Showing posts with label So What. Show all posts
Showing posts with label So What. Show all posts

November 16, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • I hate LikeToKnow.It {or whatever it's called}.
  • I am SHOCKED that I have made nearly $1500 shopping with Ebates. Maybe I should be embarrassed because that's a lot of online shopping.  
  • I ordered 4 dresses for our annual holiday dinner because I hate trying on in the store and at home I can consider all my shoe options as well.
  • I love a good dreary rainy day, always have.
  • I want to decorate for Christmas this weekend. 
  • My body has been sore since starting Core De Force but I like it, it means it's working.
  • I love that we have had such a warm fall.  You won't hear me complain about a 70 degree November day.
  • I was really into AHS at the beginning of this season but these last couple episodes have been more disturbing than I care for.
  • I just got into podcasts and I'm obsessed.
  • I try to only drink one cup of coffee per day but it never happens. 
  • I am SO SICK of hearing about the election.
  • I let all the hype over this Thomas the Train racetrack suck me in only to buy it and realize James doesn't even like Thomas.  Returning {it is super cute though, if you have a Thomas lover}.
  • I'm not sending out Christmas cards this year. 
  • I hope they do not ask Kelly Dobbs back for another season of RHOC.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

November 9, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I already started listening to Christmas music.
  • I had very low expectations of the Trolls movie and ended up LOVING it.  Seriously go take your kids to see it TODAY.  
  • I really didn't want to vote this year but I did.
  • I am officially done Christmas shopping for the kids {with the exception of stocking stuffers}.
  • I really can't stand Ben & Lauren Happily Ever After but I watch it anyway.
  • I am anxious to see what the new #redcup looks like this year.
  • I'm appalled at how people are handling the news of the presidency this morning.
  • I own lots of PJs but I prefer to sleep in Jimmy's old t-shirts.
  • Potty training might drive me to Betty Ford.  
  • I hate DST the most because I don't like the sun coming up before 7am.
  • I love a good rainy day. Always have.
  • The most upsetting thing about the election was that This Is Us wasn't on last night.
  • I ate 4 slices of toast and 2 beers for dinner last night.
  • My Christmas list is full of furniture and home stuff.  #youknowyou'reoldwhen
  • I only get the mail when I am expecting something good.
  • I'm sad we didn't have family pictures taken this fall because now I have nothing for the Christmas cards.

October 26, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • I have never seen Hocus Pocus.  I tried to watch it last year but could not get into it.  
  • We didn't take family photos this fall.  I'm kind of sad about it but at the same time I'm kinda glad to have a year off.
  • I can't wait to get the BIG Toys R Us toy catalog in the mail.
  • I've never tried Nutella.  Gasp, I know.
  • I could not get on board with Country Heat.  It, honestly, was embarrassing to me.
  • I'm really sad my Positivity Project is wrapping up today.  It's been so amazing. 
  • I've just discovered podcasts and now I'm obsessed.  
  • I am the only person alive who hasn't seen or cares about Gilmore Girls.
  • I'm obsessed with all things Halloween themed this year.  All the shows.  All the activities.  All the pumpkin.
  • I can't help but look at houses even though we won't be ready to buy till spring.
  • I'm getting the warm and fuzzies when I see these holiday commercials.
  • I'm asking for a bike and a new iPhone {still rocking the 5s over here} for Christmas.
  • I am really REALLY excited about our new program, Core De Force, that launches next week.
  • I was tempted to listen to Christmas music yesterday.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

October 12, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I really wanted to try this Lip Sense everyone is talking about, until I saw the price tag {holy crap!!!}.  A friend recommended this CoverGirl version {less than $10} so I picked it up over the weekend. Now I haven't tried the other stuff but this knockoff blew me away!  It stayed on for over 8 hours and, let's face it, I never go anywhere for more than a couple hours so I call it a total win!!
  • I'm obsessed with winter PJs.
  • Some days I wake up early to do yoga, other days I wake up early to watch Teen Mom OG.
  • I've already started the kids {and my} Christmas list{s}.
  • I can't decide if I think Kim Kardashian is making up this whole robbery...I mean I wouldn't put it past the Kardashian-Wests...
  • I'm so happy Snapchat updated the way you watch stories.  I hated that it automatically moved on to the next person.
  • Kendall lost her first tooth this week and I was more excited than she was.
  • I'm kind of ready for soccer season to be over {two more games!}.
  • I hate that my kids have outgrown/won't wear footed PJs.
  • I know I'm supposed to, but I just didn't like the Living Proof dry shampoo. Maybe my expectations were too high but for that price I expect my hair to look amazing and it didn't.  I'll stick to my cheap Not Your Mothers from now on.  
  • I saw Halo Top came out with 10 new flavors, dropped what I was doing and went to Kroger.  The peanut butter cup is to die for, BTW.  
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

