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Meet LogMeIn Rescue: Your Top Enterprise Alternative to TeamViewer

Meet the Top Enterprise Competitor vs.TeamViewer.

Meet LogMeIn Rescue: Your Top Enterprise Alternative to TeamViewer

Today, many vendors offer technological solutions to help enterprises innovate and grow. While there is a wide array of products and solutions to choose from to develop our businesses, some solutions simply stand out as the better choice — for both employees and customers.

When it comes to LogMeIn Rescue vs. TeamViewer, the remote IT support offerings may seem similar, but the impact and benefits of each are vastly different. One solution is better suited for enterprise businesses than the other, and here’s how.

What is TeamViewer?

Before introducing Rescue, let’s explore how TeamViewer positions itself in remote IT support.

TeamViewer is a remote access and remote control computer software that allows users to maintain, manage, and repair devices such as laptops, machines, and robots. Typically, TeamViewer is used by enterprise businesses to provide global IT support, resolve IT issues, and manage systems of remote devices.

While TeamViewer has the built-in features to provide basic remote IT support and management, its customers are choosing to look for an alternative because of its numerous shortcomings.

Where has TeamViewer fallen short?

Security breaches

A key concern for businesses that require remote IT support and management is security. TeamViewer has a reputation for being exposed to security breaches, with the most recent breach taking place in June 2024. As a result, not only were the customers’ data at risk, but they also lost trust in the brand.

Hidden fees and lack of pricing transparency

TeamViewer is known for its lack of transparent pricing as customers are faced with hidden fees and sudden additional charges. As companies look for the best ROI, unfair pricing strategies such as these disrupt financial planning and hinder cost savings, resulting in added stress for TeamViewer customers.

Limitations of the free version

Last but not least, TeamViewer’s free version has received complaints about its security and functional issues. TeamViewer lacks important security features, such as automatic updates, and users are unable to add more people or access mobile devices for support. Additionally, TeamViewer’s free version often malfunctions and blocks users from accessing the software, even when the usage requirements are met.

These issues indicate that TeamViewer repeatedly fails to address and resolve crucial areas of necessary improvement — making it an inefficient and costly resource for businesses.

What is LogMeIn Rescue?

Now, let’s explore the features of Rescue and how it compares to TeamViewer.

Rescue is a remote IT support solution that allows users to provide global IT support. It can be used to remotely access and control Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS devices without the need to pre-install software.

For Enterprise IT leaders, Rescue is a remote support solution that enables them to deliver fast, reliable, and secure technical support. Rescue empowers IT teams to support customers from anywhere to everywhere while improving experiences, optimizing resources, and reducing costs. 

Why is Rescue the best enterprise competitor vs. TeamViewer? 

While both Rescue and TeamViewer offer remote IT support solutions that provide global support, resolve issues, and manage remote devices, Rescue beats TeamViewer in four key areas:

  1. Speed and productivity

    According to research conducted by Qualitest, connections in Rescue are 2x faster than TeamViewer when testing across both fast and slow internet speeds, and 3.3x faster when comparing browser-based sessions.

    File transfers in Rescue were also 3.2x faster and used only a quarter of the RAM, while screen sharing consumed 3x less memory for both the agent and end-user devices compared to TeamViewer. Additionally, when managing multiple support sessions, the difference in performance becomes even larger as TeamViewer uses over 6x the memory of Rescue.

    These noteworthy results highlight how Rescue is built to offer frictionless and fast support experiences that cannot be matched by TeamViewer’s limited capabilities. In addition to outperforming TeamViewer in these areas, Rescue offers other functionalities that are exclusive to its advanced solution, including:

    • Visibility to system details and past session history without the need to remotely access the device
    • Session transfers or agent invites to join a session (includes external agents who don't use a Rescue license)
    • Integrations with popular CRMs and messaging apps at no extra cost
  2. Enhanced support experiences

    With Rescue, customers can enjoy an elevated support experience thanks to a range of game-changing features. For instance, Rescue enables users to connect to a session by simply clicking on a link, while TeamViewer requires twice as many clicks. Rescue is also not limited to standard connection methods. There are 10+ connection methods to choose from, including website form embedding and outgoing email customizations.

    AI chat and screen translation are other additional features that improve customer experiences even further by allowing agents to communicate with them in any language. What’s more, Rescue supports iOS 7 and Android 2.3 onwards, while TeamViewer supports only iOS 15 and Android 5 onwards. 

  3. Team training and strategic management

    Rescue not only enhances customer experiences but supports the growth and success of employees as well. With access to individual chats and support sessions, managers can track and monitor the performance of their team — equipping them with the information needed to provide timely and personalized feedback. IT managers can also track and analyze CSAT, customizable post-session customer surveys, and performance metrics with 18 out-of-the-box reports.

    As these features are not available on TeamViewer, enterprise businesses miss out on important tools that can improve productivity, efficiency, and overall team morale in employees. Rescue is the solution that can fill in this gap with easy-to-use, built-in features that are ready to transform how your IT team works.

  4. Security and privacy

    Security and privacy are key areas that Rescue towers above other IT support solutions — especially TeamViewer. Rescue takes pride in its enhanced protection methods that have kept customer data safe and secure for nearly 20 years.

    For instance, Rescue’s customers can set up one-time PINs to reduce the risk of remote support scams. They can also restrict access to the Admin Center and Tech Console to a specified range of IP addresses. 

    Moreover, Rescue lets you customize the terms and conditions end users must accept before starting a session to accommodate each company’s unique legal requirements. With this wide array of security capabilities, staying ahead of threats and shielding your enterprise business with banking-grade security became much easier.

Rescue is the top choice for your enterprise

Rescue is the ultimate remote IT support solution for enterprise businesses. It stands out from competitors like TeamViewer due to its exceptional speed and productivity, improved support experiences, team training and strategic management capabilities, and robust security measures.

With transparent pricing, smooth integrations, and a focus on delivering the best return on investment, Rescue is the top choice for businesses seeking a simple yet secure remote IT support solution.

To learn more about Rescue, visit the website here.

Unless otherwise noted, all quotations and data are from the Qualitest competitive analysis report, “GoTo Rescue Competitive Analysis Report V05 June 2024,” June 20, 2024.

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