Courtney at Sister to Sister, who I just adore because she is always so positive and upbeat and so supportive gave me the Sisterhood Award. She did a guest Tackle it Tuesday at Five Minutes for Mom yesterday and showed off her fab new patterns for baby snugglies that she's adding to her collection of patterns at You Can Make This. She is so creative! Plus she still talks to me, even though I've totally flaked about joining in on her Friday blog party Finish It Friday, she's got the cutest graphic with a UFO "UnFinished Objects" for it. Problem is, I haven't finished anything yet! So if you haven't "met" her yet, what are you waiting for:)

- Put the logo on your blog or post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
- Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
You're all super special to me, and I am so excited to be a part of the Sisterhood!!! I wish I could nominate you all, as everyone deserves it! So if you aren't already proudly displaying this on your blog please consider yourself awarded:)
I'm going to highlight ten of my blogging buds who I haven't already awarded or tagged recently for this and the following awards! Congrats girls and have fun adding two new awards to your collection!- Ashley at Domestic Diva's Fancy, can it really be I haven't given her one yet?
- Patti at Lady Bugs in the Garden: Hopefully she'll see this, as I can't leave comments on her posts for some reason! The little box for word verification comes up but never has a word it, it just loads forever! Go check her out for beautiful card designs that are so much cooler than my beginner attempts!
- Tonja at My Beautifully Chaotic Life: Just met her and already the emails are bouncing back and forth and we're both comment happy on each other's blogs. I just know I've found another sister!
- Cheryl at Doug, Cheryl, and Abigail: Because I think she might be an even bigger fan of the Anne of Green Gable's series than I am, and that's saying a lot!
- Missy at Simply Red: Another new friend who's an Anne with an E fan, who I can talk craft talk with, and who has a scallop punch and knows how to use it!
- Mama King at 4 Crazy Kings: A fellow all grown up Korean adoptee who had really neat and original art projects and fun activities on her blog.
- Ashlee at Pretty Partridge: She another One Pretty Thing girl who loves crafting as much as I do.
She made the felt toddler bracelets I had featured, only she made them way better as that girl can sew! I am so gonna make her fabric covered photo album, cause I love anything monogramed!
- Kris at Jesse Kate Designs is another one of my very talented friends who also designs her own e-patterns and who loves machine embroidery. You should she what she can do here. More importantly, she has been so sweet and supportive ever since I met her AND she's a former teacher so you know I love her!
- Nine and Ten are hightlighted below...

I can't take all - or really ANY of the credit for my blog being cute, I had a great designer Lena at Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates. Who makes the best templates for FREE! I had been looking and looking for a template that said me and this one fit me perfectly. It's exactly what I'd have asked a custom designer to make, and I don't mind sharing it:)
In fact, Kristen at All In A Mom's Life, who needs our help with kid friendly meals for an up coming birthday party AND Mandy at N'Stitches Designs, who made this - so cute it makes me love yellow - hint, hint...BRAD, like my blogger design an awful lot too, so I pass this one along to them!
As always, ladies it's great fun to highlight some of my followers, who are a big part of my life! You can proudly display the awards on your blog and carry on the bloggy love or bask in the glow of being a winner and leave it at that:)
8 Friends Said:
Hahaha we got awards at the same time! Congrats, you deserve it!
Awww, I so love you! Thanks so much! I would return them to you but you have them! Anyways***Have a wonderful day!
Ashley Nichole.
Yay. This is so fun. My first award! I am excited to get to know you better and to check out all the other awarded blogs. Thanks!
Yay! I have never got an award before. I am so happy! You are such a wonderful person :-) I was so going to give it to back to you...but I don't know if I can do that?!?
The flowers were left over from Valentine's Day...but at that price I didn't care when they were from b/c they were so And the radicchio is for my salad tonite. I am grilling salmon with asparagus tonite and wanted a salad on the side. Too bad I didn't get more for .35 cents.
Hi Katie! I'm glad to be a sista! Thank you so much for the award. Thanks so much for your inspiration, as well. I do love browsing your blog and seeing your wonderful ideas and crafts.
I'll post about my new award soon!Yea!!!
You are SO SWEET! Thank you so much for your kind words, they really brightened my day! :)
Thank you so much Katie! You're awesome!
Wow! You go girl! Congrats on your awards.
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