September 21, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I don't like PSL.  Tried one, hated it, never looked back.  Gimme all the chai lattes though {soy, no water}.
  • I've never seen Hocus Pocus.
  • Every night Kendall has soccer I secretly hope it rains.  
  • I am like a grumpy old man and like to eat dinner by 5 o'clock.
  • I'm asking for a bike for Christmas.
  • Yes, I'm already thinking about Christmas.
  • I'm really pissed that CBS is making us pay for BB19.
  • I am shocked about the Brangelina news but more so I'm happy {Brad+Jen 4 eva}.
  • I'm obsessed with Chalene Johnson's Snapchat.
  • We won't be listing our house till spring time but I can't help but look at houses on the market right now.
  • One episode in and I'm obsessed with This Is Us.
  • I've been craving Shepherd's Pie for over a week and now that I'm making it for dinner tonight I don't want it.
  • I want my house to always smell like Scentsy coconut pumpkin pie. 
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

July 27, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I haven't done a SWW all summer.  Summer gets busy {as it does for everyone} and even when I want to write I just can't seem to find the time.
  • I am not one of those moms who gets excited about back-to-school time.  I am going to be sad when Kendall has to go back this year.
  • I'm really annoyed that JoJo sent Luke and Chase home this week.  The only two decent ones...I'm actually going to be really excited when this season is over.
  • Speaking of...They should have named the Men Tell All 'The Chad Show' because OMG...we get it already! Chad is a douche.  All the guys hate him.  Moving on...
  • I love doing Piyo because I can do it in my pjs and I can drink coffee in between sun salutations.  
  • I'm thinking about not sending James to preschool this fall.  I don't know if he's ready.  I might wait till January and do a half year to start. 
  • I'm obsessed with Big Brother, always am, every summer.  There's a rumor floating around that they're going to do a fall season, I would LOVE that.
  • I already bought some fall Scentsy bars.  I love summer but these near 100 degree days have me craving fall majorly.
  • I'm having a really hard time picking out bikes for the kids' birthdays.  WHY is it so hard?!
  • I'm feeling really emotional over selling our house.  I don't know if I can do it.
  • We saw Secret Life of Pets this weekend and I LOVED it so much.  I thought it was adorable and hilarious.  If you haven't taken your littles to see it I highly recommend it.
  • I'm thinking about teaching Piyo again. I miss it.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

June 22, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I haven't been around {the blog} much lately.  Happens every summer.  We've just been enjoying the warm sunshine on our skin. 
  • I have three episodes of UnREAL on the DVR but have no desire to watch even though I've heard it's so good.
  • I managed to go to Target last night and spend less than $50. Fellow mom/Target lovers, you know what an accomplishment that is.
  • I'm thinking about starting PiYo again when I'm done with 22 Minute Hard Corps in a couple weeks.
  • I cannot wait to go see Finding Dory.  Has anyone had a chance to see it yet?  Is it cute?
  • I tried a contour kit for the first time last week and I'm still on the fence about it. I think I'm going to need a lot of practice.  #notabeautyblogger
  • I am obsessed with the learning workbooks in Target's Dollar Spot.  I'm trying to keep up on some sort of learning activity every day with Kendall and those are perfect {$1}!!
  • I still can't believe James will be going to pre-school in September.
  • I'm already shopping for the kids' birthdays {not till August}.
  • I'm craving a rainy day.
  • I just discovered Halo Top ice cream {only 240 calories per pint} and I'm addicted.  I had no intentions of eating the whole pint last night but it was so good, I couldn't stop.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

