LG’s historic launching with
the founding of 'Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd.'
Korea Chemical Industry's new horizon opens

In 1945, Korea gained independence from Imperial Japan’s colonial rule.
Yonam, who had been running a business in Jinju, renewed his mind for a new departure
toward the new era and relocated his business to Busan, South Korea.

In Busan, Yonam founded Chosun Heungup Company, which was the first trading company
licensed by the US military government, and expanded his business.
It was the beginning of a new horizon in Korea’s petrochemical history.


Korea Chemical Industry's
new horizon opens

  • 1947

    Established as Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd


    Lucky Cream, a cosmetics product, was produced.

    크림 이미지
Opening the new era of Korea’s chemical industry,
a period in which the foundation was
established for the chemicals business,
one of LG’s major business areas

Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd., which opened a new horizon for industrial modernization,
jumped into the plastic industry for the first time in Korea, aiming to produce an unbreakable lid for
cosmetics containers. The decision was made in 1952 when Korean War was at its height,
which was impossible without a will of iron and unyielding corporate spirit.

The company developed the country’s first ever toothpaste, Lucky Toothpaste, in 1954,
and after the establishment of Lucky Oil and Fat Co., Ltd. in 1959, took care of peoples’ hygiene through
the full-fledged production of soaps and glycerine.

Yonam’s corporate spirit, which says that one has to make products that are essential in people’s lives,
was showing its full effect, as Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd. improved people’s living standard by
manufacturing plastic products such as combs, soap cases, toothbrushes, dishes, etc.


Opening the new era of
Korea’s chemical industry

  • 1952

    For the first time in Korea,
    an injection molding machine was introduced.

    The comb and soap case made of synthetic resin were produced for the first time in Korea.

  • 1955

    Lucky Toothpaste was produced

    자동차 이미지
  • 1956

    The PVC pipe was produced
    for the first time in Korea.

    파이프 이미지
  • 1957

    Became the first Korean company
    to hire new employees through an open
    recruitment of college graduates.

After its establishment, Lucky Vinyl Co., Ltd.
becomes a giant enterprise
that leads the nation’s key industries.

1960s were a politically and socially turbulent era.
Korea had risen to a developing country by diligently strengthening its foundation of growth along
with the full-scale implementation of the Korean government's Economic Development Plans.
At the same time, Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd. was also establishing its foundation
for a large conglomerate.

Lucky Vinyl Co., Ltd., established in 1959 by Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd.
for the oil and fat business, produced Korea’s first synthetic detergent “Hi Ti” in 1964 and
liquid kitchen detergent “A-pong” and liquid hair detergent “Cream Shampoo” in 1967.
With the production of these products, Korea’s chemical industry moved up one level higher.


Becomes a giant enterprise
that leads the nation’s key industries

  • 1960

    Choup Factory of Lucky Oil and Fat Co., Ltd. was built.

  • 1962

    Lucky Vinyl Co., Ltd. was established

  • 1966

    After merging with Lucky Vinyl Co., Ltd.it was converted into a corporation.

  • 1969

    Listed on Korea Stock Exchange

    크림 이미지
Inauguration of Koo Cha-kyung, the second chairman
Substantial growth and expansion of business areas

In the midst of 1970s’ economic difficulties, Lucky grew to become a giant in the financial circle with
its substantial business management achieving an exponential growth along with the
recovery of the country’s economy.

After two global oil crises and amid domestic political instability, the founder Koo In-hwoi suddenly
passed away on December 31, 1969, and Lucky entered 1970s with the inauguration of
Koo Cha-kyung, the second chairman of the company.

The new chairman Koo Cha-kyung proclaimed, “1970s is a Lucky’s turning point toward globalization,
and the company will push forward substantial and stable growth as well as globalization as
its major policies.”

The company opened a new chapter in its history by carrying out an IPO and showed its maturity
as the people’s company by returning corporate profit to the society after establishing
the educational foundation Yonam Academy and initiating social contribution activities.


Substantial growth and
expansion of business areas

  • 1974

    Changed its name from Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd. to Lucky Co., Ltd.

    로고 이미지
  • 1976

    A PVC resin factory was completed in Yeocheon Plant

    Produced the plastic window frame, Hi Chassis, for the first time in Korea.

