over the road) and up the other side of it.  If I had stayed on pace, and not stopped at the bathrooms twice, I'm confident that I would have at least made it through the Magic Kingdom.

I'm a little disappointed, not that I didn't finish the entire race- especially considering all of the circumstances.  There were people who finished the marathon but couldn't finish the half because the weather was so miserable for racing.  No, I'm disappointed that I didn't get to run through the castle.  But now, seven years later, it doesn't really bother me as much.  Do I wish that I'd made it, yes.  Is it the end of the world, no.

Since then, I've tried a few more half marathons and I've never finished one.  A few years ago, I finally came to the conclusion that my flat feet and my right knee (the one I had surgery on) aren't really built for long distance.  I always wanted to finish one to say that I did it, but at this point, I don't really care.

However, I do enjoy the races and I'm definitely planning to do more of the 5K and 10K events.  I was so happy when I finished my first 10K at the 2017 Princess Weekend.  I felt so proud of myself and I knew I could do it.  It really reminded me that there's nothing wrong with me that I can't do the longer distances.  And finishing a 10K is still more than many people will do in their lifetimes.

Plus, the entire Run Disney race experience is fun.  I would never want to sign up for a race somewhere else.  (Other than a 5K.)  Disney makes running, something I pretty much hate, actually fun.  I love the atmosphere and excitement before a race.  I really enjoy going to the expo center and exploring all of the booths.  I love the feeling of camaraderie with the other runners whether it's at the race events or in the theme parks after the races.  And I love the sense of accomplishment after finishing an event. 

Now that Run Disney events are starting to take place in person again (after being turned virtual due to the pandemic), Eliot and I are contemplating our return to these events.  The Dopey Challenge's 10 year anniversary is next year and Eliot always said he wanted to do that one.  However, that was years ago and now that it's almost upon us, I'm not sure if he has that same goal.  But, I'm sure that we'll be making our way back to in person Run Disney events at some point in the next few years!  °o°

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Eliot's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my other half!!!  Today is Eliot's 32nd birthday!!!  I've been looking forward to celebrating his birthday, but it looks like things will be much more low-key.  

In the past, we've been at Disneyland for Eliot's birthday twice.  He shares a birthday with Donald Duck so that's always fun.  Back in 2016, we were able to get a picture of him and Donald with their matching birthday buttons.  That was a fun photo op!

Unfortunately, this year we don't have any big plans.  Eliot's at work right now.  He's planning to come home earlier than usual so we can work on finishing up a few mouse ear orders.  I suggested that he bring home pizza from Amato's, so we might do that for dinner.  We'll probably hang out and watch a few Hallmark movies... nothing major.

Hopefully, in the next few weeks we can go out and do something special.  Things are slowly starting to open up here in Maine.  I'm still a little nervous to go out, but I'm sure we can find things that are relatively safe to do.  (We're thinking Old Orchard Beach Pier Fries and sitting on the beach.)  I'm starting to feel a little like a caged animal, so I'm definitely in need of getting out- and celebrating his birthday is the perfect reason!

Plus, I'm glad that I'm actually home for Eliot's birthday this year.  Last year, I was still down in Nashville with Elissa and he was home in Maine.  (Although, I'm sure he very much enjoyed having the house to himself and playing video games all day.)  Still, I'm glad that we're able to be together for it this year.

Of course, it's not a birthday unless there's cake!  Thankfully, I have one last packet of cake in a mug from my half birthday mini celebration that I've saved for tonight.  I actually bought a Funfetti cake mix back in March thinking that I'd make it for Eliot's birthday but I don't have any frosting.  (I knew I forgot something!)  I haven't left the house in more than two weeks, and it's not much of a surprise if I ask him to buy some frosting before he comes home.  Maybe I'll make it for him sometime next week.

Even though we're still limited with what we can do due to COVID-19, I'm happy that we get to celebrate his birthday together.  That's what's most important!

Happy Birthday babe!  I hope you have a magical day!  I love you!!!  °o°

Friday, July 12, 2019

Fun Find: The Keys to the Magic (Disney Store Collectible Keys)

Hey guys!  It's been a really long time since I did a Fun Find Friday so I thought it was well overdue!  Today, I'm sharing information about something you can get all over the country... something that I'm referring to as the Keys to the Magic!