May 25, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I have never seen Bridget Jones' Diary or My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  
  • I thought The Bachelorette was a total snoozefest this week.  None of the guys are even THAT hot...
  • All I've had time for is SWW posts lately.  Sorry, guys.
  • We moved James to his big boy bed on Monday and I'm kinda loving it so far.
  • I think chevron is overplayed.
  • I love the way James talks right now and pretty much think everything he says is the cutest.
  • I prefer to hand wash my truck vs take it to a car wash.
  • I suck at returning movies to Redbox.
  • The Day The Crayons Came Home is my favorite kids book.
  • I laid out on the kids slip n' slide yesterday while they napped.
  • I am so ready for Kendall to be done with school. I know I'll be kicking myself for saying that in a couple of weeks but for now I can't wait.
  • We were away, alone, without any kids for just over 24 hours this weekend and it wasn't long enough.
  • The only reason I like pedicures is for the foot rub.
  • I've been reading the same book for months.  I keep falling asleep.
  • I missed Saturday of 22MHC and I'm OK with it.
  • I hate the word "haters".
  • I kind of look forward to nights when Jimmy works late so I can watch all the trash TV I want.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

May 18, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • Character clothing doesn't bother me anymore.  I know a lot of moms cringe but whatever, makes my kids happy and less drama getting dressed.  Happy kids=happy life...wait...
  • We don't own bikes and I want to start being a bike-riding family.
  • I just found out about Kodiak Cakes protein pancakes and I've eaten them every day for a week now.
  • I am hooked on Greys Anatomy all over again.  The past few seasons have been a snooze but this one is winning me over again.
  • I keep checking the forecast hourly to make sure  the weather is going to be nice for DMB this Saturday.  CANNOT WAIT.
  • I can't get enough coffee in my life lately.
  • I'm back to counting macros full time and loving it.
  • I really hope they pick a new co-host for Kelly {Live! With Kelly} soon.  I hope it doesn't take as long as it did when they picked Michael.
  • I'm selling all baby items and declaring us done having babies.
  • I have a slight obsession with growing my hair out right now.  I have been taking maximum strength biotin and just got shampoo and conditioner that's supposed to make your hair grow too.
  • We are going to transform James's room into a big boy room this weekend.  I have a love/hate relationship with this transition.
  • I have a Nook but I prefer to read physical books.
  • I kinda sorta want a new engagement ring/upgrade.  Shh...don't tell Jimmy.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

May 11, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I've only done two days of 22 Minute Hard Corps and I am IN LOVE with this program.  My goodness I didn't think it was possible.  
  • I'm eating leftover stir-fry for breakfast.
  • I dropped the ball on ordering Mother's Day gifts and they are arriving this week.  Better late than never, right?
  • I had no idea Pinkalicious had other books {Aqualicious, Purplelicious, Emeraldlicious} until yesterday.  So we got one of each from the library.
  • I don't see what the big deal with Justin Bieber's face tattoo.  Are we really surprised by anything he does anymore?
  • I want to be friends with Brett Eldredge.  Do you follow him on Snapchat?  Flipping hilarious!
  • If it rains one more day I might die.
  • I thought the 6ft iPhone charger cords Jimmy bought were stupid.  And then I was on the treadmill and charging my phone and realized it's freakin' genius!
  • I'm anxious to see if they do anything special for Michael's {Live With Kelly & Michael} last day on Friday
  • I'm obsessed with the playlist I'm making for Jimmy and I to listen to on our way to the Dave Matthews concert next week.
  • I want a new blog design again. already.
  • Jimmy and I are on a total purge kick right now.  I want all the clutter gone.  Last time we did this we rented a dumpster and filled it.  I kinda want to do that again.
  • I'm so bad about backing up my phone and I have no idea what the cloud is.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

May 4, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • I did not, and I mean did NOT, want to come home from the beach on Sunday.  
  • I kind of want a one piece bathing suit from PakPak
  • I have written 176 SO WHAT! Wednesdays posts.
  • I might delay my T25 before/after pics till my poison ivy goes away. It's covering my whole body.  It's gross.
  • I cringe every time I watch There Goes The Motherhood and they show the kids unsafely buckled in their carseats.  
  • We're thinking of putting bunk beds in James' room.
  • I'm really excited about this new campaign with Linqia*.
  • I always get some shade of pink when I get a pedicure but this weekend I went with purple {this one} and I am OBSESSED. Must order NOW.
  • We watched clips of Lemonade {b/c you have to pay for the full thing now ::insert eye roll::} over the weekend and...umm...I think I'm going to have nightmares.  WTF did I watch!?
  • I love being sore the day after a workout.
  • I got a pair of round {1970s style} sunglasses and I love them.
  • I've already read all the spoilers for The Bachelorette. 
  • I'm obsessed with listening to Kendall read.  Best ever.
  • James legit started talking in sentences while I was gone this weekend.  What the heck!?
  • I can't wait to go camping but we have something going on every weekend till June :-(. 
  • I stopped drinking Shakeology for a while and now that I'm drinking it regularly again I'm reminded how amazing it really does make me feel.
  • I sleep with an eye mask on.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

