


Carbon Removal. We remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere utilizing BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture & Storage).

Om oss

We permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Utilizing Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) technologies, we are able to capture carbon emissions from biomass, rather than from fossil fuels as is done with CCS. By naturally drawing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere via biomass production and then permanently storing it thousands of meters below the Earth’s surface, BECCS is able to go beyond net zero, producing net negative emissions.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    🌍 Exciting News! Biorecro is thrilled to announce our participation in Carbon Unbound in London on September 11-12. 🌿 This event will bring together 350+ business leaders, investors, buyers, and policymakers to shape the future of carbon removal. It's one of the most impactful events in Europe's carbon removal calendar, and we can't wait to be part of the conversation. 🌿 Join us as we explore innovative solutions and collaborations that drive the #CarbonRemoval industry forward. See you in London! #CarbonUnbound #CarbonRemoval #Sustainability #ClimateAction #BECCS

    Visa organisationssidan för Carbon Unbound, grafik

    7 083 följare

    The momentum keeps building for Carbon Unbound Europe - even more, innovators are joining our powerhouse lineup with just nine working days till launch! A massive shoutout to all the visionary leaders and organisations tackling climate change head-on with cutting-edge carbon removal solutions 🌍 With 170+ companies across the CDR ecosystem already on board, this summit is shaping up to be one of our most impactful to date. Our latest delegates include Antenna Group, Bank of America, Biorecro, Capgemini, Carbon Capture Scotland, Carbon Gap, Carbon Removal Partners, Carbonfuture, Circonomy, Climate Action Platform for Africa (CAP-A), ClimatePartner, European Commission, FabricNano, Imperial College London, Kinjani, Kuehne Climate Center, Land Life, LanzaJet, MORFO, PyroCCS - Biochar CDR Solutions, Redshaw Advisors Ltd, Safi Organics Ltd., Salesforce, Sirona Technologies, Stockholm Exergi, and OCALAB, among others 👏 Also, all campfire sessions are now confirmed 🔥 Take a look at the agenda and customise your summit experience to match your business needs: Immerse yourself in deep-dive discussions, breakout sessions, and unparalleled networking opportunities (courtesy of our networking app) with a spotlight on key buyer engagements and investment opportunities throughout our two-day summit 🎤 Is your logo missing from our lineup? Tickets are almost gone. Move fast to avoid disappointment and secure your spot now 👉 A special thank you to our visionary sponsors: Drax Group, Isometric, Agreena, Patch, Siemens Energy, Varaha, Cambridge Consultants,, Cloverly, BlueLayer, Arbonics, MSCI Inc., and Nordbex. #CarbonUnbound2024 #ClimateAction #CDR #CarbonRemoval #Sustainability #NetZero #Innovation

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    🌿Thank you to Laura Hodgkiss and ClimateHack for the shoutout here! 🌿 We are dedicated to scaling #BECCS technology globally in order to meet climate targets. If you're interested in learning more about our work, please reach out to discuss.

    Visa profilen för Laura Hodgkiss, grafik

    Head of Insights and Editorial @HackGroup

    Which startups are top mind for Carbon Removal x Deep Tech? 💥 Removing CO2 from the air and storing it permanently is a critical climate solution. Combined with curbing emissions, they can remove and mitigate millions of carbon dioxide. But who are the pioneers in the space? Here at ClimateHack, we're mapping the leading Carbon Removal Deep Tech startups and scaleups. Who should we add? 🪨 Enhanced Rock Weathering Flux UNDO Paebbl InPlanet Aspiring Materials 💨 Direct Air Capture Noya Ucaneo Heirloom Climeworks Octavia Carbon 🌊 Ocean Removal Ebb Carbon Liquid Trees Phykos, PBC Brilliant Planet BlueGreen Water Technologies 🧱 Construction Carbon Limit Concrete4Change Solidia Technologies® CarbonCure Technologies 🍽️ FoodTech Arkeon Farmless Air Protein Solar Foods NovoNutrients 🚢 Transport Captura Seabound Carbon Ridge 💨 BECCS Arbor Ørsted Biorecro Drax Group Aker Solutions Let me know in the comments below who you'd add, or if you'd like the full list when it's ready 💚 Let's go!

