IBM Books

Messages Reference

2509 - High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) messages

2509-001Permission denied. You must be the root user to set the virtual host name.

Explanation: Only the root user can set the virtual host name.

User Response: Login as root.

2509-002Could not retrieve the virtual host name from the filename of file used to store virtual hostname file.

Explanation: The virtual host name gets stored in the filename specified. For some reason, the vhostname command could not retrieve the virtual host name from the file.

User Response: Run the command cat filename and investigate the error.

2509-003Could not store the virtual host name into the filename of file used to store virtual hostname file.

Explanation: The virtual host name gets written to a temporary file, and the temporary file gets renamed to filename of file used to store virtual hostname. The problem may have occurred while attempting to store the virtual host name into the temporary file or while attempting to rename the temporary file.

User Response: Execute the following series of commands:

echo fake_name >/etc/vhostname.tmp
rm /etc/vhostname
mv /etc/vhostname.tmp /etc/vhostname

One of these commands should generate an error message. Investigate the error.

2509-004The length of a virtual host name is limited to 255 bytes. MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN = maximum number of bytes in a virtual hostname.

Explanation: You attempted to set a virtual host name which exceeds 255 bytes.

User Response: Reissue the command with no more than 255 bytes.

2509-031The number of parameters specified is not correct.

Explanation: The sethacws command expects exactly one argument which represents the new HACWS configuration state. Too many or too few arguments is considered to be an error.

User Response: Reissue sethacws with the correct number of parameters.

2509-032Permission denied. You must be the root user to run this command.

Explanation: Only the root user can set the HACWS configuration state.

User Response: Login as root.

2509-033Invalid argument. You must specify a valid HACWS configuration state.

Explanation: You attempted to set the HACWS configuration state to a value which is not allowed.

User Response: Refer to the sethacws reference page for a list of valid HACWS configuration states.

2509-034Could not determine whether command was running on a control workstation.

Explanation: Could not run /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number, or it returned an error code.

User Response: Run /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number and investigate the error.

2509-035This command can be run only on a control workstation.

Explanation: This command was not run on a control workstation.

User Response: Issue this command at the control workstation.

2509-036Could not store the HACWS configuration state into the /etc/hacws.state file.

Explanation: The HACWS configuration state gets written to a temporary file, and the temporary file gets renamed to /etc/hacws.state. A problem may have occurred while attempting to store the HACWS configuration state into the temporary file or while attempting to rename the temporary file.

User Response: Execute the following series of commands:

echo fake_name >/etc/hacws.state.tmp
rm /etc/hacws.state
mv /etc/hacws.state.tmp /etc/hacws.state

One of these commands should fail. Investigate the error.

2509-061Could not determine whether the command was running on a control workstation.

Explanation: Could not run /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number, or it returned an error code.

User Response: Run /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number and investigate the error.

2509-062This command can be run only on a control workstation.

Explanation: This command was not run on a control workstation.

User Response: Issue this command at a control workstation.

2509-063Could not retrieve the HACWS configuration state from the /etc/hacws.state file.

Explanation: The HACWS configuration state gets stored in the /etc/hacws.state file For some reason, the lshacws command could not retrieve the HACWS configuration state from the file.

User Response: Issue the command cat /etc/hacws.state and investigate the error.

2509-064The /etc/hacws.state file has been corrupted. Please notify your system administrator.

Explanation: The HACWS configuration state gets stored in the /etc/hacws.state file. The lshacws command successfully read the contents of the /etc/hacws.state file, but the file did not contain a valid HACWS configuration state.

User Response: General users should notify their system administrator. The system administrator should restore the correct HACWS configuration state by running the sethacws command, and then attempt to find out why the /etc/hacws.state file was corrupted in the first place.

2509-500Pre-post-event processing failed for event event name.

Explanation: A failure occurred while running a customer-supplied HACWS pre-post-event script.

User Response: Look at the output from the pre-post-event script and use that as a starting point to investigate the problem.

2509-501HACWS post-event processing failed for event event name.

Explanation: A failure occurred while running an HACWS post-event script.

User Response: Look at the output from the post-event script and use that as a starting point to investigate the problem.

