Showing posts with label HEROS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEROS. Show all posts

Mad Memorial Day Love!

We are still in holiday weekend Paaaarty mode but I couldn't let this day go by without sending out a big THANK YOU to all past, present and future military men and women!! Dear family members of mine have served including my daddy, who was an 8 year NAVY man and my precious husband who gave 2 years to the ARMY stationed in Budingen Germany. We would not be here if if were not for all of our armed forces and their sacrifices for our country.

Hope you take time to honor them today and yes, have a burger or hot dog too!!
I'm partial to these bite size burgers. Problem is I couldn't eat just one.

Here is a great recipe for Sloppy Joe DiMaggio's that our two oldest teens made for us.
 It is a perfect Rachael Ray recipe for Memorial Day.

Finally, the fruit that really says "Hey, Summer is Here!!"
and I love a good carved watermelon basket. This is about as creative as I get,
but sometimes I carve the handle too.

 But look at these. I MUST try, putting them on my Summer Goals list!
My love of carving watermelons could be a post in itself! Ha!

Hope you have had a truly enjoyable and laughter filled Memorial Day weekend.
Posting all our weekend shenanigans tomorrow!

"All gave some, some gave all."
~Billy Ray Cyrus