  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    Biorecro recently sat down with Adam Fraser, the CEO of Terraset, a non-profit organization focused on #CarbonRemoval. Terraset operates as a 501c3, channeling tax-deductible donations into the strategic procurement of high-quality carbon removals (CDR) to foster industry growth. In contrast to entities purchasing carbon credits for emissions offset, Terraset focuses on catalyzing the CDR sector, with donors receiving tax deductions. Here are few highlights from the interview: ➡️ Terraset's Origin and Mission 🚀💫🚀 Terraset, founded in October 2022 by Alex Roetter and Chris Wedding, addresses the need for philanthropic capital in advancing the carbon removal industry. The organization's mission revolves around making strategic purchases of high-quality, permanent carbon removal to scale the CDR sector. ➡️ Differentiators in Mainstream Carbon Procurement 🤝🪨🤝 Terraset's approach to carbon procurement sets it apart from entities like Microsoft and Frontier. Unlike corporate procurements of carbon removal, as a nonprofit, their donors receive a tax deduction rather than #CarbonCredits. Donors are tackling this crisis on a voluntary basis solely because they believe it's for the good of the planet. ➡️ Funding Strategy and Donor Diversity 💲💲💲 Terraset aims for democratized access to funding by accepting contributions from various sources, including individual donors, foundations, and businesses. The organization actively seeks donations of any amount, making carbon removal accessible to a broad audience. Strategic partnerships with high net-worth individuals and foundations contribute to Terraset's funding mix. The organization's ambition is to raise hundreds of millions dollars for carbon removal, relying on a diverse funding spectrum from donors committed to addressing climate change. ➡️ Approach to Carbon Removal 🌿🌿🌿 Terraset's recent purchases include projects with innovative approaches in the #CDR space, addressing co-benefits alongside carbon removal. The organization remains methodology agnostic but sees #BECCS as a crucial part of the future climate solution. Terraset aims to contribute to both the voluntary market and regulatory mechanisms, emphasizing the importance of a strong voluntary market in addressing the climate crisis. Terraset's unique approach to carbon removal, utilizing philanthropic donations, and commitment to scaling the CDR sector, positions itself as a significant player in the industry. Through diverse funding sources, strategic partnerships, and innovative project selections, Terraset continues to make a meaningful impact on the global effort to combat climate change. Alex Roetter | Chris Wedding | Erzsi Sousa | Drew Gallaugher Henrik Karlsson | Linnea Strömstedt | Viktor Garmén | Adam Grachek Check out the full interview in the link below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    Biorecro recently met with Callum John Hunt from Abatable, a prominent carbon procurement and market intelligence company. In their role as Research Manager, Callum evaluates potential carbon offset projects, delving into the intricacies of technologies, methodologies, and implementation partners. Abatable actively seeks high-quality carbon projects for integration into its clients' portfolios. Abatable operates as a carbon intelligence and procurement platform, offering market insights to corporates and investors. The company emphasizes transparency and avoidance of conflicts of interest, providing a streamlined procurement platform for corporate buyers and an in-depth quality assessment framework for project selection. A few highlights from the interview: ➡️ Nature-based and Engineered Removals 🗻🗻🗻 Abatable engages with a diverse range of carbon projects, spanning both engineered and nature-based removals. The company explores emerging technologies and creates a platform for developers to submit projects in the evolving space of carbon removal and engineered solutions. ➡️ Defining High-Quality Carbon Projects 🌿🌿🌿 Abatable defines high-quality carbon projects through a nuanced, proprietary quality assessment framework. This framework evaluates projects across multiple levels, focusing on pillars such as additionality, permanence, mitigating external risks, co-benefits, and robust determination of GHG emissions. ➡️ Evaluation Criteria for Vetting Projects 🔍🔎🔍 Abatable's quality framework involves thorough vetting of carbon removal projects, considering not only technology and project aspects but also evaluating the developers. The assessment includes technology risk, co-benefits, feedstock sustainability, and investor backing, ensuring responsible scaling and enduring contributions. ➡️ Engagement on both the Supply-side & Buy-side 🤝🤝🤝 Abatable addresses the complexities of the carbon marketplace through dedicated teams engaging with both developers and buyers. The company values transparency and simplicity, aiming to provide clarity to participants in the platform. Abatable envisions the future market's progress, emphasizing scalability, policy interactions, and advancements in corresponding adjustments. Abatable emerges as a pivotal player in the carbon market, offering comprehensive services ranging from intelligence and procurement to a sophisticated quality assessment framework. The company's commitment to transparency, avoidance of conflicts of interest, and active engagement with a wide spectrum of carbon projects position it as a key contributor to the sustainable and responsible growth of the voluntary carbon market. Check out the full interview in the link below. ⬇⬇⬇ Henrik Karlsson | Viktor Garmén | Linnea Strömstedt | Adam Grachek | Maria Eugenia Filmanovic | Valerio Magliulo | Pavel Valkanov

