Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4

black does not have to be boring

Hi my dears,

I bet you thought I forgot about the Christopher Raeburn mutt bag, right?

"I think no, totally NO!" 

So it has been on my mind and I felt in love and after a long time. Oh guys, it took a few years but this cool piece made mine and today I am carrying Tyria (yes, the name is Tyria, because yesterday 3rd August and the nameday? Tyria! What a beautiful name! "Why gave this guy Tyia name?" Simply - I got this bag at 3rd of August!) to the office. All black outfit! Black does not have to be boring do not you think? Black shirt-dress, black Wolford leggings, a pair of black  sandals by Givenchy and black Tyria. The mutt! 

Wednesday, 3 August? Not for a special occasion! Not for my Birthday! Not for our anniversary! What a surprise!

"How can you be so lucky girl?"

I have a wonderful bf and looks like he always care about me and my desires. Thanks Honey, you are the best! Tyria is a good girl and she just made my day every day! Refinement! My lover you made my day every day. I love you! 

black leather mutt bag - Christopher Raeburn

Wednesday, June 4

Early Birthday Present

I gifted myself!

satin embroidered slippers - Miu Miu

Monday, March 3

Some Old Some New

Here are my collection of some favorite goodies.

similar post: here

hot pink clutch with antler handle - Lou Lou Belle (last seen here
Heidi denim bunny headband - Maison Michel (last seen here)
book - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (gift from Susan)
nail polish - Sally Hansen
fragrance - Valentino Valentina
body butter - The Berkeley Square

Wednesday, December 4

Monday & the weekdays

tartan flannel shirt dress - thrifted
woolen grey sweater - Love Moschino (last seen here)
handmade knitted beanie by mom with Chanel earring as a pin
Timberland style boots with high heels (look like Manolo Blahnik)
Edna bag without chain (as huge clutch) - Mulberry

more pretty plaid: here

Monday, June 11


This scarf is a wonderful compliment to simple white outfit for summery months... Thanks for your lover.

greenish silk scarf - vintage Leonard Paris (70's and gift from my bf) 
pink studded flats - Valentino

Friday, April 13

10 Years ♥ Together

Hey dolls,

Quick post for my love!
More than ten years ago, 27th of March, I kissed my boyfriend, first date that we officially became a couple, I think.
One of the 10th anniversary gifts are these floral wedges. Sigh! Are not they cute? Thanks Honey!

antique esque coctail ring with purple jewel - I found at a thrifted store
floral playsuit - Kate Moss for Topshop
floral wedges - D&G (2011)

Tuesday, August 10


gold and dark purple pashmina oversize scarf - gift from my mom

I definitely love pashmina... and you?

Monday, August 2


Hello lovely readers,

My 19th giveaway is sponsored by NOVICA. Have you ever stopped at NOVICA? This is a gorgeous company which, in association with National Geographic, works to give talented artisans around the world a place to express their artistic talents and provide access to the world market.

Their creations include
home decor, jewellery & apparel, paintings and more. I have never seen so many unique and wonderful products on one site; I guess. These artists come from Asia ,Africa, Latin America... How fantastic! Don't you think?

I think if you will be the lucky winner let you know the only hard part is choosing between these amazing jewelleries. The winner will get the gift certificate for $75.

Look at these beautiful jewellery items:

handmade jewellery
unique gifts
gift from mom

Since I am a coctail ring fanatic; to pick out something special to review. I choosed the "Two Face" ring by
Carmen Griselda Anocibar; when I am in the mood for the fitting outfit. One of the simple is dark for every combo and the another part of this ring is turquoise that it will be matching for my ethnic clothes.

For example for my new clogs... what do you think?

Come on!

Fixed rules:

You must leave a comment on this post!
For an extra entry Tweet about my giveaway!
The giveaway is open to all my readers...

Closes on the 16th of August.

Thursday, February 25

How cute is this...

Please don't forget to join the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!

★★★★★★Pretty cc pin for me - Chanel ★★★★★★

Sunday, December 27

Midnight Rain

Hello lovely readers,

I'm crazy for the fresh parfums...but my cute boyfriend surprised me with the La Prairie Midnight Rain for Christmas. He is loving this, but I'm a fresh parfum girl...this is a little bit spicier for me...neverthless I admired the bottle for the Midnight Rain scent and it's name is lovely too. I tried this of course, I guess it would probably also work well in the daytime during colder months. (on this winter) and I like it much better after wearing it for few hours than I did. Thank you lover. You are the best.

La Prairie Midnight Rain eau de parfum features top notes of guava, mandarin, pomegranate and freesia. It has heart notes of white lily, vanilla orchid, plum flower and amber flower, followed by base notes of patchouli, vetiver, cashmere woods and musk.

Saturday, December 26


One of my favourite Chtistmas gift from my uncle...

Amazing and incredible selection of really great fashion with great descriptions of the history of fashion on politics.

Vintage Fashion: Collecting and Wearing Designer Classics, 1900-1990

"Vintage Fashion is the ultimate guide to the most exemplary women's clothing from the turn of the twentieth century through the end of the 1980s. Along with a detailed, authoritative text, this gorgeous book offers more than 250 outstanding full-color photographs showcasing the quality fabrics, innovative techniques, silhouettes, shapes, and exquisite workmanship that are testimony to enduring and influential styles.

Each chapter focuses on a specific decade and is a rich survey of each era, placing the evolution of women's fashion in a cultural context. The most important designers and signature looks are discussed in detail and emphasized through beautiful illustrations, photographs, and fabric swatches. Finally, each chapter ends with a Key Looks feature that offers an at-a-glance view of the important shapes, colors, and details that defined each era.