April 20, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I love Erika Jayne/Girardi.  I think she's hilarious, says it how it is and IS fabulous.  
  • I really want to watch Magic Mike XXL on our girls weekend {next week}.
  • I kinda want to run another 5K.  WHY!?
  • I look forward to grocery shopping.
  • There are two things I cannot resist- chocolate chip cookies and pizza.
  • Jimmy and I binge watched Fixer Upper last night.  How are we just now realizing how amazing Chip & Jo are?!
  • I have issues with coffee and sometimes I like the Keurig and sometimes I like the whole pot Bunn so I leave both out on the counter.
  • I feel "healthy" when I drink Kombucha.
  • Even though I'm a Beachbody coach I SCREW UP.  I fell off the wagon HARD February-March but that's OK because I'm human, above all else.
  • I want to start a garden but I hate yard work.
  • I have never seen any episodes of Star Wars {and have no plans to} even though my husband is a fanatic. 
  • Bethenny Frankel on Snapchat is my favorite thing ever.
  • We are considering getting chickens.  Why not? 
  • I want YOUR help picking my next workout program.
  • I have more posts that just SO WHAT! Wednesday's in my drafts just can't find the time to sit down and publish them. SWW's are easy.
  • I'm always early, everywhere.  I hate being late/when people are late.   
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

April 14, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I forgot all about SWW yesterday.  Funny because for the last two weeks I've thought Wednesday was Thursday but this week I actually felt like Wednesday was Wednesday and yet I forgot my post. Things that make ya go hmm...
  • I only watch RHNYC for Bethenny.
  • My kids love Snapchat filters. 
  • I had to drive a Ford Fusion yesterday {rental while my truck got an oil change} and while it was a SUPER nice car I hated it.  I felt like I was going to be run over by every big truck that passed me.  
  • I kinda want to give Kendall a bigger girl room makeover.  She's so over the stuff she has right now and I feel like sprucing things up a bit.
  • Coffee is my favorite part of the day.
  • I get really excited when they turn my total around at Aldi.  I'm always BLOWN away.
  • Our dryer was broken all weekend and once Tuesday came around I've never been so excited to do laundry.
  • I'm in love with Chelsea and Cole {Teen Mom 2} and think they are ridiculously cute together.  Baby voices and all.
  • We inherited a turtle this weekend and I <3 him.="" li="">
  • I'm having such amazing results with my Shakeology cleanse {down 5+lbs in 3 days} that I'm thinking about extending it through the weekend.  Weekends are always my downfall so continuing would help keep me set up for success.
  • I'm an over-grammer when the weather is nice.
  • The only time I get the mail is when I'm expecting something.  
  • I catch up on the DVR while walking on the treadmill because I'm neurotic. 
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

April 6, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I have been doing two-a-days lately.  T25+treadmill {to catch up on the DVR}.
  • My chalk wall in my kitchen still has birthday messages on it.  My birthday was Feb 28.
  • I'm kind of obsessed with Snapchat.
  • I love Fuller House.  I know it's cheesy and corny and the acting is awful but do you remember Full House?  It was the exact same and we all loved it too.
  • I am wearing my senior prom dress to Kendall's fairy-tale ball with the Girl Scouts this weekend.  I'm kind of excited about it.
  • I love grocery shopping {but only if I can go alone}.
  • Thomas Rhett is my imaginary boyfriend.
  • I hate that gossip shows and mags are reporting that there's trouble in paradise with Ben & Lauren.  Seriously if they break up it might be worse than when Nick & Jess split.
  • I threw two bags of toys away while Kendall was at school last Friday.  I'm a mean mom.
  • I'm super obsessed with these tees from AE.  Like I need two in every color STAT. 
  • I totally alternate between water and coffee all day, every day.
  • I'm still rocking an iPhone 5s.  I complain about it all the time yet never actually take the time to upgrade.
  • I found out T25 was on sale {only $60!!} last night and geeked out a little, OK a lot, because I have NEVER seen it on sale in over two years!  What!?  So excited for so many people to take advantage and see how awesome this program is! 
  • Sometimes I hate having dogs.
  • I'm legit jealous of my five-year-old's hair.
  • I'm really surprised Farrah and/or Janelle are still on Teen Mom/OG.  Their behavior to everyone they come in contact with is disgusting and I wish MTV would fire them already.