    Due Diligence in Carbon Procurement with Abatable - Biorecro

    Due Diligence in Carbon Procurement with Abatable - Biorecro

  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    🚀Carbonfuture, CDR Policy, and BECCS in the Carbon Markets 🚀 Biorecro recently sat down with Dominic Lüdin, Altug Ekici, and Sebastian Manhart from Carbonfuture to delve into the company's advancements in the carbon market and evaluate the remaining policy and scale-up challenges to be addressed in the industry. Carbonfuture's flagship products, Carbonfuture MRV+ and the Carbonfuture Marketplace, play pivotal roles in monitoring, verifying, and connecting buyers with reliable carbon removal credits. The company's focus on a trust infrastructure, evaluation criteria, and collaboration with diverse suppliers and buyers showcases its comprehensive approach in the evolving carbon market. A few key highlights from the interview: ➡Durable Carbon Removal Solutions 🪨🪨🪨 Carbonfuture's primary goal is to establish trust in the #CarbonRemoval process, focused on the need for removing 10 gigatonnes of carbon annually by 2050. ➡Comprehensive Evaluation Criteria 🔍🔍🔍 The trust infrastructure employed by Carbonfuture evaluates projects based on feasibility, finances, and net negativity, ensuring the reliability of carbon removal initiatives. This thorough evaluation process forms the foundation for building confidence among financiers, suppliers, and buyers. ➡Diverse Carbon Removal Suppliers and Challenges 🤝🤝🤝 Carbonfuture collaborates with various suppliers across the carbon removal space. The company actively addresses common challenges faced by these suppliers, including certification pathways and securing offtake agreements. ➡Buyer Preferences in the Carbon Market 💸💸💸 With an increasing demand for high-quality, transparent, and durable carbon removal credits, Carbonfuture guides buyers in selecting credit types based on their preferences. The purchasing process offers standard portfolios or customized options, catering to the diverse needs of buyers across different sectors. ➡ Government Involvement and Focus on BECCS 🌿🌿🌿 Sebastian Manhart, Carbonfuture's senior policy advisor, underscores the critical role of government involvement in carbon removal. He emphasizes the urgency of policymakers investing in the scale-up of #CDR technology, citing incentives like the #45Q tax credit in the US and Sweden's ambitious BECCS Reverse Auctions program. BECCS stands out as a key focus for government incentives, along with other technologies such as Direct Air Capture. 🌍🌎🌏 Carbonfuture's multifaceted approach, ranging from supplier collaboration to buyer guidance and policy advocacy, positions the company at the forefront of the dynamic carbon market. The emphasis on transparency, quality, and their dedicated efforts in advancing MRV capabilities, particularly in the context of BECCS, underlines their commitment to driving sustainable carbon removal initiatives. Check out the full interview in the link below. ⬇⬇⬇ Henrik Karlsson Linnea Strömstedt Viktor Garmén Leila Toplic Theresa Rößler Hannes Junginger

