Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Over It Review Tour

Synopsis: Warning: Sexual References, occasional coarse language.

Teen Youtube song writing sensation Poppy Douglas's lead singer boyfriend Ty's been criss-crossing the country and living it up on tour for months while Poppy has been stuck in the boring suburbs, finishing out the school year.

But it's Summer now, and the best thing just happened: Poppy's royalties for writing the hit song The Kiss Off just came in. She's minted, and she knows just what she's going to blow it on.

Ty's band Academy of Lies are headlining a summer music festival, and Poppy is taking her girlfriends along for the best weekend of their lives. It's all organized: the weekend is going to be full of camping under the stars, backstage passes, VIP rooms and partying like rock stars, not to mention some long awaited one-on-one time with America's favorite front man.

Except, when someone drops out of the trip and Poppy takes the opportunity to mend a broken friendship, it doesn't quite go according to plan. And when she meets her boyfriend's BFF from another band, the paparazzi form their own totally wrong conclusions. There's also the matter of Ty's 'super fan' stalker, but the less said about her the better.

The biggest test of all comes in the form of an opportunity too good to pass up. But will insecurities and jealousy stand in Poppy's way? Can Poppy and Ty's relationship even survive it?

Life is about to get much more complicated for Poppy Douglas, but what can you expect when your boyfriend is a rock star?

I've really been looking forward to reading this since I finished The Kiss Off and it didn't disappoint - I really enjoyed it.

I love the character of Poppy - she's that perfect mixture of sweet and quirky - she does things that gets her into all kinds of situations but she always does them with the best intentions! And she makes me laugh.

This instalment sees Poppy going to a musical festival for the weekend to see Ty. But things really don't go as planned. I liked the whole Nikki and Mads situation - and Hamish was an interesting character. Plus I thought the storyline concerning Poppy and Ty's relationship was good - I liked the fact that it wasn't made out to be easy given the fact he is becoming more and more famous. And there were so many laugh out loud moments!

While I would have preferred a different outcome in the end I did like it as I felt it was realistic - and I'm am hoping that it will be resolved in the next book. Please, pretty please? And I like that Poppy has her own independence and dreams and isn't solely defined by her relationships.

Roll on 2015! I need the next instalment!!!

As part of the Blog Tour there is a giveaway for US peeps!  Check out the details below:

1 winner of The Kiss Off & Over It paperbacks
1 winner of $10 itunes voucher
10 winners of signed postcard + magnet
10 winners of signed postcard

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author:

Sarah Billington is an Australian writer and editor who likes to write stories with love, laughs, suspense and zombies. Sometimes all in the same story. Her favouritest thing to write about are those horrendously awkward moments that come with being a teenager. Or a human being. Sarah was extremely accident-prone and klutzy as a kid and teen, so her cup runneth over with experiences of horrendously awkward moments to draw from in her writing. Thankfully, she has grown out of her klutziness. Mostly. She is, however, still an embarrassment.

She loves a variety of random things, which include Swing Dancing, Ice Hockey, Fly ball and she is a bit obsessive about paranormal investigation shows and channel E!.

Sarah Billington has experience in both editorial and writing, having been on editorial committees and section managed for Cursive Scripts literary journal, Darebin City Council's INSCRIBE Literary Newspaper and The Box Magazine.

She holds a Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing & Editing) and Bachelor of Writing & Publishing, so she is chock-full of writing and editing goodness. She has completed editorial for companies such as Open Humanities Press and Fast Profits as well as query letter and manuscript appraisals for authors, mostly of Middle Grade and Young Adult fiction.

Currently she works as a Digital Editor at Lonely Planet and as a freelance editor for Month9Books.

But wait, there's more! She has written and had published fiction, feature articles, reviews and interviews, and had her international adventures documented in a local newspaper. Currently, she writes movie reviews for Blockbuster Magazine and Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE.

Facebook Fan Page:

Over It links:



Amazon US

Amazon UK:

You can read my review for the first book in the series - The Kiss Off - here.  And make sure you check out the rest of the tour.  More information on all the stops can be found here

* A copy of the book was provided for review by the blog tour host YA Reads Blog Tours

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Something Wicked by AJ Myers

Release Date: 2 September 2013
Source: Provided for review

From Goodreads: Welcome back to the World of Weird! I’m Ember Blaylock, and I’ll be your guide through this treacherous—sometimes downright deadly—world I call my own. Because if you thought our last trek through my reality was a rollercoaster ride, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

I thought I was going to get my life back. I swore off all things witchy. I lied to everyone I cared about. I was even dealing with the nightmares that plagued me every night—souvenirs of my first foray through this not-so-wonderful world of mine. Seriously, if the World of Weird doesn’t leave you with your fair share of issues, nothing will. I really thought I could go back to being a normal senior in high school.