    공장 흑백 이미지
  • 1979

    Opened the Daedeok Central R&D Center

    럭키 중앙연구소 기공
Era of globalization and cutting-edge
technologies Lucky makes its name known
in and out of the country with its technology.

Stepping into the era of international competition, Lucky made its name
known throughout the globe by focusing on development of cutting-edge technologies.

This was a period when the company expanded its business areas by establishing
long-term plans based on 1970s’ exponential growth and started to grow into an
international company by entering the world market leveraging the accumulated capital
and technologies.

After 1983, with its core petrochemical business at the center, Lucky moved ahead with
intensified development of its existing fields such as daily products and fine chemistry
as well as with diversification of businesses by re-entering the cosmetics business
and starting the medical and pharmaceutical businesses

The company carried out its transformation into a global company through active overseas investment.


Lucky makes its name known in and out
of the country with its technology

  • 1981

    Received the Export Tower Award for exporting 100 million dollars and the Tin Tower Order of Industrial Merit.

  • 1983

    Developed an engineering plastic PBT and an ultra heat resistant ABS resin for the first time in Korea.

    Changed thegGroup name (Lucky → Lucky Geumseong)

  • 1986

    Established a joint venture factory with Saudi Arabia (VCM and PVC factory).

  • 1988

    Became the first Korean chemical company to achieve the sales of 1 trillion won.

  • 1989

    Developed Gamma Interferon through genetic engineering for the first time in Korea.

First in the chemical industry to achieve
1 trillion won in revenues Lucky became a
global company with capital and technology

With a complete CI change into LG Chem in 1995,
we kickstarted the drive for globalization. The third Chairman Koo Bon Moo was inaugurated after
Chairman Koo Cha Kyung, beginning a new era of management reform at LG Chem.

In the midst of the financial crisis that started in late 1997, LG Chem was one step ahead of others
in pursuing innovative actions and continued to operate in the black, wisely overcoming hardship.

Despite the crisis, LG Chem was the first Korean chemical company to build a local plant in China.
We demonstrated aggressive management practices and took a determined step towards excellence,
equipped with the business structure fit for the 21st century.


Energetic steps toward
“Excellent LG”

  • 1990

    Yeocheon Petrochemical Complex was completed (Lucky PE Plant, Lucky Materials VCM Plant, Lucky SM Oil Plant)

  • 1991

    Lucky Training Center, a human resources development center, was opened in Osan.

    Yeocheon Naphtha Cracking Center (NCC) was completed

  • 1993

    Became the first company in the world to develop and commercialize “Utrophin”, a growth hormone.Selected as one of the top 50 achievements in the science and technology area.

  • 1994

    Became the first company to pursue the petrochemical business in China. Built a PVC resin factory in Tianjin which has the annual capacity of 100,000 tons

  • 1995

    Changed its name to LG Chem and introduced a new CI

    lg화학 로고

    Became the first chemical company in Korea to receive the Export Tower Award for exporting 1 billion dollars

  • 1996

    Signed a contract to acquire Hindustan Polymer, which was the largest polystyrene resin manufacturer in India

  • 1998

    Completed construction of Ningbo ABS plant in China

  • 1999

    Started mass production of Li-ion batteries for the first time in Korea

    Commercialized color filter photoresist for LCD panel

    Launched LG DOW Polycarbonate Co., Ltd.. Held groundbreaking ceremony for a plant with an annual capacity of 130,000 tons

Establishment of vertical integration of
petrochemical business and
entry into overseas markets

LG Chem, which has continued to grow stable every year since its founding in 1947, is experiencing rapid growth in the 2010s.

Under the vision of “a global company that grows with customers with differentiated high-tech
materials and solutions,” and with the merger of LG Life Sciences in 2017,
it has built a portfolio of four businesses: petrochemical, battery, advanced materials, and life science.

In addition, LG Chem has led the global market by establishing production/sales/research
corporations in overseas locations such as the US, China, and Poland.

As a result, it entered the Top 10 for the first time as a global chemical company as a domestic
chemical company in 2018, and ranked 4th in global brand value in 2019.

In the future, LG Chem will continue to grow toward becoming a global top 5 chemical company by
focusing on fostering next-generation growth engines and strengthening global core competencies.