    Carbonfuture, CDR Policy, and BECCS in the Carbon Markets - Biorecro

    Carbonfuture, CDR Policy, and BECCS in the Carbon Markets - Biorecro

  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    🎄 ✨ From our team to yours, wishing you a happy holidays from Biorecro! 🎄 ✨ As we bid farewell to #2023, we're thrilled to share some exciting milestones: 🚀 Tripled Project Pipeline: Our #BECCS project pipeline has more than tripled, a testament to our team's dedication to scale. 🤝 Stronger Collaborations: Strengthened partnerships with investors and infrastructure partners, paving the way for future development success. 🌍 European Presence: Represented Biorecro at dozens of conferences across #Europe, contributing to industry discussions and BECCS collaborations. As the year comes to a close, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our clients and partners who have been an integral part of our journey. ✨ Happy holidays and a happy new #2024! ✨ #CarbonRemoval #CDR #CCS #Bioenergy #ScalingCarbonRemoval Henrik Karlsson, Linnea Strömstedt, Viktor Garmén, Adam Grachek

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    The climate industry is constantly evolving. Here are some of the latest updates over the last few months: 1️⃣ The U.S. Department of Energy revealed a $35 million funding initiative aimed at catalyzing carbon removal technologies. 2️⃣ Several CDR organizations petitioned for the Net Zero Industry Act to incorporate CDR technologies in order to reach climate targets. 3️⃣ The UK announced £960 million in funding for the clean energy sector. 4️⃣ The European Union became the first international body to criminalize large-scale damage to the environment. Find out what else is new in climate below👇

    10 Recent Developments in Climate and Carbon Removal - Biorecro

    10 Recent Developments in Climate and Carbon Removal - Biorecro

  • Biorecro omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Linnea Strömstedt, grafik

    Strategy & Financial Management at Novatron Fusion Group • City Lead @ Women And Climate

    🚀Thrilled to share that I'll be attending SLUSH this year! Helsinki, here we come 🇫🇮🌟 Looking forward to represent Biorecro and connecting with founders, entrepreneurs and investors 💥💚 Also eager to participate in The Slush Climate Summit and gain insights into other innovative solutions addressing the paramount issue of our generation: climate change. Thank you to Lightrock, Lightspeed, Transition, and Energy Impact Partners for organizing. If you're also attending and share a passion for sustainable solutions, let's connect! 🤝 #Slush #Slush23

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    On November 16th, Norrsken held its recurring Impact Meetup event at its Stockholm House to bring a spotlight to some of Sweden’s most promising impact startups 🌟 Biorecro was selected to present had the pleasure to present at the event in front of potential investors alongside other companies in a variety of sectors including circular economy, healthtech, energy, and sustainable foods. Project Manager Adam Grachek represented the Biorecro team and shared our global strategy and work in scaling carbon removal with Bioenergy with Carbon Capture & Storage (BECCS). The presentation gave a brief overview of Biorecro’s business model, the carbon removal potential of #BECCS, and the BECCS logistics chain. An amazing opportunity that we are excited to replicate in the future!

    Visa organisationssidan för Norrsken, grafik

    52 455 följare

    Cozying up and spotlighting our entrepreneurs at the final Stockholm Impact Meetup of the year. Thank you to everyone that attended last night with great vibes and lots of inspiration. A very special shoutout to our main partners at Nordea, Nordic Capital and PwC Sweden for powering our evening. Speakers and startups on stage: Magnus Liungman, Lifted (prev. NudgeLabs) Wava Bodin, Fundrella Gustav Lilja, Letterlife Katarina Karringer, Plussa Adam Grachek, Biorecro Stephen Townsend, Havio Health David Lukinius, Everenergy AB Niklas Gustafsson, Arfve Isabelle Falck, Proteinish

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Biorecro, grafik

    989 följare

    "In a BECCS project, when it is stored in a geologic formation and mineralized, the CO2 risk of reversal is practically zero." In an interview with Biorecro, CEO Antti Vihavainen shares his insights on BECCS, carbon credits, and the work being done at, the first carbon crediting platform for engineered carbon removal. Read the full interview below:

    A Deep Dive into the Carbon Credit Markets with Puro.Earth - Biorecro

    A Deep Dive into the Carbon Credit Markets with Puro.Earth - Biorecro

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