I was so wrong.

Between my doubts about giving my heart to my vampire boyfriend, uncovering a whole new set of secrets and lies, and seeing my old friend Jack every time I turned around, there was nothing ‘normal’ about my life.

And if that wasn’t enough to keep a girl on her toes, Moonlight, Missouri just got its very own serial killer. A real psycho who seems to think it’s fun to turn his victims into Ember clones—and this creeper isn’t working alone. He’s got help. The witchy kind. Sucks to be me, huh?

And you thought just surviving high school was tough…

Even better than the first instalment - I loved Something Wicked. Ember is completely kick ass, Nathan as swoon-worthy as ever and I loved Ember's friends even more in this one! And are Grams rocks!

I am really intrigued by Tyler too. He's so likeable - I *think* I know what he is and I hope we find out soon. More worryingly though, is the traitor we learnt about at the end of book one...

Absolutely loved the ending - and it means I am guaranteed to read Something Wanton the day it is released. I think I may have found a new favourite series.

So yes, it is safe to say I can't wait for Something Wanton to be released!  In the meantime I get to enjoy the novella Eternally.  Nate's POV?  Hell yes!

Something Witchy by AJ Myers

Release Date: 2 September 2013
Source: Provided for review

From Goodreads: My name is Ember Blaylock. Welcome to the World of Weird—better known as my life. It wasn’t always like this. I was once a normal high school senior, just filling out college apps and trying to stay sane long enough to get out of Moonlight, Missouri. Preferably before I ended up in a straight-jacket out of sheer boredom.

At first, my only problems were my increasingly unwanted ability to see the dead and my desperation to remove the stalker known as my ex-boyfriend from my life. Somewhere along the line I must have pissed off the Bad Karma Fairy. Maybe I stepped on the wrong toadstool or peed in Loki’s personal swimming pool—I really don’t know. All I do know is I’m about to have the worst week of my life. Maybe the worst week of any teenager’s life. Ever.

All because of a dead guy.

From the second pale, too-hot-to-be-real Nathan Ashley stepped out of the wreckage of his mangled sports car, my life spiraled into complete and utter chaos. One minute, I'm quasi-normal, the next I’m being kidnapped by a vampire, I’m having weird, creepy powers sprout up out of nowhere, and I’m running from a demon who wants to get more familiar with my anatomy…or kill me. Again. Yeah, did I mention he's done it before?

Anybody know if those straight-jackets come in pink?

This book is seriously good fun! I really enjoyed it and it's definitely got me back into reading paranormal stories.

The thing I liked about it most is Ember and her voice! She's my kind of character! She strong willed and says what she thinks - and yes she's a bit oblivious to what is right in front of her at times - but she's instantly likeable. And really easy to relate to.

And Nathan is definitely swoon-worthy *sighs*

I loved how the story combines witches, demons and vampires. And that although Ember has power she can't instantly use it - she has to work at it. And the romance is really, really sweet. Sue me but I love the whole soul mate thing!

As soon as I finished this I couldn't wait to read the next book, Something Wicked. Which was even better...

Embrace the Mayham Blog Tour

I'm really pleased to be part of the Embrace the Mayham Blog Tour to help promote the release of AJ Myres wonderful Mystics & Mayham series -  Something Witchy, Something Wicked and the new novella Eternally.  The books are so much fun - I loved them!  And for the blog tour, AJ has stopped by to talk about how to be different...

“Not Another YA Paranormal Romance!”

Yeah, I’ve heard that a lot—usually said with a groan. YA paranormal romances, despite being some of the hottest sellers in books today, get this response all the time. So, how do you make yours stand out in a crowd? It’s easy. Be Different.

When I started writing the Mystics & Mayhem series, that was the goal I had in mind. I wanted something different than what I was reading—over and over again. Seriously, it was like every book I read was the same book, the only difference being that the characters’ names had changed. I’m not saying they weren’t good books, they were just way too similar.

The one thing I kept thinking again and again was that there was plenty of tension, more than enough drama, and absolutely no humor. Also, having a teenage daughter myself, I couldn’t help but see how wimpy and whiny the female protagonists were. Young women today are not waiting on Prince Charming to come save them, nor should they be. They’re perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. I thought it was about time for those strong, capable, independent young ladies to be represented.