March 30, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I joined Snapchat. All the cool kids are doing it and "I wish that I could be like the cool kids, like the cool kids"....Follow me @shannonrdew, if you feel so inclined.
  • Reading Kristin Cavallari's book makes me want to clear out my cabinets and fridge and eat the way she does.  However, there's one small problem, money.
  • I indulged this weekend for Easter and I don't care.
  • I'm obsessed with Ben & Lauren.  Like, a lot.
  • I am beyond obsessed with my Yeti Rambler.  Jimmy got it for my birthday and it's the only cup I've drank out of since.
  • I like to have "me time".
  • I had a post all about Easter baskets and I never published it.  Maybe next year...
  • I am completely annoyed by all of the "turn on notifications" posts on IG.  Chill, people.  
  • Kendall's newest obsession is with Beados and I hate them.
  • I am so excited Kendall went back to school today.  A week and a half of nonstop fun did me in and now I'm ready for "normal".
  • I surprised Jimmy by doing our taxes this year.  He always wants me to do it and I never do so he was so excited when I told him they were done!
  • I love to do all the things for each and every holiday.  
  • I am stalking our frozen yogurt place, waiting for opening day. They will have Dippin' Dots this year, people!!!!
  • I almost have Jimmy convinced to do the 3 Day Refresh with me.  Almost.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

March 23, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I really want to read Kristin Cavallari's new book Balancing In Heels.
  • I am tempted to buy SugarBearHair vitamins partly because my girl crush Becca uses them and partly because the reviews seem like they are legit in growing your hair out.  Any thoughts?
  • I never found an Easter dress {for me} so I'll be wearing the same dress I wore 2 years ago for Easter.  Whatever.
  • I'm taking James to his first movie this Friday.
  • I'm so sad that The Bachelor is over so now I've resorted to stalking Ben, Lauren and JoJo on all social media accounts.
  • I live for holidays now that I have kids.  We've got at least two community egg hunts Saturday followed by three family ones Sunday and I can't wait.
  • I get more excited when stuff comes in the mail than when I go shopping in stores.
  • I don't think I'm going to share halfway {alpha} results with T25 this time.  I think I'm just going to wait till I finish beta {10 weeks} and hopefully have an amazing transformation to share.
  • I'm feeling the urge to do something "more" but I'm not quite sure what that means yet.  
  • I can't stop eating Easter candy. 
  • I miss my Dr. Laura radio now that my free Sirius/XM Radio trial has expired.
  • Kendall's love of tie-dye has made me fall in love with all things tie-dye.
  • I am kind of regretting not having my surgery now that my ear drum ruptured this weekend.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

March 16, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I'm a little bit sad that The Bachelor is over.  I am super happy with the end, Ben and Lauren seem so happy.  Like so happy.  They couldn't stop smiling on After The Final Rose.  I know The Bachelor couples don't have a good track record but I truly hope they last, forever.  As for JoJo for the new Bachelorette? All the high-fives!  Caila was rumored to be it and I was super disappointed and think she would have made a boring Bachelorette.  I think JoJo is a perfect fit, however.
  • I love DST.  Seriously my kids have BOTH been sleeping in every day since Sunday, it's been glorious.
  • I hate buying hair ties and bobby pins because I know they're all going to go missing within a week of purchasing.
  • I can't wait for Big Brother to start.  I know it's months away but it's my favorite, favorite guilty pleasure.
  • I draw a heart in the peanut butter of Kendall's sandwich every day when she goes to school.  She doesn't know it's there but I hope she feels my love when she eats it. 
  • I love to peek in on my kids when they're sleeping.  I've done it every night since they were born and have no intention of stopping.
  • We don't normally celebrate St. Patrick's Day but this year I kind of want to.  Since we have kids and it falls on a weeknight/school night/work night I am bringing the party home with bangers, mashed potatoes and sour krout.  I think Jimmy will be pleased.
  • I suck at returning library books.
  • I'm obsessed with Aldi.  Like, obsessed. I heard our tiny town is getting one and I think that was the best news I could have heard.  I mean a Chick-fil-A would be awesome too but Aldi?  Rocks my socks.
  •  I'm shopping for a dress that needs to work for Easter, an evening May wedding and a daytime June wedding.  Anyone?
  • I hate midi length dresses. They hit me at such an awkward spot.  Not a good look for this short girl.
  • I like to eat dinner early, by at least 5 o'clock.  I don't know why but I get bent out of shape if it's much later.
  • Pizza and chocolate cookies are my weakness.  If either one of them are around I can't help myself and will eat more than a normal person should.
  • I always have to Google peak vs peek and choose vs chose.  I never know which one to use.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

