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Showing posts with label Erased. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erased. Show all posts

REBORN: More on Nick's Book

Thursday, February 20, 2014

I’ve received a lot of questions about Reborn (Altered #3), especially now that people have read Erased, so I thought I’d do another update post for those of you who might be new to the series (or the blog).

Altered and Erased were Anna’s books, and her story ended with Erased. But, while her story has an end, the Branch’s story doesn’t. The same could be said for the boys. There are still a lot of holes in the boys’ pasts. Who were they before the Branch? How did they come to work together? This was something I wanted to explore in Reborn, and I really really wanted to explore it with Nick.

Reborn is Nick’s book, for sure, but it will be told in a dual POV. Half from Nick’s POV, and half from a new girl character’s POV. If you read my old post about A3, then you might have heard me call her Callie, but once I started writing the book, I realized she wasn’t a Callie at all. So I changed her name! It’s now Elizabeth, and it fits so much better.

Nick has been having flashbacks about his life before and after joining the Branch, and there’s one girl he can’t get out of his head. He breaks from the group to do a bit more digging, and that’s when the action begins. Who is this girl? And is she connected to the Branch?

Reborn is very close to being finished (YAY!), so I can confidently say that it turned out to be a lot different than Altered and Erased. For one, it’s a dual POV, and one of those POVs is a genetically altered (male) badass. I’ve never really tackled writing a male POV (other than Trout in Bot Wars – but he’s a preteen, so it’s different!). Nick doesn’t see the world the same way Anna does. That was an adjustment, but a great writing experience. He’s also a lot angrier, a lot more broken, and a bit unpredictable. I loved writing him.

Elizabeth is also broken, for many reasons, and I certainly don’t want to give anything away. But, I can say, she’s a perfect match for Nick, in that they’re both confused about the past, present, and especially their future. They both have a lot of healing to do before either of them can let another person into their lives.

When I set out to write this book, and when I tried to picture who would make a great companion for Nick, I originally pictured a girl who was as equally badass as Nick, someone to whip him into shape, someone who wouldn’t take his crap. But then I realized, Nick would never let someone like that into his life. He would immediately go on the defensive. He grew up in a home where he was constantly pushed around, whipped into shape, and those kinds of strong personalities turn Nick off.

What someone like Nick needs is a person who is not afraid of a damaged past, who knows what pain is, and who would accept him, flaws and all.

I love writing characters who kickass, especially female characters that kickass! But strength can come in many forms, and I thought perhaps it was time to write a female character that, on the outside, is the opposite of kickass, but on the inside, is as strong as steel.

Reborn is a long ways away (eleven months!) but I can’t wait for people to read it. It IS different from Altered and Erased, but I think it’s a good different. And of course, there IS lots of ass kicking!

If you have any other questions about Reborn, drop them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer! 

Salt & Erased Release Day Fun

Friday, January 3, 2014

It’s Friday! And you know what that means? ERASED is only 3 days away from being released! Not only that, but my good friend, Danielle Ellison, has a book coming out the same day. SALT is a YA about witches and hot boys, and I highly recommend you read it.

Danielle and I are hosting a Twitter party January 7th 9-10 PM EST to celebrate our release day. We’ll be giving away books and swag, answering questions, and most certainly chatting about hot guys. We hope you all can make it! But, in the event you’re busy (kids, homework, deadlines, your own hot guy), we wanted to give everyone a chance to win a prize pack simply by entering through the Rafflecopter form below. It’s that easy!

Here’s what you’ll win:

I'm throwing in some Altered bookmarks and Altered boy pins as well, and Danielle is throwing in a necklace with a salt charm. So, you'll definitely be winning some great prizes! 

Enter on the Rafflecopter form below, and if you can make it, we'd love to see you at the Twitter party on January 7th 9PM! Follow along on the #HotBoysWin hashtag.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ERASED ARC contest favs!

Monday, September 23, 2013
First, let me apologize about how long it took me to get this post together for the ERASED ARC contest. We're still in the midst of moving (I feel like I'm swimming in boxes), and Altered 3 was due today! So it's been crazy over here. 

This ARC contest is by far one of my favorite contests ever. You guys are seriously talented people, and you picked some of the hottest guys for the fan casting. It was sooooo hard to narrow it down!

For this post, I'm sharing my top 5 (actually, it ended up being 7) Altered/Erased fan art picks. You guys get to help me narrow it down to just one. There will be a poll below. Vote for your favorite one and the winner will get an ARC of ERASED! I seriously can't wait to see what you guys vote for. Because I'm not sure I could pick just one if it came down to it. 

On Friday, I will officially announce the winners of the Fan Art portion, and the Fan Casting portion (I'm picking the winner of this one), of the contest. Voting ends at 2PM EST on Friday. I will contact the winners shortly after. 

Okay, enough of me talking. Let's get to the good stuff! 


by street of mercy

by mig art




by Adzs

Now, get to voting! 

I'm giving away TWO ERASED ARCS!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I have been hoarding my ARCs of ERASED for several months now. And I think it's time to give a few away. Of course, there will be many more chances to win copies, as I have a few more giveaways planned for later this fall, closer to the release date.

But I'm so excited about this contest, I couldn't hold on to it any longer. Because it involves two of my very favorite things: fan castings and fan art.

So here are the details!


If Altered were a movie, who would play Sam? Cas? Nick or Trev? Or Anna? Put together the very best cast and post it on Tumblr, your blog, Twitter, Facebook, somewhere where I can see it. I'll be picking the very best casts (and will have some friends weigh in as well!).


One of my very favorite things in the world is fan art. I love seeing what fans make for Shadow and Bone, and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, and Teen Wolf and Supernatural. The internet is an artsy place, and I want more of it!

Create fan art for Altered and post it at any of the above mentioned places. I'll pick my top five favs and post them here, and ask the Internet to vote!

The fan art can be anything, from an Altered cover, to an altered image (see what I did there), to a song you wrote, a poem, an Altered trailer, to a poster you made with markers on your kitchen table. However you want to make it!

For some great examples of fan art, check out this and this and this and this.

Wherever you post, be sure to tag it with #AlteredSeries. That's how I'll track what's posted. And if you're worried about whether or not the entry has been counted, feel free to email me at jennvrush [at] gmail [dot] com with a link to where I can find it.

The contest starts NOW! And will end September 23rd. I'll post the top five fan art entries on the 23rd. Winners will be announced September 27th.

Contest is open internationally!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!

Now, GOOOO! 

(I am so excited about this one you guys. SO EXCITED)