Which is how Ember Blaylock came into existence.

Of course, like most authors trying to write a different kind of novel, my first draft went a little overboard. My mentor and editor, Sara King’s, favorite thing to tell me in her comments, all in caps no less, was “SPIDERMAN VS SUPERMAN”. Sure, we all love Superman, but Spiderman—who gets his butt kicked more often than any superhero in history—is more accessible. He’s more…human. In trying to make Ember different, I had turned her into a demigod. All-powerful in 2.5 seconds—or chapters, anyway.

But as we painstakingly fleshed her character out, Ember’s flaws became the funniest aspects of the book. Is she powerful? Sure. Is she good at being powerful? Absolutely not. Is she whiny? Yep, just like every teenage girl. Is she wimpy? Hell no! I don’t think Em even knows how to be a wimp. She’s the jump in first, ask questions later kind of girl. Just like most of the teenage girls I’m privileged to know.

The point is, if you want to make it writing YA paranormal romances, you have to find a way to stand out. In most of the reviews of the first book in the series, Something Witchy, got on Amazon, the fact that it was different was commented on the most. Yeah, it had the drama and tension and romance fans of the genre were looking for, but it was also hilarious. That’s what made it different. That’s what you have to look at when you’re writing for the YA genre—or for any genre, really.

Therefore, my advice is this: Don’t be afraid to be different. You never know what kind of trend you might start by not following the crowd!
Thanks AJ!

You can purchased the novels via Amazon - all the sales links are below: And make sure you check back later for my reviews:)

Kindle editions:

Something Witchy
Something Wicked

Something Witchy
Something Wicked

also available in softcover:

Something Witchy
Something Wicked

Something Witchy
Something Wicked

And if you want to know more about AJ Myers and her books, you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and on her website. Links are below:

Sunday, 1 September 2013

What Goes Around (US & Canada Giveaway)

As most you you know I am a massive Courtney Summers fan! I have loved each of her books and can't wait to read her next one.  In the meantime, What Goes Around - a bind up of the fabulous Cracked Up to Be and Some Girls Are -  is being published 3rd September.  If you haven't read these yet - get reading!  Honestly, they are so good!

If you want to see for yourself just how good they are you can check out the first three chapters of each book by following this link:

And Courtney Summers has a Facebook page here:

And... thanks to the lovely people at St Martin's Press I have a copy of What Goes Around by Courtney Summers to giveaway. Check out the rules (below) and fill in the form at the end of this post.  Good luck :D

* Open to residents of US & Canada only
* Book will be sent out by the publisher - please only enter if you are happy for me to pass on your address details to them.
* Giveaway closes on 7th September 2013

This giveaway is now closed.

And the winner is...


Thanks to everyone that entered.  Bookworm1858 - you have email :D

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Sneak Peek: Undeniable by Liz Banks (Blog Tour)

As part of the blog tour for the release of Liz Bankes new book - Undeniable - I have an extract for you...

Undeniable is available to buy now.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Arclight Blog Tour

As part of the Blog Tour for the release of Arclight, Josin L. McQuein has stopped by to talk about how she came to write Arclight...

I’m going to let you in on a secret - Arclight was not the book I intended to write.

The book I intended to write was about vampires, which have been a favorite subject of mine since I was a kid and read Bunnicula. (<-- Feel free to laugh at this; I don’t mind.) Unfortunately, I finished my vampire novel around the time that the wave caused by Twilight was cresting, and while the book did get some interest, I didn’t want to be “just another” vampire story in a sea of them. So the vampires went back in the coffin.

ZOMBIES! I thought. I’ve not seen a big zombie book in a while. I decided to turn my vampires into zombies and retool the rest of the book to fit, but I finished that version about the time that an awesome novel called The Forest of Hands and Teeth was becoming popular. I didn’t even bother to send mine out.

At this point, finishing a book that wasn’t “on-trend” had become a matter of principle.

I dragged out old notes, half-finished books that had never seen the light of day, scraps of former fanfictions, things I’d saved to floppy disk, scribbles, doodles, anything and everything I could find that I’d ever written on or about. (At this point, I had to pause and go buy a floppy drive, because really… floppy disks. Surprisingly, they still worked.) I started cutting and pasting all of these old things into a Franken-novel.

Most of what became Arclight came from my file of screenplays that I wrote in high school. I grabbed some characters from the vampire novel, and some scenes from the zombie one, and did the worst cut-and-paste job you could ever imagine. The Fade underwent a *major* change from their original appearance, which was closer to a manic swarm of space-fireflies than what you’ll see in the novel. Almost the entire cast of characters turned into teenagers.