2509-502Post-post-event processing failed for event event name

Explanation: A failure occurred while running a customer-supplied HACWS post-post-event script.

User Response: Look at the output from the post-post-event script and use that as a starting point to investigate the problem.

2509-505Pre-pre-event processing failed for event event name.

Explanation: A failure occurred while running a customer-supplied HACWS pre-pre-event script.

User Response: Look at the output from the pre-pre-event script and use that as a starting point to investigate the problem.

2509-506HACWS pre-event processing failed for event event name.

Explanation: A failure occurred while running an HACWS pre-event script.

User Response: Look at the output from the pre-event script and use that as a starting point to investigate the problem.

2509-507Post-pre-event processing failed for event event name.

Explanation: A failure occurred while running a customer-supplied HACWS post-pre-event script.

User Response: Look at the output from the post-pre-event script and use that as a starting point to investigate the problem.

2509-510Cannot find host host name.

Explanation: One of the control workstation name arguments is not valid.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command again with valid primary and backup control workstation arguments.

2509-511Cannot issue remote commands to name of either the primary or backup control workstation.

Explanation: The command tried to issue a remote command to the specified workstation and failed.

User Response: Run the command /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh XXXX hostname, where XXXX is the name of the specified workstation, and investigate the results.

2509-512Cannot resolve host name short or long host name for one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The command failed to obtain a host entry from the nameserver or /etc/hosts file for the specified workstation.

User Response: Run the command host XXXX, where XXXX is the name of the specified workstation, and investigate the results.

2509-513You must specify two different host names.

Explanation: Both the primary and backup control workstation name arguments refer to the same machine.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command again with valid primary and backup control workstation name arguments.

2509-514Either the primary or backup control workstation must refer to the local host.

Explanation: Neither the primary nor backup control workstation name arguments refer to the local machine.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command from either the primary or backup control workstation.

2509-521Setup for remote execution on node name of one of the control workstations failed.

Explanation: The command could not write to the /var/adm/hacws/.status file on the specified workstation.

User Response: Run the command /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh XXXX cat /var/adm/hacws/.status, where XXXX is the specified workstation, and investigate the results.

2509-522The dsh command could not run a remote command on name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The dsh command could not run a remote command on the specified workstation.

User Response: Run the command dsh -w XXXX hostname , where XXXX is the specified workstation, and investigate the results.

2509-523Execution on node name of one of the control workstations failed.

Explanation: An error occurred while the command was executing on the specified workstation.

User Response: Other error messages are generated from execution on the specified workstation. Investigate those error messages, correct any problems, and execute the command again.

2509-524The primary must be a control workstation.

Explanation: This command cannot be run on an SP node.

User Response: Run this command on the control workstation.

2509-525The backup cannot be an SP node.

Explanation: This command cannot be run on an SP node.

User Response: Run this command on the control workstation.

2509-526Authentication configuration file /etc/krb.realms or /etc/krb-srvtab is missing.

Explanation: A required authentication configuration file is missing.

User Response: Verify authentication configuration on both control workstations.

2509-527The directory /spdata/sys1/sdr could not be found. Make sure the /spdata/sys1 filesystem is accessible from the primary control workstation.

Explanation: The file system that contains the /spdata/sys1/sdr directory is probably not mounted on the primary control workstation.

User Response: Make sure that the file system that contains the /spdata/sys1/sdr directory (e.g. /spdata or /spdata/sys1) is mounted on the primary control workstation.

2509-528The /spdata/sys1 filesystem must reside on an external volume group.

Explanation: The directory /spdata/sys1 resides in the root volume group.

User Response: Move the /spdata/sys1 directory to an external volume group.

2509-529The backup control workstation appears to have been modified by the install_cw command. This is not allowed.

Explanation: You cannot run the install_cw command on the backup control workstation prior to installing HACWS on it.

You also cannot install the backup control workstation from a mksysb image of the primary control workstation, because this causes the changes that were previously made by install_cw on the primary control workstation to be present on the backup control workstation. For either of these reasons, the backup control workstation appears to have been modified by the install_cw command.

