Showing posts with label contributor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contributor. Show all posts

Sep 16, 2014

Chocolate Cola Cake:Thirty Handmade Days

Best. Chocolate. Cake. Ever. This cake should be a part of your life yesterday. There is a secret ingredient in there that makes this chocolate cake rich and moist...and it is not the cola...


You should be. Don't worry I will tell you all about this delightful cake. You just have to head over to Thirty Handmade Days to get the recipe. You won't be sorry.

Jul 16, 2014

Water Gun Fight T-Shirt: Thirty Handmade Days

I am super excited for this month's project for Thirty Handmade Days

Who doesn't love a good water gun fight? You know what is better than a regular old water gun fight? Well a water fight that is kids versus the dad of course.

This Get Dad Wet T-shirt also has a sweet bullseye on the back. 

All you need it the shirt and a couple of filled water guns. Fun is soon to follow.

Head on over to Thirty Handmade Days to check out the details on how you can make this shirt. It is super easy and is sure to bring some fun to a summer afternoon.

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Jun 12, 2014

Disney Princess Photo Stands

I am so happy to be joining Rachel from R & R Workshop for her fabulous A Month of Disney.

One of the most treasured mementos from a family trip to Disneyland is the photos. The Disney character photos are like the best of the best. Now if you have a little princess of your own, which I don't but I have some princess nieces, then those princess photos are a special kind of precious.

You know what else is precious?

All the Fisher Price Little People Disney figurines. Could you die with from their cuteness??

I had this idea that these figurines would make a perfect photo stands. The cutest photo stands for the cutest princess photos.

They were really easy to make.

First you just need a few Little People Disney figurines, like this Ariel Aurora set. Then grab some cloths pins. I spray painted my clothes pin pink so they matched the figurines better. Next you just need to hot glue the cloths pin to the back of the figurine with the opening end up.

 Once they dry, they are ready to display your princess photos.

Seriously, how cute is that Little Aurora hugging Big Aurora being held up by a Fisher Price Aurora. Oh the cuteness.

Now your Disneyland photos can be prettily displayed. I am pretty sure my little princess nieces will be pretty happy to have these little Disney Princess Photo Stands.

Here is another Disney Project that I have shown on the blog before:

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Be sure to visit R & R Workshop to see all the blog posts for #MonthofDisney

Check out these other A Month of Disney posts--

May 22, 2014

Thank You Strawberry Shortcake Kit: Thirty Handmade Days

Everyone loves strawberry shortcake. So when someone does something extra special for you and makes you feel oh-so-loved a great way to say thank you to that person for being Berry Sweet is to give them some strawberry shortcake.

Or all the fixing's to make some strawberry shortcake.

Today I am over at Thirty Handmade Days sharing the printable tag for this Thank You Strawberry Shortcake Kit.

Make sure you head on over and say hi. Leave a comment. Pin it. Share it. Download the printable and make someone's day with a Strawberry Shortcake Thank You.

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Apr 3, 2014

Easter Teacher Appreciation Tags: Thirty Handmade Days

 My April project for Thirty Handmade Days include these really magical and ridiculously cute Marshmallow Peep Bunnies. Could you die?

I did. Then I pulled myself together. Then I may have bought a whole bunch so I could give them away as an Easter Teacher Appreciation. I made a cute little tag using PicMonkey with an appropriately cheesy saying on it. I also made a non-teacher tag in case you want to just let a special someone know that some bunny (that would be you) thinks they are special.

Both tags are available to download over at Thirty Handmade Days.
Head over and download these tags and say hi!

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Mar 26, 2014

Easy Pillow Case Superhero Cape: Thirty Handmade Days

Today I am over at Thirty Handmade Days for my monthly contributing post.

Remember the fun and easy tutorial for the Superhero Mask and Cuffs? Oh and the Superhero in 
Training T-shirt? Well this Easy Pillow Case Superhero Cape completes the whole superhero look.

Head on over to Thirty Handmade Days to get the tutorial and of course to see more insanely cute pictures of my saving-the-world-with-cuteness superhero. You could even make my day and leave a comment when you are over there!!! 

Love you guys!

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Feb 4, 2014

Love Potion Kit at Thirty Handmade Days

Today I am over at Thirty Handmade Days.

For those of you who follow me on Instagram (if you don't follow me, you totally should @larissa_anotherday) you know that I get to be part of the Creative Team over at 
Thirty Handmade Days. Eek. SO excited! 

Today is my first contributing post.
I am sharing how to put together a Love Potion Kit and have a free printable available too.

Go check it out! 
Go say hi and give some comment love (that would make my day)!
Go and grab the Love Potion Kit printable!
If you like this idea, make sure to go to Thirty Handmade Days and PIN away!

Thanks lovelies!!
Love you guys!