It was a strange experience. Once things started clicking into place, the changes got easier. All of those bits and pieces that hadn’t worked in their original stories, suddenly did when they were put together. There was nothing wrong with them; they simply hadn’t been in the right place, and that’s my point. Just because something isn’t planned, that doesn’t mean it can’t turn out better than you ever imagined.

No, Arclight wasn’t the book I intended to write, but if not for the ones I thought I wanted to write, I never would have had the source material for the book that worked. It’s easy to look at the things that don’t achieve the results we want and call them failures or wastes of time, but each one was a step in the right direction. The discarded novels and unfinished stories weren’t mistakes, and my timing with the vampire novel and the zombies wasn’t as bad as I had feared. Things were just misplaced and out of order.

If you’re working toward something, don’t assume you should give up because your route takes an unconventional turn or requires a few more steps than someone else’s did. So what if you travel a different road? You get to see more of the scenery, and at some point, you’ll be happy you did.

Thanks Josin!

Arclight was published 12 August. And you can check out the rest of the tour at these stops:

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Cover Wars: The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau


I really like both of these!  I love the blue on the US one and the way the tag line repeats itself.  I really like the placement of everything on the UK one - the way it is central - plus I like the image in the background. 

I think the UK one is my favourite - but only just. I'd definitely pick up both if I saw them on the shelf to see what they were about.

What do you think?

Monday, 19 August 2013

I want to read that...

Ask Me by Kimberly Pauley

From Goodreads: Ask Aria Morse anything, and she must answer with the truth. Yet she rarely understands the cryptic words she‘s compelled to utter. Blessed—or cursed—with the power of an Oracle who cannot decipher her own predictions, she does her best to avoid anyone and everyone.

But Aria can no longer hide when Jade, one of the few girls at school who ever showed her any kindness, disappears. Any time Aria overhears a question about Jade, she inadvertently reveals something new, a clue or hint as to why Jade vanished. But like stray pieces from different puzzles, her words never present a clear picture.

Then there’s Alex, damaged and dangerous, but the first person other than Jade to stand up for her. And Will, who offers a bond that seems impossible for a girl who’s always been alone. Both were involved with Jade. Aria may be the only one who can find out what happened, but the closer she gets to solving the crime, the more she becomes a target. Not everyone wants the truth to come out.

OOH! This sounds intriguing! And I love the cover!

It's published April 2014 by Soho Teen

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Free on iBookstore - The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda

The absolutely brilliant The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda is currently free on iBookstore!  I believe it's only free for a couple of days so you need to be quick! 

Here's the synopsis:

From Goodreads: Don’t Sweat. Don’t Laugh. Don’t draw attention to yourself. And most of all, whatever you do, do not fall in love with one of them.

Gene is different from everyone else around him. He can’t run with lightning speed, sunlight doesn’t hurt him and he doesn’t have an unquenchable lust for blood. Gene is a human, and he knows the rules. Keep the truth a secret. It’s the only way to stay alive in a world of night—a world where humans are considered a delicacy and hunted for their blood.

When he’s chosen for a once in a lifetime opportunity to hunt the last remaining humans, Gene’s carefully constructed life begins to crumble around him. He’s thrust into the path of a girl who makes him feel things he never thought possible—and into a ruthless pack of hunters whose suspicions about his true nature are growing. Now that Gene has finally found something worth fighting for, his need to survive is stronger than ever—but is it worth the cost of his humanity?

Sounds brilliant, right! If you are interested you can read my review for it here.

Here is a link to the page where the free eBook can be downloaded:

There is also a an active UK Facebook fan page for the series with almost 5,000 fans! :

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Have a Little Faith by Candy Harper

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9780857078247
Release Date: 1 August 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review

From Goodreads:  Being fourteen is a minefield: with fashion dilemmas, teacher trauma, embarrassing parents and boy drama, Faith is just hoping to make it through Year Ten without too many disasters. But when she and her best friend Megs sign up to take part in an inter-school choir with the local boys comprehensive, Faith's life gets even more complicated… just how is she supposed to concentrate on becoming the next Cheryl Cole when she's trying to understand how teenage boys' minds work?

OMG! How much did I love Faith!!! She is so awesome and the whole book was an absolute joy to read.

Faith is a bit quirky, but boy is she funny! I had so many laugh out loud moments I was getting really strange looks. She is constantly getting herself into trouble and the things she says sometimes! Her voice is definitely what makes this book! 

