
Showing posts with label rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rings. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Contemporary Metal Clay Rigs by Hattie Sanderson

I just got the Contemporary Metal Clay Rings book in the mail. I have to say this book in incredible and full a great information. Hattie Sanderson did an incredible job putting together the book with such great projects.

Three of my rings are in the book and I am very honor to be with so many great artists and friends in this book.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love making "Nichos"

Here are the new "nichos" I just finished !

Nicho Amor
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Hand painted with acrylics and steel wire

Nicho Primavera
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Hand painted with acrylics

So far I have done only four nichos and still need much more to be able to display all my little figurine rings I made. I will do that sooner or later for now this is all I have and I am enjoying this new creative journey.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Making a home for my little figurines

It been almost a year since I made my ring figurines and after spending a day cleaning up my studio I noticed they were all inside a box and I felt very sad about it.

I LOVE making them, they gave so much joy and looking at them all together inside a small box make me realize they deserve much better than that.

I took them out of the box and decided to make them a new home.

Looking around me studio, I saw something that will work perfect for what I wanted to make. I want to each have their own space and I am very sure I will have a great time making them.

I painted some unfinished wood boxes in bright colors (of course!) and this is just the beginning of how their new home will look like.

I will post the "nichos" with my rings inside them when I finished making them!

Lorena ♥

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am obsess with Creative paperclay ! I need an intervention !!!

Hola, my name is Lorena and I am obsess with Creative Paperclay
I have to accept that when I approach a new technique or material I really get into it to the fullest ! Since I got my package of Creative paperclay I have not been able to stop !!
I still have one more piece that I am working on right now but in general I finished the whole package and I am feeling sad !!!

Are you the same way when you play with a new technique or material ? 

These are my latest pieces I made and I had a blast making them !!!
©2011 Lorena Angulo
©2011 Lorena Angulo
Creative Paperclay, colored pencils and acrylics.
3.11 inches by 1.45
©2011 Lorena Angulo
Creative Paperclay, colored pencils and acrylics.
3.11 inches by 1.45

©2011 Lorena Angulo
Creative paperclay, colored pencils and acrylics.
3.05 inches by 2.40 inches.

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