March 9, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I'm afraid to watch the VS swim show tonight because it might make me hate my new bathing suit.
  • Yes, I've already bought a new bathing suit.  Hoping it keeps me motivated to keep going with T25.
  • I canceled my hair appointment yesterday so I could take the kids to the zoo.  I couldn't pass up such a gorgeous day!
  • I tried the citrus green tea latte and I just thought it was so, so.  Maybe next time I'll try it with coconut milk...
  • I shopped for Easter basket stuff with James with me.  Next year I will not be able to get away with that.
  • I'm done Easter shopping now.  Baskets and outfits, done!
  • I just found out about the pour over ice Starbucks iced coffee {that you buy at the grocery store} and I am OBSESSED!
  • I thought The Bachelor Women Tell All was a snoozefest.  I also think that Caila as Bachelorette is going to be a total snoozefest.  Which I'll end up watching...but still...boring. 
  • I suck at getting my SWW posts up in a timely manner.  
  • I hate spending money on phone chargers.  WHY are they so overpriced?!
  • I was so excited when I saw speed 1.0 was on the T25 schedule for today.  I think it's my favorite of the whole series.
  • Being sick for the last month-ish ruined my macro counting but this week I'm back at it and loving it all over again.  Gimme all the foods!
  • I want to get hair extensions but cannot stomach the price. 
  • It is 70 here today and I busted out the sandals.  Who cares if it's only March?
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

March 2, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying so what if...

  • I spent my birthday gift cards on my kids.  I didn't find anything I really liked and they need stuff more than I do.  Whatever.
  • I am ready for a 7 day Shakeology cleanse. This whole sickness crap has had me eating nothing but carbs and I feel like junk.  I need a detox.
  • I am really excited to try that new citrus, green tea latte {or whatever it's called} at Starbucks.  
  • I am starting T25 all over again.  After being sick and feeling really gross I'm ready for it.  Remind me of that when I'm complaining about how much I hate cardio.
  • I don't care that my kids carry blankies and have no plans of ever "breaking" them of it.
  • I love wearing my husband's sweatpants way more than my own.
  • I've already started shopping for the kids' Easter baskets.
  • I actually hate Target's website and find it so frustrating.
  • I just googled 'natural laxative for dogs' because Bear ate a whole block of cream cheese last night.
  • I sleep with an eye mask.
  • I insist on taking Kendall to her Girl Scout meetings so that I can have an hour and half to myself while shes's there.
  • My two favorite emojis are the laugh/cry one and the rolling eyes one.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?

February 24, 2016

SO WHAT Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I'm more excited about my baptism {Sunday} than my birthday.
  • I looked at the spoilers for The Bachelor with less than a week till the finale.  I just had to.
  • I have a shopping cart full of spring/summer clothes at American Eagle.  I shop there more now that ever, even though I'm "old".
  • I heard about the adoption agency in New York looking for temporary homes for newborns awaiting adoption and I REALLY want to find a place in Ohio that does it and I want to volunteer.
  • I wish Kanye West would go away.
  • It was a bittersweet moment, registering James for preschool yesterday.  I swear that child was just born but I am so excited for him.
  • I am obsessed with collecting Box Tops.
  • Jimmy asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said, "a vacation".  A girl can dream, right?
  • I've eaten nothing but carbs for the last two weeks thanks to the sickness that has invaded my body.
  • I hope James never quits calling R2D2 "RD2" and C3PO "PPO".
  • Kendall and I got a little emotional walking into her old preschool yesterday.
  • I can't wait for Fuller House on Friday.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?