I loved her friends too - especially Megs. You can definitely tell why they are friends. And I also have to say the moment Ethan uttered his first sentence had me convinced he is the perfect match for Faith...

I was really disappointed when I got to the end - I wanted more! However, it is a good place to leave things until the sequel which is due next year. I just wish I could read it now! I can't wait to find out what Faith gets up to next.

Perfect for fans of Louise Rennison, Sue Limb and Karen Saunders!

Friday, 16 August 2013

Tips on How to Thinly Disguise Your Own Life as Fiction (Guest Post from Candy Harper

Today the lovely, and very funny Candy Harper has stopped by to give some writing tips. Her new book, Have a Little Faith has just been released so if you haven't grabbed yourself a copy do so now! It is so funny! 

I shall pass you over to Candy...

Tips on How to Thinly Disguise Your Own Life as Fiction

Pick out the best bits of your life story
There might be someone who can make lying around watching Homes Under the Hammer whilst picking the dead skin off your feet sound interesting, but if it’s not you, then you’re going to have to be careful about selecting the parts of your life that will make a good story. As a rule of thumb, anything that made you dribble (through laughing, crying, lust or rage) is a good place to start.

Mix the truth with some stuff you made up
Brown Owl told me that liars never prosper. She lied. Firstly, because I made a fair few quid by selling those ‘diamond’ bracelets to the other Brownies and secondly, because real life is better if you tweak it a bit. So feel free to make things funnier, more exciting and generally more compelling by adding whatever you think is necessary to the truth.

Be a puppet-master
Make people you know do stuff they’ve never done. I don’t mean you should get your granny drunk and take her to the dog racing (although, let’s not rule things out until we’ve been expressly forbidden to do them). I mean that if you base your characters very loosely on people you know well, then you’ll have a good idea of how they’ll react to the situations in your story, no matter how crazy those situations might be. Sometimes it’s easier to create a convincingly well-rounded character if you’ve got a convincingly well-rounded real person in your head. However, take note of the next tip . . .

Don’t put recognisable people in your story
People are funny about you using them in your book. First, they say how cool it would be, and then when you include that hilarious little story about their constipation, or mention how they ruined your childhood, they suddenly change their minds. If you’re going to base characters on people you actually know then it might be an idea to change their looks and maybe even their gender. Definitely get rid of that distinctive Alvin and the Chipmunks tattoo. And always change the name. Unless of course they happen to be called Mrs Barnfield and they once robbed you of your rightful role as the fairy godmother just because ‘Fairies are supposed to be kind’ and Mrs Barnfield couldn’t accept that maybe karate chopping Prince Charming was the greatest kindness any fairy godmother could do Cinderella. In that case, Mrs BARNFIELD will just have to accept that having her name and her crimes against children in print is the price she pays for being a dream-smashing old witch.

Don’t just use the events
Clever old you! You’ve been preparing to be a writer your whole life. Not only have you been doing stuff that might be book-fodder and you’ve also been feeling stuff. You might find yourself writing about something that you’ve never done, like jumping out of a plane, but you can probably remember what it was like the first time you jumped into a swimming pool. Use the emotions you have experienced to help bring life to your story.

Check how much money you’ve got saved for therapy
It’s hard to write about bad things that have happened to you. People who use their own difficult experiences to inform their writing often create deeply moving stories. And sometimes they end up crying so much that they just make papier mache. Your life is one of the greatest resources you have as a writer, but just be aware of what delving into your own history can stir up. I was shaken to the core when I uncovered repressed memories of wearing a puff-ball skirt. I’m slowly rebuilding my life.
Thanks Candy!

Check back tomorrow for my review of Have a Little Faith. 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Night School: Fracture Blog Tour

I am super excited to be taking part in the Blog Tour for Night School: Fracture, the third book in CJ Daughtery's brilliant series. To say I'm a fan is a bit of an understatement - I love this series! And CJ has written a short story especially for the tour!

The story is set during the Winter Ball, so time wise it fits in with book two in the series, and is written from Carter’s point of view of what happens that night.

The first part of the story is below:

‘Where the bloody hell is that shoe? Waste of sodding time …’

Grumbling to himself, Carter crouched down to search the back of his wardrobe, throwing out trainers, boots and a scarf he didn’t recognise before finally emerging a minute later, black dress shoes firmly in one hand.

His tuxedo jacket hung from the back of the wardrobe door, black as his mood.