User Response: For information about installing the backup control workstation, see the HACWS installation instructions in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-530The /spdata/sys1 directory has unexpected contents. Make sure the /spdata/sys1 filesystem is available on the primary control workstation.

Explanation: The /spdata/sys1 file system appears to be mounted on the wrong control workstation.

User Response: Make sure that the /spdata/sys1 file system is mounted only on the primary control workstation.

2509-531Cannot create directory directory name because it already exists as a regular file.

Explanation: HACWS requires a directory with the specified name, but there already exists a regular file with that same name.

User Response: Either rename or remove the specified file.

2509-532Problem adding control workstation node number to ODM.

Explanation: The node number could not be added to the ODM.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-533Cannot obtain HACWS configuration state for name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The command could not query the HACWS configuration state on the specified workstation.

User Response: Run the command lshacws on the specified workstation and investigate any error messages.

2509-534Could not obtain node number for name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The command could not determine the node number for the specified workstation.

User Response: Run the command /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number on the specified workstation and investigate the results.

2509-535The primary must be the currently active control workstation.

Explanation: The command requires the primary control workstation to be configured as the active control workstation, but it is currently configured as inactive.

User Response: Move control workstation services to the primary control workstation and run the command again.

2509-536The backup must not be the currently active control workstation.

Explanation: The command requires the backup control workstation to be configured as the inactive control workstation, but it is currently configured as active.

User Response: Move control workstation services to the primary control workstation and run the command again.

2509-537Could not set HACWS configuration state.

Explanation: The sethacws command failed.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by an error message from the sethacws command. Investigate that message.

2509-538Could not add the subsystem name subsystem.

Explanation: The above subsystem could not be added.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-539Could not start SDR subsystem.

Explanation: The SDR subsystem could not be started.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-540The SDR subsystem should not run on the backup while the primary is the active control workstation.

Explanation: The SDR subsystem should not run on the inactive control workstation.

User Response: Run the command stopsrc -g sdr on the backup control workstation.

2509-541Could not create file name file.

Explanation: The command failed to create the specified file.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-542Could not copy file name file from name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The command failed to copy the specified file from the specified workstation.

User Response: Run the command /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp YYYY:XXXX XXXX , where YYYY is the name of the machine above and XXXX is the specified file name. Note that the file name appears twice. Investigate the results.

2509-543Could not obtain the control workstation name from the SDR.

Explanation: The control workstation name could not obtained from the SDR.

User Response: Run the command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects SP control_workstation and investigate the results.

2509-544The SDR contains the wrong control workstation name. Expected: expected control workstation name. Actual: actual control workstation name.

Explanation: The primary control workstation hostname obtained from the /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects SP control_workstation command must match the primary control workstation hostname obtained from the /usr/bin/hostname -s command on the primary control workstation. For some reason these two values do not match.

User Response: If either of these values is wrong, this may lead to other configuration problems. Contact the IBM Support Center to help you correct this problem and determine if it has caused any other configuration problems.

2509-545Failed to create directory directory name.

Explanation: The specified directory could not be created.

User Response: Run the mkdir -p directory name command and investigate the results.

2509-546Could not remove the inittab entry key entry from /etc/inittab.

Explanation: The specified inittab entry could not be removed.

User Response: Run the rmitab inittab entry key command and investigate the results.

2509-547Could not add inittab entry key entry to /etc/inittab.

Explanation: The specified inittab entry could not be added.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error messages from the mkitab command. Investigate that error message.

2509-548Could not add the HACWS data to the SDR.

Explanation: A failure occurred while trying to add the HACWS data to the SDR.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the SDRChangeAttrValues command. Investigate that error message.

2509-549Could not obtain disk I/O pacing tunable parameters.

Explanation: Disk I/O pacing tunable parameters could not be obtained.

User Response: Run the following commands: lsattr -E -O -l sys0 -a minpout and lsattr -E -O -l sys0 -a maxpout and investigate the results.

2509-550Could not set disk I/O pacing "minpout" or "maxpout" tunable parameter.

Explanation: The specified tunable parameter could not be set.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the chdev command. Investigate that error message.

2509-551Could not set virtual host name.

Explanation: The vhostname command failed to set the virtual hostname.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the vhostname command. Investigate that error message.

