

Software Development

Turku, West and Inner Finland 4 240 followers

We help people create meaningful encounters.

About us

Lyyti is an all-in-one event management software that helps organisations create meaningful encounters. No matter what the platform – live, online, or hybrid – Lyyti’s automated functions for registration, communication, reporting, and feedback make sure that every event is a success for participants and organisers alike.

Software Development
Yrityksen koko
51–200 työntekijää
Turku, West and Inner Finland



Työntekijät Lyyti


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    Live events are the best! 💚 There’s truly no better way to understand your customers and their needs than by meeting them face-to-face. Today, Lyyti teamed up with Finnkino (one of our valued customers) to host a fun movie night for our shared clients. Out of nearly 40 companies present, 15 have been with us for over 10 years. How amazing is that? A heartfelt thank you for your loyalty and support! 🫶 #events #liveevents #customerevents

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    Lyyti has a lot of great business partners, and our newest one is Univid 💚 The Univid team, Jonathan Rintala, Eric Lewerentz & Erik Skogetun, paid us a visit, and we had a great time exchanging ideas on product development, marketing, sales, and support. Univid's webinar platform is a great complement to Lyyti's event management platform. You can integrate Univid with Lyyti so your participants will have an even better experience attending your events. You'll also get a smooth flow of registration, a fully branded event, and comprehensive data to draw insights from. 💫

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    🇫🇮 Mitä voisit oppia Suomen parhailta tapahtumantekijöiltä? Lyytin webinaarissa Evento Awards -tuomarit Petri Hollmen ja Sanna Forsström nostavat kilpailun finalistien joukosta kolme tapahtumaa ja pureutuvat valintoihin, jotka tekivät niistä menestyksen.   Keskustelussa sivutaan konseptointia, tapahtumamarkkinointia sekä strategisia ja tuotannollisia valintoja.   Starttaa syksysi aimo annoksella inspiraatiota ja nappaa itsellesi vinkkejä tapahtumatuotantoon! 🤩 Webinaari alkaa 4.9. klo 9.00 - Ilmoittaudu ilmaiseksi 👇👇 🇬🇧 What to learn from Finland's best event makers? We have selected 3 cases from the Evento Awards and presented the ideas and choices that made them best-in-class. This webinar is full of inspiration and tips that you can apply to your own event production. The webinar is held in Finnish. The webinar starts 4 Sept at 9! Sign up for free 👇👇 #tapahtumat #events #webinaari #bestpractices

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    Fall is officially here, and with it comes a lineup from Lyyti of exciting webinars you won’t want to miss! We’ve got something for everyone, no matter where you're tuning in from. 💪 🇫🇷 France: Join Mathilde Cusson and Hulya Emlik as they explore successful events, from the initial idea all the way to outstanding marketing. 🇸🇪 Sweden: Our CMO, Antonia Ridderstråle, will dive into the art of goal setting for your fall events, helping you choose the right objectives to make your next event a success. 🇬🇧 Antonia will also be hosting a special session on mastering Event ROI for all of our international event pros. This quick guide will walk you through goal setting and KPIs, ensuring you can measure the true impact of your events. 🇫🇮 Finland: Our CEO Petri Hollmen and Sanna Forsström from Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki, will be discussing their top picks from the Evento Awards. They’ll cover everything from event marketing to strategic and production choices. Mark your calendars and get ready to level up your event planning this fall! 🍂 You find the registration links in the comments 👇

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    🇫🇮 (EN below) Lyyti oli mukana SHIFTin kumppanireissulla ideoimassa seuraavan vuoden tapahtumaa. Tapahtumien tuloksellisuus, sisällön merkitys ja verkostoitumisen tärkeys puhuttivat tälläkin matkalla. Hienoa olla mukana SHIFT Business Festivalissa myös 2025! 🇬🇧 Lyyti was onboard the partner cruise with SHIFT Business Festival. We discussed about event ROI, the importance of good content and value of networking. We are excited to join the event in 2025! #events #LiveEvents #EventManagement #networking

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: SHIFT Business Festival, kuva

    3 481 seuraajaa

    Kiitos kaikille eilisille seiloreille! 🤝 Ohessa lisää tunnelmia kumppaniristeilyltä, video sisältää myös kuusi hyvää vinkkiä huipuilta kumppaneiltamme. 💎 Kiitos Great Minds Oy tilaisuuden fasilitoinnista, Katariina Saarinen | Lyyti osuvasta puheenvuorostasi miten tapahtumista saadaan paras mahdollinen hyöty ja tulos irti, Viking Line pehmeistä laineista ja kaikki osallistujat erittäin onnistuneesta päivästä! Olipa meille mukavaa. 😍 Meillä on ihan timanttinen kumppaniverkosto mahdollistamassa jälleen tulevaa SHIFTiä. Jos sinäkin haluaisit olla osa mm. tätä kaikkea, ole yhteydessä. 🙏🏽 #shift #shift2025 #businessfestival #turku #tapahtuma #tapahtumat #yllätyitseteosta #kumppanuus