The idea of going to the winter ball right now, given all that was happening, seemed patently absurd. Isabelle should have cancelled it.

The possibility of some sort of an attack was too high. And after what happened at the summer ball …

He sighed. The party was happening and there was no getting out of it.

He dressed quickly, clipping the cuffs of his crisp, white shirt with the cufflinks Bob Ellison had given to him on his sixteenth birthday – or rather, passed on. Made of silver with a faceted garnet stone at the centre, they’d once belonged to his father. But Carter had long since given up examining the cold metal for any connection to his dead parents. There was nothing there.

They were just cufflinks.

He stood in front of the mirror, knotting his black tie with the expert ease of familiarity. For a moment he studied himself, seeing the irritation in his dark eyes. The tight set of his full mouth.

He clenched and unclenched his hands, trying to force himself to relax.

It was nearly nine o’clock. He’d put this off for as long as he could.


The sound of the party hit him at the top of the stairs. In the great hall, a string orchestra played a lively waltz. The roar of conversation rose above the music like a wave cresting over a beach.

Squaring his shoulders, Carter walked into the crowds.

He would show his face, hang out with Jules for a bit then leave when no one was looking. That was enough.

To carry on reading this exclusive story you need to pop over to the Atom Blog tomorrow. And you can see where to find the rest of the stops on the banner below:
And if you haven't already checked out the trailer - you can do here - and make sure you follow the link at the end. There is a secret treat...

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

How My Summer Went Up In Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski

Publisher: Simon Pulse
ISBN: 9781442459403
Release Date: 7 May 2013
Source: Purchased

From Goodreads: First she lost her heart. Then she lost her mind. And now she’s on a road trip to win back her ex. This debut novel’s packed with drama and romance!

Rosie’s always been impulsive. She didn’t intend to set her cheating ex-boyfriend’s car on fire. And she never thought her attempts to make amends could be considered stalking. So when she’s served with a temporary restraining order on the first day of summer vacation, she’s heartbroken—and furious.

To put distance between Rosie and her ex, Rosie’s parents send her on a cross-country road trip with responsible, reliable neighbor Matty and his two friends. Forget freedom of the road, Rosie wants to hitchhike home and win back her ex. But her determination starts to dwindle with each passing mile. Because Rosie’s spark of anger? It may have just ignited a romance with someone new…

This is one of those books where I was just going to ‘read a chapter’ – 3 hours later and 1 o’clock in the morning I had finished the whole thing. Light and fun – I found myself smiling and laughing through it all. I loved it!

Rosie is a bit of a diva. But in a nice – you have to like her way. Add in 3 boys and a road trip? Yep, you are onto a winner. I especially loved the fact all three boys managed to steal my heart in different ways.

I really enjoyed the romance element – and the way it builds slowly. You know it’s going to happen but I loved watching it unfold from the first snarky interactions to those lingering looks (and heated moments!) I also liked the way Rosie really learns something about herself (and luckily about Joey too!) And I loved the ending *sigh

All in all – really good fun – and it succeeded in putting a big smile on my face.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I want to read that...

Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy

From Goodreads: What if you’d been living your life as if you were dying—only to find out that you had your whole future ahead of you?

When sixteen-year-old Alice is diagnosed with leukemia, her prognosis is grim. To maximize the time she does have, she vows to spend her final months righting wrongs—however she sees fit. She convinces her friend Harvey, whom she knows has always had feelings for her, to help her with a crazy bucket list that’s as much about revenge (humiliating her ex-boyfriend and getting back at her arch nemesis) as it is about hope (doing something unexpectedly kind for a stranger and reliving some childhood memories). But just when Alice’s scores are settled, she goes into remission.

Now Alice is forced to face the consequences of all that she’s said and done, as well as her true feelings for Harvey. But has she done irreparable damage to the people around her, and to the one person who matters most?

Julie Murphy’s SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY is a fearless and moving tour de force about love, life, and facing your own mortality.

This sounds seriously awesome!  I can't wait to get my grubby hands on it!

It's published March 2014 (in the US)

Monday, 12 August 2013

Up In Flames by Nicole Williams

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781471118463
Release Date: 1 August 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review.

From Goodreads: Elle Montgomery is a good girl. Born and raised in a small town in Washington State, she's always done exactly what she's supposed to and what everyone expects of her. She helps out at the cafe her family owns, and has been dating the pastor's son, Logan, since she was allowed to go on her first date at sixteen. Having just graduated from high school, and knowing that Logan wants to put a ring on her finger and get married as soon possible, Elle feels like her life is already mapped out. Cole Carson's life couldn't be more different. An adrenaline junkie, he has worked as a smokejumper for the past three summers, roaming from town to town following the fires. Cole lives his life day to day and dreads the thought of putting down roots or being tied to one person.