2509-552Could not add installation data to the SDR.

Explanation: Either the SDR_init or SDR_config command failed.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from either the SDR_init or SDR_config command. Investigate that error message.

2509-601The node number indicates host name is not a control workstation.

Explanation: The specified machine is not a control workstation. This probably means that the install_hacws command was not executed.

User Response: Refer to the HACWS installation documentation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-602Cannot retrieve data from the SDR.

Explanation: A problem occurred while trying to retrieve data from the SDR.

User Response: Verify that the SDR is working properly.

2509-603This command cannot execute while the backup control workstation is active.

Explanation: This command requires the primary control workstation to be the currently active control workstation.

User Response: Move control workstation services to the primary control workstation and run the command again.

2509-604No backup control workstation has been defined.

Explanation: This probably means that the install_hacws command was not executed.

User Response: Refer to the HACWS installation documentation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-605The primary and backup host names cannot be the same.

Explanation: The output from the /usr/bin/hostname command is the same for both the primary and backup control workstations. One of the control workstations has the wrong hostname.

User Response: If either of these values is wrong, this may lead to other configuration problems. Contact the IBM Support Center to help you correct this problem and determine if it has caused any other configuration problems.

2509-606name of one of the control workstations has an invalid HACWS state.

Explanation: The specified machine has an invalid HACWS state.

User Response: Run the lshacws command on the specified workstation and investigate the results.

2509-607One control workstation must be active while the other is inactive. Both name of one of the control workstations and name of other control workstation appear to be "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" .

Explanation: Both control workstations are currently in the same state.

User Response: Make sure that one control workstation is providing control workstation services and the other is not.

2509-608Could not run the dsh command.

Explanation: The dsh command failed.

User Response: This error message should be accompanied by an error message from the dsh command. Investigate the error message.

2509-609The directory /spdata/sys1/sdr could not be found. Make sure the /spdata/sys1 filesystem is accessible from name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The file system that contains the /spdata/sys1/sdr directory is probably not mounted on the specified workstation.

User Response: Make sure that the file system that contains the /spdata/sys1/sdr directory (e.g. /spdata or /spdata/sys1) is mounted on the specified workstation.

2509-610The /spdata/sys1 directory has unexpected contents. Make sure the /spdata/sys1 filesystem is available on name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The /spdata/sys1 file system appears to be mounted on the wrong control workstation.

User Response: Ensure that the /spdata/sys1 file system is mounted only on the specified machine.

2509-611The directory directory name is missing.

Explanation: A required directory is missing.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-612Missing crontab entry for crontab entry name.

Explanation: A required crontab entry is missing.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-613The file name file is missing.

Explanation: A required file is missing.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-614The subsystem name subsystem is missing.

Explanation: A required subsystem is missing.

User Response: You need to run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-615Found unexpected entry inittab entry name in /etc/inittab.

Explanation: An unexpected inittab entry was found.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-616The /etc/rc.hacws file is not correct.

Explanation: The /etc/rc.hacws file is not correct.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-617The hacws entry is missing from /etc/inittab.

Explanation: The hacws entry is missing from /etc/inittab.

User Response: Run the install_hacws command. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in: PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-618The HACWS resource group name resource group has not been defined.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group has not been defined to HACMP.

User Response: To define the HACWS resource group to HACMP, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide

2509-619Node name of one of the control workstations does not belong to the HACWS resource group name resource group.

Explanation: Both control workstations must be able to take over the HACWS resource group, but the specified machine does not belong to the HACWS resource group.

User Response: List the specified workstation as one of the participating nodes in the HACWS resource group. For details, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-620The HACWS resource group name resource group must be a rotating resource group.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must be a "rotating" resource group, and it is not currently defined as a "rotating" resource group.

User Response: To define the HACWS resource group as a "rotating" resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-621Resource group HACWS resource group name contains no application server.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain an application server, and there is no application server currently defined.

User Response: To define the application server for the HACWS resource group see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-622The start script HACWS start script name must be defined to the HACWS resource group name resource group.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain the specified start script.