As I've mentioned back in one of my Nashville posts, the Disney Store has been giving out collectible movie or character inspired keys the past few months.  For those of you who don't know the history, the Disney Store has given out keys for quite a while, but up until recently it's been harder to get your hands on one.

Each Disney Store has an opening ceremony every morning when the store opens, and the person selected to open the doors by "unlocking the magic" gets to keep a little key as a memento.  You usually have to be the first one in line, and I've heard that even then, you might get passed over for a cute child somewhere else in the line.

Thus, the keys are hard to come by, and the ones that have ended up on eBay are usually $50 or more.  I've held out hope that I would someday be at a Disney Store in the right place at the right time, but I wasn't too optimistic about getting one.

Fortunately, the Disney Store started to make special character inspired keys that have been much easier for people to get!  I have been collecting all of the ones they've released so far over the past few months.  (Big thanks to my brother Jeremy who has gone to his local store to get all of these for me!)  My key collection currently includes:

Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck

The key release dates have usually coincided with a character's birthday or with a new movie release.  (I expect that trend to continue.)  For example, Mickey was released on November 18, 2018 which was his 90th birthday.  Aladdin was released on May 19th right before the new live action Aladdin movie started showing in theaters.  Then, the Donald key was just released back on June 9th which was his 85th birthday.

Tomorrow, Saturday July 13th, they are releasing their new Toy Story Pixar keys!

The best part of these keys is that they themselves are FREE.  The catch is that you have to be one of the first 100 people at a Disney Store to make a purchase on the day the keys are being released.  Down side, you have to get there early in the morning if you want one.  Plus side, you have an excuse to purchase something at the Disney Store!  And it doesn't matter what you buy... something small and/or inexpensive or something huge.  Jeremy has purchased an ornament for me one time and a new Steamboat Mickey plush for himself another time in order to get the keys.

Note as of the Toy Story release, they are requiring a minimum purchase of $10.

For the Donald key release back in June, they also released some of the keys to customers who purchased online at a certain time "while supplies last" on the Shop Disney website.  The problem with that is you have no idea how many keys they have.

I personally think these keys are a fun way to bring more magic home.  I actually have a few projects already planned for them, which is why I've made sure to get multiples of the Donald keys (thank you Jeremy and Elissa!), and why Eliot and I are driving to Massachusetts early tomorrow to meet up with Jeremy for the Toy Story keys.  I haven't quite gotten to work on my projects yet, but once I do, I'll be sure to show you what I've made!  I might even do a tutorial on my Keys to the Magic!  °o°

Friday, June 9, 2017

Happy Birthday Eliot and Donald!

Happy Birthday to my two favorite quacks: my husband Eliot and Donald Duck!!!

Last year, Eliot was actually able to wish Donald a Happy Birthday in person while we were at Disneyland.  We waited with a bunch of other guests until Donald came out for his meet and greet and then we all sang Happy Birthday to him.  It was definitely an experience I'll always remember!

After that, Eliot and I stood in a pretty long line to meet Donald.  When Eliot told Donald it was his birthday too he got really excited.  It was a really sweet moment.  Eliot got an extra "Happy Birthday" celebration button and Donald held it out while they took a photo together.  (Of course, I had to get a picture too!)  Happy Birthday Donald!

Eliot and I don't have any big plans for this weekend, but I'm sure we'll at least go out to dinner to celebrate!  Happy Birthday babe! °o°

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fun Find: Disney Christmas Gift Tags

Christmas is exactly one week from today!!!  I hope your holiday shopping is going better than mine!  Eliot and I are in pretty good shape, but I still have a few more things to do!  Of course, once the gifts are purchased, we still have to wrap them.  We have a huge selection of Disney wrapping paper; what I really need is some gift tags.  Luckily for me, today's Fun Find Friday is for just that: Disney Christmas gift tags!

About a year ago, I spotted these Disney Princess gift tags on the Oh My Disney blog page.  I thought they were really cute and I still do!  I absolutely love the style.

Photo Source: Oh My Disney
They're perfect for the princess in your life.  They're also neutral so you could use them for birthdays, engagement, wedding or baby shower gifts too!

Photo Source: Oh My Disney
If the Disney Princesses are not your cup of tea, here's another Christmas gift tag option of Mickey and friends from Disney Family.  (Download from their site here.)