The spirit of
challenging the future

  • 2001

    The company was divided into three companies (LGCI, LG Chem, LG Household & Health Care).

    lg화학 lgci lg생활건강
  • 2003

    Established an IT & electronic materials subsidiary in Nanjing, China

    인물 사진
  • 2004

    A comprehensive IT and electronic materials factory, Ochang Technopark was built

    Established LG Chem (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

    인물 사진
  • 2005

    Established a polarizer back-end subsidiary in Poland

  • 2008

    Developed Elastomer, a high value-added resin, first in South Korea

    Acquired Kolon’s SAP business (high absorbent resin)

  • 2009

    Exclusively supplied batteries for the world’s first mass-produced electric vehicle (GM Volt).

    LG Hausys, an industrial materials business, was separated.

Endless challenge to become
a global top 5 chemical company

LG Chem is Korea’s representative global chemical company that has contributed to the country’s
economic growth and the improvement of people’s standard of living since its establishment in 1947
through its constant and stable growth, unending technological development, new product launching,
and quality innovation

The world is paying attention to LG Chem, which strives to become “a company that contributes
to making the humanity’s life richer” through changes in thinking and actions based on
Jeongdo Management.


LG Chem that contributes to
making the humanity’s life richer

  • 2011

    Developed the first meningitis vaccine in Korea

  • 2012

    Completed electric vehicle battery plant in Holland, Michigan, USA

    미시간주 배터리 공장 사진
  • 2013

    Developed three types of future batteries (stepped, curved, cable) for the first time in the world.

    배터리 사진
  • 2014

    Acquired NanoH2O (water treatment filter manufacturer)

    Nano H2O
  • 2015

    Developed world's first Hexagon Battery

    Completed water treatment reverse osmosis membrane plant in Cheongju

    Completed construction of the battery plant in nanjing, China

  • 2016

    Acquired Dongbu Farm Hannong. Launched Korea's No. 1 green bio company, ‘Farm Hannong'

    Acquired GS EM's cathode material business

  • 2017

    Merged with LG Life Sciences

    Single line operation of the world's largest carbon nanotube (CNT) plant

  • 2018

    Acquired selling approval on antibody biosimilar in Korea

    Completied electric vehicle battery plant in Poland

  • 2019

    Established ‘Global Innovation Center’ in Boston, USA

    Acquired DuPont's soluble OLED technologies

    Established 'VLBP', a joint venture with VinFast in Vietnam

    Became the first Korean chemical company to join the list of the top 10 global chemical companies (ACS)

We Connect Science to Life
for a Better Future

LG Chem continues the struggle to strengthen the capacity of the company.
In May 2020, we declared our new vision, “We connect science to life for a better future,”

By promoting four major initiatives, LG Chem aims to improve our fundamental constitution,
focusing on customers and the market in all business areas.

In December 2020, the Spun-off Energy Solution Business (LG Energy Solution) basis helped
restructure the organization, preparing for the global market environment and strengthening our
business expertise.

LG Chem will continue to be the leading global chemical company in Korea as we focus on cultivating
next-generation growth engines and strengthening core global competencies.


Science beyond chemicals

  • 2020

    Announced new vision beyond chemistry 'We connect science to life for a better future'

    Developed the world's first biodegradable new material

    Built a strategic partnership with Neste, the world's largest biodiesel company

    <Zemiglo> achieved the largest sales of a new drug for diabetes

  • 2021

    Concluded a distribution contract for the next-generation polio vaccine "Euopolio"

    Launched the integrated green brand "LETZero"

    Achieved 100% renewable energy for the entire value chain of battery materials in China

    Invested KRW 2.6 trillion in high value-added eco-friendly materials in Seosan, Chungnam Province

    Expanded Yeosu 2nd Complex (NCC)

    Established a separator joint venture in Hungary

    Acquired LG Electronics’ separator business

  • 2022

    Established a cathode material joint venture with B&M, a subsidiary of Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. in Gumi, Korea

    Established a separator joint venture LG-Toray

    Acquired of AVEO Oncology in the US

    Applied for global Phase III clinical trial for Tigulixostat (new drug for gout) with the US

    Launched Asia's first plant-based eco-friendly ABS

  • 2023

    Acquired AVEO, a US-based cancer drug company

    Started the construction of Korea's first supercritical pyrolysis plant and next-generation insulator plant

    Launched COMPOSTFUL™ of compostable brand

    Established the CS Center of Europe in Germany

    Started construction of Cathode Material Plant in Tennessee US