User Response: To define the start script for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-623The stop script HACWS stop script name must be defined to the HACWS resource group name resource group.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain the specified stop script.

User Response: To define the stop script for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-624Resource group HACWS resource group name contains no service address.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain a service address, and there is no service address currently defined.

User Response: To define the service address for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-625The host name of the primary control workstation must be a service address in the HACWS resource group name resource group.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain a service address that matches the hostname of the primary control workstation. However, the hostname of the primary control workstation is not among the list of service addresses.

User Response: To add the hostname of the primary control workstation to the list of service addresses for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-626Resource group HACWS resource group name contains no volume group.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain a volume group, and there is no volume group currently defined.

User Response: To define the volume group for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-627Resource group HACWS resource group name contains no filesystem.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain a file system, and there is no file system currently defined.

User Response: To define the file system for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-628The HACWS resource group name resource group must contain either a /spdata or /spdata/sys1 filesystem.

Explanation: The HACWS resource group must contain a file system whose mount point is /spdata or /spdata/sys1, and neither of these is among the list of file systems in the HACWS resource group.

User Response: To add an /spdata or /spdata/sys1 file system for the HACWS resource group, see the chapter entitled: Installing and Configuring the High Availability Control Workstation in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

2509-629Could not obtain list of events from HACMP.

Explanation: Could not obtain the list of HACMP events from HACMP.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the HACMP command cllsev. Investigate that error message.

2509-675Could not add event scripts for event event name on name of one of the control workstations.

Explanation: The command failed to identify some HACWS event scripts to HACMP.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the HACMP command clchev. Investigate that error message.

2509-680Could not start the subsystem name subsystem.

Explanation: The command failed to start the specified subsystem.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-681Could not start the subsystem group name subsystem group.

Explanation: The command failed to start the specified subsystem group.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-682The SDR is not available.

Explanation: The SDR is not available.

User Response: Make sure that control workstation services are started on the active control workstation.

2509-683Could not stop the subsystem name subsystem.

Explanation: The command failed to stop the specified subsystem.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-684Could not stop the subsystem group name subsystem group.

Explanation: The command failed to stop the specified subsystem group.

User Response: This failure should be accompanied by other error messages. Investigate those messages.

2509-685Extra parameters are not allowed.

Explanation: The command was called with extra command line arguments.

User Response: Run the command without extra command line arguments.

2509-686The -u and -d options are mutually exclusive.

Explanation: If the -u option is used, the -d option may not be specified. If the -d option is used, the -u option may not be specified.

User Response: Enter the command with either the -u or -d option, but not both.

2509-687Either the -u or -d option must be specified.

Explanation: The command requires either the -u or -d option.

User Response: Enter the command with either the -u or -d option.

2509-688The -a and -i options are mutually exclusive.

Explanation: If the -a option is used, the -i option may not be specified. If the -i option is used, the -a option may not be specified.

User Response: Enter the command with either the -a option or -i option, but not both.

2509-689This command can only run on a control workstation.

Explanation: This command can be executed only on the control workstation.

User Response: Run the command only on the control workstation.

2509-690Problem encountered with /etc/rc.hacws.

Explanation: This command ran the /etc/rc.hacws script and it encountered an error.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the /etc/rc.hacws script. Investigate that error message.

2509-691Could not obtain HACWS configuration state.

Explanation: The command could not determine the HACWS configuration state of the local machine.

User Response: Run the lshacws command and investigate the results.

2509-692Could not start the partition sensitive subsystems.

Explanation: The /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl command failed.

User Response: Run the following commands and investigate the results: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -c and /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -G -A

2509-693Could not stop the partition sensitive subsystems.

Explanation: The /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl command failed.

User Response: Run the following command and investigate the results: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -G -k

2509-751File collections update failed.

Explanation: The inactive control workstation failed to get a file collections update from the active control workstation.

User Response: This error should be accompanied by an error message from the supper command. Investigate that error message.

2509-759Cannot run diagnostics while the hardmon subsystem is active.

Explanation: This command should run only on the inactive control workstation, where the hardmon subsystem is not running. This error probably means that you tried to run on the active control workstation.

User Response: Run this command only on the inactive control workstation.

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