Showing posts with label Friday Finds. Show all posts

Finding Treasures

I thought it would be fun to show you a few of the great items I picked up and some garage sales yesterday.  I'll spare you pictures of all the great shorts and tops for my girls. :)

This bench.  It will find a home in one of the garden areas. Pretty sweet, it is.

And, then there's that wonderful book, metal frame, iron vessel of some sort, and vintage aluminum hemming pins. Well, the words on them say "hemming bird" but they are like a clothes pin.
There are measuring marks on them.  I've never seen those before and I have a large collection of vintage aluminum ware and vintage sewing paraphernalia! Score!

And, of course you must have noticed the vintage fabric back there?!  In this Instagram photo you can also see the barkcloth that came in the box of fabric that I bought.

I was running in and out of the house painting the little girls' fingernails while I took these photos and forgot to put all the fabric in or take a close up of the hemmingbirds.  Oh my goodness!!!  I just now got the pun, like "hummingbird"!!  Oh boy, sometimes I'm slow!

From the top. 

Oh. And, there are these.  Big jar full!  

And, because I like to play with depth of field...another picture of this vintage goodness.  Plus the jar is large, old, and with a wide mouth! I love storing items in these jars.

Of course I had to buy this vintage recipe box full of hand written recipes!  Day 2 of their sale, it was half off.  I'm so happy no one on day 1 noticed this beauty!

And, because I like to play with cropping my photos differently, you get to see another picture now too.

Hand written recipes will be going by the wayside.

And, speaking of things of life going by the wayside....mending.  These were in the bottom of the box of fabric!  I love them!  These are keepers!

You can see a bit more of the awesome bench here too.

It's cloudy and rainy here today so I'm grateful I could go out yesterday to the sales.  Enjoy your weekend!

I'm linking up today with others who are sharing their love all things old:

Friday Finds

I've been reading the Dairy of Sister Faustina in these past weeks.  Very slowly, as in a a page or two a night.  It's been a blessing.

Simply praying for "the world" has been on my heart lately and reading the diary has been an affirmation of this seemingly simple prayer.

It's been awhile, so I'm happy to link up with Kim Klassen again. :)

Kim Klassen dot com

Friday Finds

I thought I'd post about some of the treasures I've found during the last month.  I haven't been out much but did find a few things at an antique store, thrift store, and an estate sale.
I maybe should have passed on this stool since I have quite a few but gosh, a person needs a place to rest with character, right?
These old aluminum spice containers made me smile all big inside when I saw the price.  Yep, they're coming home with me.  We've used two sets of salt and pepper shakers that match in our kitchen for years.
And these were found in the same antique store.  It was my first visit there where I actually got to go in and not just peak in the window....will be going back. 
Art Deco graphics....
Pretty wonderful!  I have not decided if they will actually store items in my pantry or in the sewing room.  Because we all know that truth be told....Tupperware is better for storage.  Ouch.  That does hurt.
I used to walk on by the old metal frames, not old enough to be really neat, but I'm seeing them in a new light now.  Especially the hinged ones.  Not sure why I like them now, but thought I'd bring home a couple and see if I find a use for them.
This one had a cool label in it as a bonus
Also at the thrift store:
These hand made round knitting looms looked like they were full of potential.  Maybe loom knitting for my little girls or perhaps to use for a round weaving project?
I thought I better take them too. 

Maybe these paper dolls and clothes will find their way to the new frames?
The dresses are magazine page thin and they don't all "fit" a doll.
These are sure cute even though the poor gal on the left has been decapitated.
My offer for this set of quite chipped and aged dishes at the estate sale was met with an overly exuberant "Gosh, yes!"
And I thought...hmmm...should have offered less
Not needing any more dishes at all, I was so excited to leave with only three of the 7 cups for sale at the thrift store.  (What? that didn't make sense to you?)
Old books always have a new home here.

I liked the title and content of this one.
Lots of fun information in it and possible collage material.
I'm happy you stopped by!  Have you found any treasures lately?
Kim Klassen dot com

Around the House--In Cartoon Mode!

I discovered this week that my phone camera has a "cartoon" mode.  Now while it may not use much in the way of editing "skills"...I had great fun with it!  And, looking at one's life from a slightly animated a different perspective.  So a quick trip through part of our house this morning.  As is.

I've been a champion dish-stacker since my childhood.

The remains of breakfast.

Homework, laundry, and legos.  On the dining room table. 

More homework, books, dance bag, dolls, pillow, and blankets askew.
(Dolls laying around makes my heart smile)


This is a portion of my vintage religious artwork collection.  Someday when the bathroom is clean, I'll share it.  Someday. :)

It's so much easier to see yourself in a picture in cartoon mode!

If I could paint a watercolor picture, I would paint this.  Through our bathroom window.  The burning bush outside is stunning.

Through our back door.  Leaves are a gathering.

And, stopping at the computer to download the pictures from my phone.

Here's to rose colored glasses or cartoon mode today...because most things exist in how you choose to see them.

Kim Klassen dot com

Friday Finds: Garage Sale Victory

I love going to garage sales.  You probably know that by now...
I'm often getting there at the end of a sale.

It's hard when the person having the sale or in this case yesterday, the volunteers manning the booths, tell you that they had soooooooo much stuff at the beginning of the day and have sold sooooooooo much stuff.  And, you think...hmmmm...did I miss out?

But, the way I see it.  All that stuff was cleared out so I could find the items that are treasures to me!

Some of what we brought home:

 Small tattered Bibles...

Kind of rough, but I love this set of books!  All containing quotes pertaining to the titles.

Beautiful graphics.  Copyright 1911

 This header pages would be wonderful framed...if I have the heart to take the book apart that is.  I may just take time to photograph them well.

 Under "Courage"...I like this by Whittier.

Three jars of buttons, fairly dirty, but will be so fun to sort!!!

I'll wait for a day when a good dose of therapy is needed! Or I have a project in mind that needs just the right button.

Love the shape of a lyre!


I told my girls that we would keep our eyes out for Halloween costumes.  My 9 year old came up with this as she wants to be Barbie.  Snip, snip, sew, sew!

And, my 7 year old found this...she wants to be Elsa from Frozen.  Snip, snip, sew, sew, a LOT!!  She has confidence that I can do this.  I sure hope I can!  I'll let you know at the end of October how it turns out.

The "snip, snip, sew, sew is a reference to this ADORABLE book we've read so many times!

And, speaking of snipping and sewing...add hot washing and drying to the mix.... and this once size large women's sweater becomes child sized and ready for me to use in a felted wool project I have in mind.  I threw it in the washer as soon as I got home, so I don't have a before picture.  Trust me, it was twice this size.

I'm not usually a blue fan but I like this and the texture a lot.

Then there was this cute vintage book!  Of course it had to come home with me.  It's a 4-H story to boot; I love 4-H and my club!

We also came home with some very nice clothing items for myself and the girls to actually wear and not cut up!  So, the trip to this sale was a victory... so to speak. :)

Linking up:

Kim Klassen {dot com}
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