Showing posts with label dates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dates. Show all posts


I know these posts may be silly to some, a “I don’t really care what you eat,” lol. I, however, love them. Not only do posts like this offer food inspiration, new recipes and snack ideas, I feel like they can keep myself and you readers accountable. It might make you look at “hey what am I putting in my body” on a daily basis? Or maybe just a “YUM!” Ha ha! 

I will also give you the calorie and protein breakdown. I’m trying very hard to be in a little bit of a calorie deficit so I can get off the 5-7 pounds I gained over the holidays. I’m getting close.

Soon, I will be compiling another one of my healthy recipes round up posts and include some of these that I created. Like the one I did HERE.



I am now obsessed with the protein bowls I’m creating. And with making a batch ahead of time, I have 3-4 bowls ready for the week. I had Mr. Nine so intrigued that I created a peanut butter flavor for him, and he is in love! I always have at least a cup of berries total a day and in the a.m. I do have a cup of coffee with Stevia and 1 tsp. Chobani Coffee Creamer. 

Total Breakfast Calories 282 and 26g protein

I will add that I do still loosely intermittent fast. I normally only eat between the hours of 10:30-6:30. There may be done days I grab breakfast earlier, but I stick to it in most days. I also don’t intermittent fast on vacations or special occasions. 



How I have been loving making my own Turkey sausage. Recipe

2 eggs, 2 small turkey sausage patties, a mini avocado and some strawberries and I’m good to go. I LOVE breakfast foods at all times of the day.

Total Lunch Calories 465 & 42g protein 

Or should I say teatime, lol. I have a cup of tea every afternoon and I always need a little something sweet with it. This is usually when I have my one date a day with a little bit of almond butter. You may recall my Post on How I Lowered My Cholesterol with dates. Sometimes, I will throw in some fruit and this time of year, I am loving the sumo oranges, but I just have a half. And I also just have a half of a Barebell Protein Bar

They are my all-time favorite protein bars.

Total Snack Calories 290 & 12g protein 


This Asian Chicken Salad is a flavorful delight that hits the spot. I used the ground chicken, slaw and dressing to make Asian Chicken tacos for Mr. Nine and I had the salad. So yummy. The ground chicken I use for this is a Recipe I’ve shared on the blog before way back my first year of blogging. 

Total Dinner Calories 350 & 30g protein 

My Target Calories is 1350-1450 and 

118 grams of protein. 


The way you calculate how much protein your body needs is: 

Your Weight divided by 2.2 x's 2=

If you're not as active, do it time s 1.2-1.8


I’d say I did pretty good this day with a 

Total of 1387 Calories and 112 grams of protein. 

What do you eat in a day?

Linking up with Between Naps on the Porch // Thursday Fashion Files // I Do deClaire // Momfessionals // Hello Monday // Sunday's on Silverado // Life and Linda




Last Wednesday I shared a Reel Video where I talked about how eating a date a day helped lower my overall cholesterol substantially. 


You heard right, lower that cholesterol like I did with yummy dates! 


True story: I have a history in my family of high cholesterol, and my numbers were starting to creep up to the point where my doctor talked about putting me on a statin drug the next time he saw me. Then I heard a couple doctors talk about eating a date or two a day to lower those numbers and sure enough when I went back at six months my total cholesterol had dropped 40 points and my ratio was much better!

I didn’t change my diet. I eat fairly healthy. I still exercised almost every day but yes, of course I was still skeptical. That is until two fellow friends of mine were also in the same boat and begin eating dates every day, and they had similar results with lower numbers in overall cholesterol.


I’m telling you friends there’s something to this. Plus, dates are a healthy and delicious snack. And I absolutely love them! I put them in energy bites. I open them up and put almond butter in them. They give me my sweet tooth fix too. It’s a total win-win. It’s worth a try. Most days I even eat two! 

Last year I even out them on my Christmas Trays. You stuff with Peanut Butter and drizzle with Chocolate and they taste like "Snickers." You can put a couple peanuts on each one too.

~I am not a Doctor and do not claim this will work for all. It’s just a factor that worked for me! 

Here is a list of even mote benefits from dates. Makes me even happier to eat this sweet right from nature!!

*Excellent Source of Fiber

*Relieves Constipation

*Helps Boost Energy

*Helps to treat Anemia

*Nervous System Health

*Improves Eyesight 

*Strengthens Bones

*Reduces risk of Stroke

*Maintains Healthy Skin

*Nourishes Hair Roots & Scalp 

My Favorite dates are the ones above (I find at TJ Maxx and Marshalls). I also love the ones in the plastic tub in the produce section at Trader joes.
And Favorite sweater HERE

How’s your cholesterol? Do you like dates? 

 LINKING-UP with Style on the Daily // Metamorphosis Monday // Thursday Fashion Files // 

Love your Creativity // Hello Monday // Inspire Me Tuesday


sooooo me, lol