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    💡 Nordic Software Summit 2024 - what did we learn? Lyyti’s crew joined the Nordic Software Summit on Tuesday, 20.8.2024, in Stockholm’s Waterfront Congress Center. Here are our key learnings. 👇 1) Live events are the best way to create connections and impact your participants 🤝 Well, this was not a new learning for us Lyytians, but once again a great reminder about the topic. Over 1200 participants with shared interests offered a great possibility to create new connections, find partners and also potential customers. As an event organiser, remember to facilitate networking at all the events! This is highly valued by your participants. 2) We all have the same problems and challenges 🤔 Often, when facing a problem, you think that you are unique with your problems. We listened to multiple keynotes on sales strategies, AI opportunities, sustainable growth, and many other topics. After the keynotes, you had a chance to vent your thoughts with fellow participants, and quite often, you learned that no one is on a perfect level in their execution, and we all face the same problems. Luckily, in an event you have a chance to talk with your peers and find people trying to improve the same things that you’ve been struggling with. In the best-case scenario, the event continues far longer than the original agenda as you collaborate with your new friends. 3) The nature of a human has not changed 😮 Even though many businesses have been impacted by the change in work life, buying behaviour, and the new online era, the fundaments of human beings have remained unchanged. In order to build a successful business, you need to understand what the problem your customer wants to solve; you need to communicate it so that everybody understands it, and then you need to be able to exceed your customer's expectations in every single touchpoint. That is the only way to create a sustainable growth company. Funnily enough, the theme of the event was “sustainable growth,” and this has also been Lyyti’s theme during the year: Building a sustainable growth company. For us, sustainability is not only the CO2 emissions but making sure that our customers feel that they get more value than what they pay for; our employees feel that the journey with Lyyti is worth their time and that our growth is sustainable also financially. #NordicSoftwareSummit #Saas #Events #EventManagement

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    Are you attending Monterro's Nordic Software Summit in Stockholm today? Make sure to say hi to our colleagues – we promise you won't miss them in. 🫡

    Näytä profiili: Petri Hollmen, kuva

    Entrepreneur at Lyyti, Event Success Management professional & community founder, National Entrepreneur Award Winner 2018, Influencer of 2018 in Event Business.

    Today is an interesting day at the Monterro’s Nordic Software Summit in Stockholm. If you are also here, come to say hi. I bet you can spot the Lyytians among rest of the audience wearing mainly black suits 😂

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    New team member alert 🚨 We are thrilled to announce that Thibault Liouville has joined us as Senior Sales Executive to the Lyyti team in France ! 🔥🇫🇷 Previously Business Developper and Sales Manager in the real estate industry and passionate about events and travels, we are looking forward to working with Thibault to develop our French market and help our clients reach their event goals. Bienvenue Thibault ! 💚 #newjoiner #events #EventManagementSoftware

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Lyyti, kuva

    4 240 seuraajaa

    🇫🇮 (en below) Paavo Nurmi Marathon - juoksutapahtuma kisataan tänään ja huomenna Turussa. Kisa on yksi Paavo Nurmi Gamesin oheistapahtumista ja houkuttelee paikalle tuhansia osallistujia. 🏃➡️🏃♂️➡️🏃♀️➡️ Kisajärjestäjä on yksi Lyytin pitkäaikaisista asiakkaista ja uunituoreessa asiakastarinassa kurkistetaan millaista tapahtumanhallintaa vaatii yleisurheilun suurtapahtuma. Lue lisää 👉 Juoksijoiden joukosta löydät myös tuttuja lyytiläisiä! 💚 🇬🇧 Today and tomorrow, Turku will host the Paavo Nurmi Marathon. The event is part of the Paavo Nurmi Games, and thousands of runners are participating in the event. 🏃➡️🏃♂️➡️🏃♀️➡️ The organiser has been a Lyyti user for a long time already. Our spanking new customer story reveals what event management means for one of the biggest track & field competitions in Finland. Read more (in Finnish) 👉 #events #EventManagement #EventManagementSoftware

    Paavo Nurmi Games - Viestinnästä kokonaisvaltaiseen tapahtumahallintaan

    Paavo Nurmi Games - Viestinnästä kokonaisvaltaiseen tapahtumahallintaan

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