Vintage Fashion concludes with a shopping guide, which not only offers tips on where to buy vintage pieces, but also how to care for them, and glossaries on fashion terms and the century's most collectable and important designers. The definitive word on the most influential designers and looks of the twentieth century, this book is an invaluable resource for lovers of fashion and vintage clothing as well as a source of inspiration for designers and those looking to spice up their personal style."

source: Harper Collins

....and one of my favourite photo by "awesome book" from Coco Chanel ('30)

Tuesday, August 25


Do you need an energy drink?

Janet says yeeeeah!


energy drinks from Austria - gift from my parents

★ Have a great Tuesday everyone!★

Tuesday, June 16


I have to show these. They are a gift from my lovely boyfriend.

MaxMara's collections are simple and mostly monochrome. Glance, a glance at it. My sandals are only a certain type, but you find these (
here) from the flats starting the gladiators under the knees. So incredible!

My new babies on the catwalk...

Tuesday, June 2


This little floral skirt is the gift of my lover for me. I promised to show it and I think let's combine the beautiful silk skirt with other accessories? Oh, yeah! This puts a different complexion on the matter. What do you think?
Ez az aprócska virágos szoknya a szerelmem ajándéka. Megígértem, hogy én ezt megosztom veletek és úgy gondoltam egy kis kombinálással egészen más képet fest majd. Mit gondolsz?

silk floral skirt/selyem virágos szonya - Max&Co by MaxMara
white top/fehér felső - H&M
red bag/piros táska - vintage Escada
red sandals/piros szandál - vintage

Have a lovely Tuesday!

Sunday, April 26

Zodiac sign by Jessica Kagan Cushman

What a great idea! These may be a fantastic gift for a Birthday. Don't you think?
Micsoda ötlet! Remek ajándék egy szülinaposnak. Nem gondolod?

Virgo cuff bracelet/"Szűz" karperec

Scorpio cuff bracelet/"Skorpió" karperec

Leo cuff bracelet/"Oroszlán" karperec

Gemini cuff bracelet/"Ikrek" karperec
Haha! I'm a Gemini woman.

Cancel cuff braclet/"Rák" karperec

more/még több: JKC

Tuesday, February 17

New award & beautiful gift

Do you remember my the day before yesterday post? Oh, yes: Ramon Tenza's shoes. I was satisfied with many online friends having been glad that I divided it. I fell in love with Ramon Tenza shoes. My darling reads my blog rarely, but saw Ramon Tenza post. Allow me to share it with you my Valentine's Day gift. What a great surprise! I'm lucky girl.

Emlékszel a tegnapelőtti posztomra? Oh, igen: Ramon Tenza cipői. Elégedetséggel töltött el a tudat, hogy mennyi "online barátomnőmnek" tetszettek ezek a lábbelik. Beléjük szerelmesedtem. Az én kedvesem ritkán olvassa a blogomat, de ezt kiszúrta. Engedd meg, hogy megmutassam neked a Valentin napi ajándékomat. Micsoda meglepetés! Én olyan szerencsés vagyok.

That's i

In the additional ones: I got a newer award ('I love your blog") from the trendy Serbian blogger: Fashion Moment.
A továbbiakban: Kaptam egy újabb díjat a trendi szerb bloggerinától: Fashion Moment.

Receive it with love
/Fogadd szeretettel:

Berry Picking

Dooder City

Emy Augustus

La Mimi

Quin at The Disco

Savvy Mode

Sharon Rose - vintage fashion, me

Silje's Fashion


We wear things

Friday, December 5

KÉZ-MŰ karácsonyi vásár - shopping

A KÉZ-MŰ karácsonyi vásárára, ahogy már említettem - szinte repültem.

Remélem kedvet csinálok a vásárfiám rövid bemutatásával, hogy ti is áldozzatok - legalább - a vizuális gyönyör tárházában jónéhány percet. A művészek beszélgetnek egymással és az odalátogatókkal is. Történetek, munkálatok és persze a titokzatosság se maradhat el. (Néhány dolog a mi kezünk által is megvalósulhatna, csak nem nekünk jut ugyebár eszünkbe... )

Az iparművészek is olyan közeget alkotnak (mint ahogy a művészek általában), akik között öröm mozogni, nézelődni és inspirálódni.

"Csak" a divattal kapcsolatos beszerzéseimet bocsátom közszemlére, de vásároltam karácsonyfa díszeket és az egyik barátnőmnek egy gyönyörű nyakláncot is.

Selyem, kézzel festett blúz - Jegeske (Kelemen Katalin)

(Ha megtapintanátok - ti is nehezen tudnátok neki ellenállni. Abszolút Haute Couture, ami a jelentésén túl egy indigó farmerrel is ütős)

Kézzel festett, porcelán medálos nyaklánc - Várdeák Ildikó (nagyon kedves idős hölgy)

Virág bross - Mixtion design, Demény Rozália & Takács Katalin munkája

És legvégül:
Kord és selyem kombinációjú táska és hozzáillő gyöngynyaklánc - Rukkola, Oszlay-Horváth Juli munkája és a párom ajándéka.

Ne felejtsétek holnap-holnapután még várnak titeket a kedves (számomra ismerős arcok) iparművészek!
Ezúton köszönöm az élményt és a gyönyörű termékeket.
Azt kívánom, hogy ezzel a poszttal felhívjam a figyelmet arra, hogy mennyi tehetség él kishazánkban akikhez érdemes betérni - akár a vásár keretén belül, akár üzletük felkeresésével.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