Photo Source: Disney Family
I love how this has a large selection of tags in various shapes with all six members of the Mickey Mouse Club.  They're really cute!!!  Plus, Daisy is even on one of them!

Photo Source: Disney Family
If you don't have Christmas gift tags ready, this is the perfect solution.  All you need to do is print them on some card stock and cut them out.  Then, they'll be ready to tape to your gifts, or attach them with a ribbon!  Enjoy Disney friends!!!  °o°

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fab Five 4th of July Flag Printables- Part 2

Here's Part Two of the 4th of July Fab Five Printables.  If you're just joining me, here's Part One from yesterday.

For these, I used the Mickey & Friends Fourth of July Flag printable from Spoonful.  I modified these files the same way I made the others in yesterday's post.  If you'd like to make your own, but don't feel like going through the steps I did, I've posted my modified files below.  I do not take any credit for creating these!  They are property of Disney and Spoonful.  I just modified them to fit my needs!  Ok?  Got it?  Good.  :-)


These large sized flags are the perfect size for decorating your kitchen cupboards and doors! If you're going to Disney for the 4th of July, you could print them on magnetic paper and put them on your Disney Resort door!


I made a medium size for smaller cupboards or window decorations.  You can also make them into paper garland, postcard style cards or note cards!


I also made a smaller size because I wanted something that would work for scrapbooking or card making.  I'm going to use these for a 4th of July page layout!  They could also be used for 4th of July treat tags or as cupcake toppers if you glue them to toothpicks!

As you can see, the possibilities with these are endless.  Enjoy!!!  °o°
Happy 4th of July!!!  °o°

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fab Five 4th of July Printables- Part 1

After the popularity of my other Mickey and Minnie decorative printables, I've decided to make some Fab Five printables for the 4th of July!

I typically only post Mickey and Minnie printables.  But this time around, I saw a few other items on Spoonful that I thought might make cute decorations.  For these printables I used the Mickey's Fourth of July Hat printable from Spoonful.

I modified these files the same way I make Mickey and Minnie- by enlarging them and taking a screen shot.  I used Photoshop to get rid of the extra stuff in the background. Next, I printed them and cut them out on sturdy cardstock.  Then, I added Scotch tape to the back and viola!  I've created simple 4th of July cupboard decorations!

If you'd like to make your own, but don't feel like going through the steps I did, I've posted my modified files below.  I do not take any credit for creating these!  They are property of Disney and Spoonful.  I just modified them to fit my needs!  Ok?  Got it?  Good.  :-) 
These large sized printables are the perfect size for decorating cupboards and doors!  If you're going to Disney for the 4th of July, you could print them on magnetic paper and put them on your Disney Resort door!

I made a medium size for smaller cupboards or window decorations.  You can also make them into paper garland, postcard style cards or note cards!

I also made a smaller size because I wanted something that would work for scrapbooking or card making.  I'm going to use these for a 4th of July page layout!  They could also be used for 4th of July treat tags or as cupcake toppers if you glue them to toothpicks!

As you can see, the possibilities with these are endless.  Enjoy!!!  °o°
Happy 4th of July!!!  °o°

Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Eliot

Happy Birthday to my Disney loving, engineering minded, Eeyore loving, Candy Crush addicted, running, soap making, San Jose Shark fan, and partner in crime!!!

I'd like to wish my handsome husband Eliot a very Happy Birthday!

He shares his birthday with none other than Donald Duck!  Happy 80th Birthday Donald!

Now for the big birthday plans: we're actually not doing much tonight.  We'll probably go out to a quick dinner.  Tomorrow night, we're going down to Boston so we can pick Elissa up at the airport first thing on Wednesday.

The plus sides- we can go out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Eliot's birthday tomorrow!  (I really wish we had Cheesecake Factories in Maine!!!) And... there's a pool at the hotel so we can go swimming!  Woo-hoo!

Later this week we'll be going to visit my parents.  (My grandmother's burial ceremony is on Thursday and we're going to stay for the weekend to visit.)  Hopefully at some point during the weekend, we'll be able to celebrate Eliot's and my Dad's birthdays!!!  I'm certainly ok with any occasion that requires cake!!!  °o°

Friday, April 25, 2014

We're All In!

Hey Everyone!  

