Showing posts with label diapers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diapers. Show all posts

17 February 2011

pampers for two

small & white:
my little tiny is not interested in the "potty" yet.
infact, she could care less if she sits in her own,
well poops.
she thinks its funny to "toot toot"
& laughs when anyone in my mcphee home does.

today i finally ordered her toilet trainer.
mind you,
i absoluetly refuse to buy one that sits on the floor
that i would have to dump out & clean everytime.
no, no, no-O.

two babes in diapers...

{she was on her way to kiss him in the first pic,
even though it looks like she is about to hit him.
we are all about the love in this house}

every morning you greet me.