My Dad turned 69 last Saturday, and he got to go on a very special and fun birthday outing. I'm sure it's exactly where he wanted to go,
The Hand's On Museum. We even had a birthday coupon for free admittance, well for ER at least!

My parents and brother Dave all took her while Brad and I got to get some things done around the house. I was surprised to hear afterward that she really like the Bob the Builder exhibit. They had a toy tool bench at the playgroup we went to the past two years and she never showed any interest in it.

She also like the ambulance and sitting up front, an area she wasn't too keen on when we took her to the
Please Touch Museum on our trip to Philadelphia. Just shows how you never know when their interests are going to change. I'm just glad she had a good time and somone else was chasing after her for a change!

They also planted, something ER is always eager to do! If you haven't been,
The Hand's On Museum is definitely worth the trip. It has a wide variety of exhibits and elementary aged kids will find lots to keep them entertained. We also like it because there is a strong educational component to many of the exhibits, several focusing on science and math, more so than at the other kid's museum we went to in Philly.

This is usually ER's favorite part of the trip, the large water table in the preschool gallery. They must know that even with those splash bibs kids are bound to get wet because they very nicely provide air dryers too.

While they were out, we were busy doin all sorts of exciting things...like grocery shopping and making bean dip. Brad and I think it's only the second time we've both been at home without ER there. It was really nice to have a complete conversation without having a toddler attached to my leg! We all had a yummy taco dinner, always a good choice to feed a crowd.

Then ER had to help Papa open all his presents, cause you know there was no way he could manage on his own!

She enjoyed looking at the
Exploding Box and Mini Book I made him, and is now demanding I make one for her.

He got the newest Ansel Adam's calendar for his office. Adam's is one of my favorite photographers. We used to live in California and visited Yosemite several times, it was so neat to have seen his photos beforehand and then to actually see some of the same views.

5 Friends Said:
Happy Birthday to Papa! What great pictures of a special day. Your Dad looks so happy!
Thanks for your well wishes Katie! I meant to send you an email today too! Last night was my first attempt down stairs to the office. So I banked a few posts for this week. As far as beading. Em can bead if I give her a pipe cleaner and a larger bead. I also have to sit with her and occasionally help or talk her through it. Because the pipe cleaner is stiff it makes it easier. Start by attaching a bead on the end and twisting so the beads don't fall off once on. Hope this helps. Oh, also try to use the softer pipe cleaners so that when she makes you a hundred bracelets they don't tickle your wrist.
Your dad looks so happy! What a fun celebration! I didn't say it yesterday, but I love the way your hot cocoa container turned out. And, oh! that dip in the middle of your taco table looks tasty! I'm really glad I jumped out of my reader today to see the debut of your adorable Christmas themed banner!!
that first photo.....ER looks so much like both her mom and dad. I can see both of you in her! Too cute.
I was trying to remember if WE have ever been home without Missy here....I don't think we have!
(although my MIL is flying DH and DD to their home in western Canada in january for a WEEK so I can craft, read, rest, go to work and not drag a doddling toddler out of the house, and just grow this baby by myself!!--one project I really want to do for Missy is the pillow from Martha Stewart with her letters on it)
Looks like such a fun time! What a blessing to celebrate another year of your father's life. I love the exploding box idea... I'd never seen one before.
Happy Belated Birthday to your Daddy:). Looks like everyone had a good time. My kids would love the water table too. Then they would have a fit if they got wet. Kids...crazy.
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