
Showing posts with label FastFire Bronzclay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FastFire Bronzclay. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

Third Giveaway

My third giveaway is a piece a jewelry I made during the time I was writing one of the projects I have in the book Metal Clay in Color. You can see this necklace in the book too.

I made this necklace using bronze clay, bronze wire, pearls, red coral and added color to the bronze piece with Gilders paste.

If you want to have a chance to win this necklace, please write me a message here in my blog post. I will announce the winner next week on Monday.

The winner of my second giveaway was KENJI, hope he likes my postcards !!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Playing with the SpeedFire ElectricMini Kiln

I got the SpeedFire ElectricMini Kiln a while ago and I wanted to play with it and see how this mini kiln works.

As the name says, it is very small, I was surprised to see how light and small the kiln is. The firing chamber is 3 1/2" high, 4 5/8" wide and 4 5/8" deep.

I was very eager to try Sterling PMC and FastFire Bronzclay. My first pieces were sterling pmc.
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Sterling PMC

©2012 Lorena Angulo
Sterling PMC
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Sterling PMC
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Sterling PMC

I was more than happy to see this mini kiln is able to fire FastFire Bronzclay !
Here is what I have fired in the SpeedFire ElectricMini Kiln:

©2012 Lorena Angulo
FastFire Bronzclay
©2011 Lorena Angulo
FastFire Bronzclay
Can you see how I bend one of the pieces?
It did not broke !

I am happy with how this kiln works, if you are on a budget or have limited space on your studio; this can be the perfect match for you.
You are limited with the space in how many pieces you will be able to fire but if you do not produce lots of pieces at once, this is a great kiln to have.
You can find all the instructions for this kiln in this link:

Keep playing, keep creating !!

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