Light The World starts tomorrow, and I have been working all week on this Light The World Packet for Youth. I originally had thought to do just a couple of things to encourage my Young Women to participate. Then as I started creating, it just kind of took on a life of it's own.
When I started working on this there wasn't a program specifically for youth, and serving with and having my own youth, I decided it was a must.
I am really happy with how this turned out and I really hope and wish that this packet is helpful to other parents, youth leaders, and youth themselves. I hope you will share it and use it.
Here is what the packet includes:
Light the World Calendar
Idea Sheet (Several ideas for each day.)
Scripture Cards
Printables (Coordinate with the stars on the idea sheet.)
- DIY Ornament
- Set of tags
- Sunshine Notes
- Memories of Mom and Dad
Here are a few sneak peeks--
Parents: You can download and print one set and go over it with your youth. Print tags, scripture cards, and calendar on cardstock. The rest can be printed on regular paper.
Leaders: You can download, print, and make copies. Same printing instructions as above. Assemble all the pieces in gallon resealable bags. Explain to the youth how to use it. You can even do several of the activities on the days they fall on youth nights.
I really hope you enjoy this and that it helps your youth get excited about this AMAZING way to celebrate Christmas.