Following an awkward, embarrassing first meeting, Elle knows she should keep away from Cole and the feelings he ignites in her. And Cole just can't help but pursue Elle, the girl who seems immune to his charms. But as summer heats up, their attraction grows, and as tensions between them run high, Elle and Cole realise that one way or another, they're going up in flames...

Hello Cole! Nicole William really does write some swoon worthy characters!

Like Crash/Clash/Crush this is pretty much addictive from the get-go! It’s easy to read – I very quickly became engrossed in the story. It was a bit predictable – but that’s kind of the fun. Sometimes I want to read something where I know what’s going to happen, where it's going to go  – and  I get my enjoyment from watching it unfold. Maybe predictable is the wrong word? But hopefully you know what I mean.

I really liked Elle but I wish she had dealt with Logan better – I felt he deserved much better than she treated him. And I think that might put some readers off – but the pressure to live up to all the expectations put on her by those around her kind of explain her actions. That part of the storyline was really good.

Plus I loved Cole. Did I already say that?

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Invisible by Marni Bates

Publisher: K-Teen
ISBN: 9780758269386
Release Date: 1 August 2018
Source: Provided by publisher for review via Netgalley.

From Goodreads: Jane Smith has survived three years of high school without making a single enemy, all by keeping a low profile. Not even her three best friends, Kenzie, Corey and Isobel, can say the same. But with Corey dating the lead singer from ReadySet and Kenzie in a relationship too, being invisible tends to be lonely. But now she's written an article for her school newspaper that has accidentally snagged the attention of some celebrities. Turns out, people get really upset when their innermost secrets are splashed all over the front page. And new her well-ordered life is being blasted to hell, with results that are wildly unexpected.

I officially love Marni Bates. To be honest I already knew that after reading Awkward and Decked With Holly – her books are so much fun you can’t help but fall in love with them.

Set in the same world as her previous books, we return to Smith High and get Jane’s story. With both her best friends pushed into the limelight (Mackenzie through the hilarious you tube video and Corey because he’s dating a famous band member) – you can understand why Jane feels… well invisible.

I really felt for Jane in this. You get why she feels the way she does but I did get annoyed at her too for not talking to Mackenzie and Corey. And when everything comes to a head it really did pull on the heartstrings too – I really felt for them all.

Add a really sweet romance (she rocks at this!) and this is another winner.

Just really good fun – I want Notable now please!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Crush by Nicole Williams

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781471117657
Release Date:  July 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review.

From Goodreads: Football glory. A giant diamond. A wandering eye.

Jude and Lucy are happily engaged . . . but that doesn't mean life's a bed of roses.

Once again, Jude and Lucy are torn apart by football training and a summer job that creates new tensions. This time Jude's the one with trust issues. Will Lucy's life-changing news bring them back together or end their relationship for good? Can love triumph forever?

The final book in the series was possibly my favourite. This time you really get to understand Luce and what motivates her. I loved the addition of Holly and little Jude! But I wanted to kick Anton. Somewhere painful! He really annoyed me! (Even if he may have been right...)

I love the ending – I really did enjoy this series. I know a few people aren’t loving the whole new adult thing but this is definitely right up my street – antsy romance, hot boy (man?) – what more could I want!!!

I can’t wait to read more of Nicole Williams books.

Clash by Nicole Williams

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781471117633
Release Date: June 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review.

From Goodreads: Their Romeo-and-Juliet-level passion is the only thing Jude and Lucy agree on. That, and fighting all the time . . .

Also not helping? Lucy's raging jealousy of the cheerleader who's wormed her way into Jude's life.

While trying to hang on to her quintessential bad boy and also training to be the top ballet dancer in her class, Lucy knows something's going to give . . . soon.

How can she live without the boy she loves? How can she live with herself if she gives up on her dreams? If Lucy doesn't make the right choice, she could lose everything.

This was really fun to read – but again I found myself a tad frustrated with Luce! I was also a bit concerned (and disappointed) that they don’t really deal with the revelation at the end of book one. Or was that just me? It felt a bit glossed over.  But despite possibly being a tad unhealthy, I do love Jude and Luce! And I loved all their relationship highs and lows.

