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Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts

Anderson's Event

Monday, February 11, 2013
I'm slowly working on my FAQ page and will hopefully have that up soon! Thank you to everyone who offered suggestions on what to include!

I wanted to post real quick about an event I'm doing this week in Naperville, IL at Anderson's Bookshop. I'll be signing/speaking with Julie Cross (Tempest & Vortex) and Erica O'Rourke (Torn trilogy & upcoming Dissonance) and it will be tons of fun, I suspect. You should be there!

Here are the details from the Anderson's website:

Wednesday February 13th at 7:00 PM
Come in out of the cold to meet a trio of great Young Adult authors including Julie Cross (Vortex: Tempest Novel), Erica O’Rourke (the Torn trilogy), and Jennifer Rush (presenting her debut, Altered). For young adult fans this is not just terrfic, it’s threerific!

I hope you'll be there! I will have lots of swag to pass around. 

F. A. Q. and an Event

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I'm in the process of updating the pages on this site and am working on an F.A.Q. page. There are a few questions I already plan to answer, such as whether or not ALTERED will have a sequel (it will!) or whether I'm Team Dean or Team Sam (Dean Winchester all the way! [okay, that question wasn't really asked, but if it was, the answer would still be Dean]).

So, if anyone has any questions they'd like answered, let me know! Or if you have any general suggestions for me, like perhaps there are popular Q & A's that every writer needs that perhaps I wouldn't think to include, please let me know in the comments. I quite frequently need all the help I can get.

Also, I will be posting later this week about a few upcoming events I have scheduled. As a matter of fact (and probably I am posting this here far too late, because it's practically [errr, rather IS] Wednesday and the event is Saturday but whatever, carry on JENN, you are rambling) I have an event coming up this Saturday, January 26th, in the DC/VA area! Arlington, to be exact.

I'll be speaking on a YA panel with Victoria Schwab, Jessica Spotswood, Miranda Kenneally and Tiffany Schmidt at One More Page Books in Arlington, Virgina. It'll be moderated by the extremely fabulous Diana Peterfreund! We're kicking off at 4PM and if you can make it, you totally should! Because I imagine it will be very exciting and awesome.