Showing posts with label Marni Bates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marni Bates. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Invisible by Marni Bates

Publisher: K-Teen
ISBN: 9780758269386
Release Date: 1 August 2018
Source: Provided by publisher for review via Netgalley.

From Goodreads: Jane Smith has survived three years of high school without making a single enemy, all by keeping a low profile. Not even her three best friends, Kenzie, Corey and Isobel, can say the same. But with Corey dating the lead singer from ReadySet and Kenzie in a relationship too, being invisible tends to be lonely. But now she's written an article for her school newspaper that has accidentally snagged the attention of some celebrities. Turns out, people get really upset when their innermost secrets are splashed all over the front page. And new her well-ordered life is being blasted to hell, with results that are wildly unexpected.

I officially love Marni Bates. To be honest I already knew that after reading Awkward and Decked With Holly – her books are so much fun you can’t help but fall in love with them.

Set in the same world as her previous books, we return to Smith High and get Jane’s story. With both her best friends pushed into the limelight (Mackenzie through the hilarious you tube video and Corey because he’s dating a famous band member) – you can understand why Jane feels… well invisible.

I really felt for Jane in this. You get why she feels the way she does but I did get annoyed at her too for not talking to Mackenzie and Corey. And when everything comes to a head it really did pull on the heartstrings too – I really felt for them all.

Add a really sweet romance (she rocks at this!) and this is another winner.

Just really good fun – I want Notable now please!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Decked With Holly by Marni Bates

From Goodreads: Holly Dayton is about to go way out of her comfort zone. . .

Spending Christmas vacation on a cruise with her two cousins from hell isn't Holly's idea of a good time. And when in a moment of seasick-fueled desperation she lurches into an open suite--she's greeted with an eyeful of pepper spray. The culprit? A gorgeous guy calling himself Nick. But when Holly goes to make her exit, she gets the shock of her life: a corridor crammed with screaming teenage fans. Because Nick just happens to be Dominic Wyatt, drummer for ReadySet--one of the hottest bands in America.

Suddenly rumors are swirling, and Holly's face is captured on countless phones and plastered all over the Internet. But the band can't risk a scandal destroying their family-friendly image, so Dominic convinces Holly to be his fake girlfriend--just for two weeks. How bad could it be to be fauxmantically involved with one of the cutest rockstars on the planet? Holly's about to find out. . .

I couldn’t wait to read this one! I loved Awkward so as soon as I realised this was set in the same world and featured Dominic (from ReadySet) I wanted to read it so bad! And it’s just as awesome as Awkward!

This time we get a dual narrative – with both Holly and Dominic (aka Nick) telling the story. As usual I loved this format and Marni Bates nails both voices – they are totally distinct and I instantly knew who was narrating. And both characters are seriously funny (sometimes without meaning to be!)

So, yes! I love Marni Bates! It’s official – she reminds me of Meg Cabot – feel good stories, laugh out loud moments – just really, really good fun. And the romance is great too.

Was the setting realistic? I don’t think that’s the point – it’s sweet, fun and how many people day dream of meeting a celebrity and have them fall in love with them? Plus I thought the motivations given for both Holly and Nick to enter into their ‘fauxmance’ were solid. Especially Holly, because honestly, her cousins and Aunt were HORRIBLE so I could see how having a ‘Rock Star Boyfirend’ might make her feel a little better about herself. One thing that did annoy me though, was that both her Grandpa and Nick, let her Aunt and Cousins be as mean as they were. Did they not see how much it hurt Holly’s feelings? I could forgive Nick since he might not have felt it his place, but I just didn’t see why her grandpa would sit there and let her Aunt say all those things.

I loved her friend Jen! Loved Mackenze and Corey’s cameo and the rest of ReadySet were just a brilliant as I remembered from Awkward. I seriously can’t wait for Marni Bates’ next book Invisible when it’s published next year This time it’s Jane’s story and it sounds fabulous.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Awkward by Marni Bates

From Goodreads: Mackenzie Wellesley has spent her life avoiding the spotlight. At Smith High, she's the awkward junior people only notice when they need help with homework. Until she sends a burly football player flying with her massive backpack and makes a disastrous - not to mention unwelcome - attempt at CPR. Before the day is out, the whole fiasco explodes on YouTube. And then the strangest thing happens. Suddenly, Mackenzie is an Internet sensation, with four million hits and counting. Sucked into a whirlwind of rock stars, paparazzi, and free designer clothes, she even catches the eye of the most popular guy at school. And that's when life gets really interesting...

This is just as hilarious as it sounds! Honestly, the whole YouTube incident is so funny I almost cried laughing – you can see how this (and Mackenzie) would become an overnight sensation.

I loved Mackenzie. How awkward she is - but how smart and kind she is as well. And I adored her friends Corey and Jane. Jane is the sensible, slightly quiet one and Corey is just awesome! I’m sure many will argue he’s a bit of a clique but I absolutely adored him. I wish I could have a friend like him! I also really liked Mackenzie’s family – especially her brother Derek! His reaction’s to Mackenzie’s overnight stardom is brilliant (both hilarious and endearing at the same time!) and her mother is great as a parent that actually trusts her child! Her dad though, well that’s a different story. I can’t imagine what that would feel like – to just have someone leave like that.

Of course, I loved Logan. And I kind of got the impression Mackenzie caught his eye before the whole YouTube overnight fame thing – but that could just be me. Either way I loved it – how they interact, how it becomes obvious he likes her but she just doesn’t see it. And the party scene? When she really starts babbling – loved it!

I loved ReadySet too – how awesome are they? Plus I loved that they are just down to earth guys that are happy to hang with some teenagers similar to their own age. Realistic? Why not? I can’t believe all famous people are horrible...right?

I can’t wait to get my hands on Decked With Holly – the next book set in this world and concentrating on Dominic from ReadySet-  hopefully there will be some Mackenzie & co updates!

Hilarious, and seriously great fun to read! Loved it!


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