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Mar 16, 2012

Party Style Contributing at BCD

Have you been waiting for the Harry Potter party post?

Well I finally got my act together and put a post together for my Party Styling gig over at Blue Cricket Design.

So if you want to see some of the fun we had at our wizarding party head on over and take a peak.

Feb 10, 2012

10 Points to Gryffindor

I have just over a week until Oldest's Harry Potter party. Yikes! I am slowly plugging along with some small projects for the Wizarding fest we will be having. SLOWLY. Like S-L-O-W-L-Y.

This weeks agenda had the gathering of supplies, the final lists, the making of robes (which have turned out more like vests...I will show you later and explain), and the making of these patches for the front of the robe/vest...aka robest or vestobe is you prefer.

This is a WAY simplified version of the actual patch that was on the robes, but let's face it these were WAY easier to make and cheaper than ordering patches. So with that being said, I am thrilled with how they turned out AND I only lost some of my hair and eye sight cutting out and sewing on the tiny lions!

Now all I have to do is finish the rest of the robes (I only have 3 completely done...there might be a few more) and attach the Gryffindor patches.

Did I say that was all I had to do? Hahaha...wishful thinking I guess!

Continue the Harry Potter mania by heading over to Blue Cricket Design. I have a contributing post over there today for a how-to on this fun invite.

See ya tomorrow everyone for another Pinteresting Saturday!

Jan 20, 2012

Party Styling Contributor

You guys know I love a good party, right? I am always going from one party to ideas for the next. My head is always hoping with what I can do to throw the next fun party for my Little Men.

Well I am lucky enough to have been chosen to be the Party Styling Contributor for the awesome blog Blue Cricket Designs. She has gathered together a bunch of really talented girls, all gifted in different areas, to make one pretty fabulous team of contributors.

I am beyond excited to be a part of this blog and Becca's team. I have some parties coming up and I can't wait to share some of my ideas over there and of course right here too. Head on over to Blue Cricket Designs and check out the other contributors.

AND since I was in the party reflecting kind of mood I thought I would go over some of my past parties and the little addiction love that I have of birthday parties and entertaining. 

I also love myself a good creative party invite.

We can't forget the cakes, cupcakes, and goodies.

Dinosaur Party Cake

Whew. I really do like a good party. I actually feel a little overwhelmed and a whole lot of pressure for this new contributor position. There are so many amazing parties out there and some pretty amazing women throwing these parties. Ulcer! BUT, I am excited to share some of my ideas and to be all legit with my new Party Styling title. Hahaha.

See ya tomorrow everyone. I am SUPER excited to show you my Pinterest project for A Pinteresting Saturday.

Jun 28, 2011

Somewhat Simple Food Contributor

I am a new Food Contributor over at Somewhat Simple. I know, legit, right!!

Now in addition to my Recipe Thursdays, once a month I will be sharing recipes, food tips, and any other dining delight that pops into my head, over at Somewhat Simple. So make sure to look for me the last Tuesday of every month.

Today you can find this perfect summer salad. The Fourth is coming, I bet you could use a salad at your party! Heck dinner is coming...

I know you will enjoy this recipe.

Jun 22, 2011

Did Ya Miss Me?

Does it seem like I have forgotten how to blog? Whew what a crazy/fun week plus we have had away from home.

We are back, in body at least. My house was immaculate when we got is a hot mess. now. Unpacking, laundry, and getting in the habit of cleaning up after one's children again is a heavy task indeed. Add all of that to the fact that we are getting ready to move and boy howdy I am barely treading water.

Our trip to Idaho was lovely. We didn't quite nail down a house yet, but hopefully it will all be final soon. We were able to see family and friends and enjoy some time child free. The Little Men had a blast in all of their respective babysitting gigs. Now we are home, at last. Home for a little while anyway.

This next month is going to be a juggling act. Our house is still for sale...anyone need a cute starter home to house your cute family??? We will be setting dates for move, finalizing plans, signing a mortgage, preparing for a cross country move with little ones, and most important we will be trying to spend every last minute with friends...sigh...sniff...sniff.

I do have plans to be around, but I hope for patience while it may not be so project, sewing, and crafty over here this month. Ya never know, I could pull out some things, but I just can't make any promises. I mean I love my sewing machine but I LOVE my friends and kiddos more, so the time will be theirs.

HOWEVER, I will still be posting recipes. I mean I can't stop cooking, right? I have some really yummy Summer recipes coming up that you will not want to miss.

Speaking of recipes...

I am now a food and recipe contributor over at Somewhat Simple

Somewhat Simple

She did a little intro to me today...WELCOME Somewhat Simple readers! I am super excited to be over there on her great site.

Look for my monthly recipe over there very soon!

As always, I love you guys. Thanks for coming by, staying awhile, and being a part of this little piece of my life.


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