My story



Hello and welcome!!

I am a dreamer that grew up in a suburb of Nashville, and have been exploring the world ever since I left home to go to college. Since then, I have lived in Portland, Chiang Mai, Shanghai, and San Francisco. My latest adventure was traveling throughout Europe with my husband, Nik Daum, and we are currently searching for the next place to call home.

Thanks for stopping by to glance at my life, and I do hope you come back soon!

PS. If the blog isn’t enough, check out 366 Objects. It is an ongoing project I started in 2012 where I photograph and tell the stories of physical objects in my home. The goal is to recognize the significance of everything around me.


Fellow SF resident and architect loves your images.
Particularly glad that you and Nik are regular visitors of the Presidio and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, some of the best places in the Bay Area, in my opinion. Kirby cove!
I love the way you capture details that tell stories about the place you visited. While looking last night at your Mexico City pictures I showed them to the woman who cleans our offices who was nearly in tears looking at pictures her home country.
If you are interested in seeing more and special places in the Presidio please contact me. I’d love to show you some of my favorite photogenic locations.

Hello Jamie,

I’m Margarida, a portuguese designer and ceramicist from Lisbon.
I’m now looking for an internship in a ceramic workshop in Jingdezhen, and while I was searching for studios, factories and places which could receive me, I found your travel to Jingdezhen with incredibles pictures.

I would like to know if you have same contacts there, or if you now any small workshop that could be interest in receive a ceramicist as an intern.

Any information that you could give me, will be very usefull.

Thank you very much.
My best,

Dear Jamie,
we’re currently producing a documentary on Philip Rosenthal (1916-2001), a Jewish German porcelain industrialist, visionary and social democrat under Willy Brandt. Philip Rosenthal was forced into exile by the Nazi regime and lived in France and England before returning to Germany in the 50ies. The documentary also briefly describes the porcelain industry in China – which is how we came across your pictures from Jingdezhen. We would like to use a total of 8 pictures for the film (published in your article “Jingdezhen: Making Pottery, July 15th, 2009 – as I can’t send you screenshots via this contact form I’m gonna use the picture captions: 1. “Decal Factory”, 2. “Freshly poured slip cast mold”, 3. “I wonder how many thousands of plates are here?”, 4. “Stockpiles”, 5. “The extruder”, 6. “Master Painters”, 7. “Loading the kiln”, 8. “Final Grinding”). Could you please let me know under what conditions we could use these photographs?
Thanks so much and all the best,

Hello, Jamie
I am a songwriter of children’s music and am working on some projects. ( my website is a work in progress, but you can listen to some of the songs on the page)
The song which led me to your page is entitled “downy oshun” ( baltimorese) and I write about bumper cars in one verse. I loved the photo of dad and daughter in the bumper cars and was wondering if I could use it in a slideshow for the song.
It is wonderful photograph.


Hi it’s Aaden Sinz Jamie your nephew

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