This has been another busy week!  Lately, that seems to be the new normal around here. But I'm not complaining; I like to be busy.  It's a lot better than being bored. Nevertheless, I can't believe that it's already Friday!

My parents and brother came to visit over the weekend.  We had a great Easter Sunday. As I mentioned the other day, it was also my Mom's birthday on Sunday.  Usually she and Dad are away on their post tax season vacation over her birthday.  But this year, they decided to go away a little later than usual so Dad could do more work before his April 30th deadline.  Therefore, this was the first time in years that we were all together to celebrate Easter and Mom's birthday!

Mom didn't really want to do anything in particular.  Her only request was that we go somewhere new and enjoy the spring weather.  We ended up having brunch at IHOP before going over to the local beach.  Eliot and I had never been there, and we can get special parking passes since we live here.  It sounded like a good plan so off we went!

We enjoyed the sun, surf and relaxation.  We were some of the only people on the entire beach!  It was far too windy to play ball so we left the toys in the car.  However, we all got to blow bubbles.  Well, the wind blew the bubbles for us anyways!  Since we had large bubble wands, the bubbles were huge!  Each dip into the solution could easily yield 20+ bubbles when the wind blew.  It was a lot of fun.

Next, we decided to go exploring some more and we all went to find a campground we were interested in going to this summer.  It's still early in the season, so there wasn't much to see, but it was nice to know where it was.  After locating our destination, Mom requested that we have some ice cream at Dairy Queen.  It wasn't birthday cake, but it sure was yummy!

It was nice to see my parents and brother.  (I don't think we've all been in the same place at the same time since we went to Disney World!)  While we were together, we talked about the 2015 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend.  Eliot and I had been planning to participate in it again. We assumed my family would be joining us, but we'd never actually talked about it.  I took the opportunity to ask everyone what their thoughts were...

Tuesday a few minutes before noon, Eliot and I sat at our computers ready to register. Eliot was registering himself, while I had the daunting task of registering 4 people.  I had a plan in place, and I was poised and ready to go.  After probably a hundred refreshes, (enough to crash on the site multiple times anyways) we were finally able to register.

Photo Source: RunDisney Website

Thankfully, my pre-planning worked.  I successfully got my mother and myself registered before I less frantically registered my brother and father.  And Eliot was registered before I finished.  A few hours later, some of the races were already filling up and selling out!

Here are the results of our registration for WDW Marathon Weekend 2015:

Melissa- Minnie 10K (6.2 miles)

Mom- Minnie 10K (6.2 miles)
Jeremy- Donald Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
Dad- Donald Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
Eliot- Goofy Challenge (Donald Half Marathon + Mickey Full Marathon= 39.3 miles)

My Mom and I both signed up to do the 10K that we originally planned on doing this year (2014) before it sold out.  I'm happy with this choice since I didn't finish the half this year. I'm confident that Mom and I can do the 6 miles together.  It will be a fun mother/daughter activity.  I'm focusing on finishing this race before eventually working towards doing the Princess and Tinker Bell half marathons.

Jeremy and Dad both decided that if they could do the half marathon this year, they could probably do it again next year.  I actually thought they might do the 10K with Mom and I so they could get a different medal.  But I'm excited that we can watch them and cheer them on when they cross the finish line!  (And the guys will be able to see us cross the finish line of the 10K!)  Plus, Eliot will also be doing the half on his quest to complete the Goofy Challenge.  Since all three of them are in the half marathon, Mom and I might even do the ChEar Squad so we can get a good view of the finish line!

Photo Source: RunDisney Facebook Page
Finally, my husband was seduced by the shiny 10 year anniversary Goofy medal.  To be fair, he's been waffling back and forth between the full marathon and doing Goofy ever since we got back from Florida.  He was leaning towards the full marathon, and then runDisney released the photo of the anniversary medal on their Facebook page.  Yep, that was all he needed.  I am very proud of him for challenging himself.  I just hope that it all goes well for him!  That's a lot of running over 2 days!

I'm definitely looking forward to going to Walt Disney World again with my family!  Plus, experiencing the races together is an added bonus!  Hopefully we'll all have shiny medals to show off by the end of the trip!  I'm also thinking about designing different t-shirts to coordinate with each of our races.  It would make for some fun photos!  I'm excited!

We're officially "all in" for Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend 2015!!!  °o°