I really do enjoy this kind of angsty romance so this was definitely a winner for me. And I picked up Crush to read as soon as I put this one down. I wanted to know if Jude and Luce got their happy ending!

Crash by Nicola Williams

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781471117619
Release Date: June 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review.

From Goodreads: Southpointe High is the last place Lucy wanted to wind up her senior year of school. Right up until she stumbles into Jude Ryder, a guy whose name has become its own verb, and synonymous with trouble. He's got a rap sheet that runs longer than a senior thesis, has had his name sighed, shouted, and cursed by more women than Lucy dares to ask, and lives at the local boys home where disturbed seems to be the status quo for the residents. Lucy had a stable at best, quirky at worst, upbringing. She lives for wearing the satin down on her ballet shoes, has her sights set on Juilliard, and has been careful to keep trouble out of her life. Up until now.

Jude's everything she needs to stay away from if she wants to separate her past from her future. Staying away, she's about to find out, is the only thing she's incapable of.

For Lucy Larson and Jude Ryder, love's about to become the thing that tears them apart.

I knew as soon as I meet the character of Jude Ryder that I would be addicted to this series. I think fans of Jamie McGuire and Abbi Glines will love this!

Luce is a character that I kind of wanted to strangle and hug at the same time – she’s likeable, don’t get me wrong but sometimes she could be a bit frustrating. Like the whole Sawyer thing – I mean, really??? Anyway… on the other hand I really liked Jude (of course!)  And I liked the way their relationship played out.

So yes, I found myself addicted to this!  And, I have to say the ending surprised me!  I was really glad I had Clash on hand to read straight away!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Cover to Covet (29)

I LOVE book covers. Love, love love them. So I decided to make it a regular post - each post featuring a cover I love

Tumble & Fall by Alexandra Coutts

This is so pretty!  I love it.  I really like the sparkly lights and the way the '&' is incorporated into the picture.

It sounds brilliant too!  It's published (US) 17 September 2013.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Sound by Sarah Alderson

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781471115738
Release Date: 1 August 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review.

From Goodreads: When aspiring music journalist Ren Kingston takes a job nannying for a wealthy family on the exclusive island of Nantucket, playground for Boston's elite, she's hoping for a low-key summer reading books and blogging about bands. Boys are firmly off the agenda.

What she doesn't count on is falling in with a bunch of party-loving private school kids who are hiding some dark secrets, falling (possibly) in love with the local bad boy, and falling out with a dangerous serial killer...

The gripping new stand-alone novel from the author of Hunting Lila.

Sarah Alderson officially rocks! I loved her previous books and can now add The Sound to that list. Does it have anything to do with her ability to create hot, swoon-worthy guys. Well yes! But she also has the most addictive style of writing – I always find myself completely engrossed in her stories.

I loved Ren from the moment the story began. She has that sass - managing to hold her own but also being really likeable. I must admit I wasn’t very taken with her friends - I found myself wincing every time she interacted with them. Of course, as soon as Jesse was introduced I was practically shouting at her to ditch the others and hang out with him instead. Although a couple of them did turn out okay in the end...

And I have to mention Braiden and Brodie! How much did I love Brodie?

I also really loved the mystery element – both in the murders and what had happened between Jesse and Tyler the previous year. I must admit I kind of guess what had happened between them and why – but I enjoyed watching Ren work it out as well. I didn’t however solve the murder part of the story!

So yes, I really enjoyed this. I think it’s a standalone story – but I have to say I would love, love, love to catch up with these characters again so if she decided to write another I would be first in line to read it.

In the meantime, I shall wait impatiently for Control to be published! Roll on next year!

Monday, 5 August 2013

I want to read that...

Nearly Gone by Elle Cosimano

From Goodreads: Bones meets Fringe in a big, dark, scary, brilliantly-plotted urban thriller that will leave you guessing until the very end.

Nearly Boswell knows how to keep secrets. Living in a DC trailer park, she knows better than to share anything that would make her a target with her classmates. Like her mother's job as an exotic dancer, her obsession with the personal ads, and especially the emotions she can taste when she brushes against someone's skin. But when a serial killer goes on a killing spree and starts attacking students, leaving cryptic ads in the newspaper that only Nearly can decipher, she confides in the one person she shouldn't trust: the new guy at school—a reformed bad boy working undercover for the police, doing surveillance. . . on her.

Nearly might be the one person who can put all the clues together, and if she doesn't figure it all out soon—she'll be next.

'Bones meets Fringe'? Yes please! I'm loving the sound of this!

It is published (US) March 2014

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Night School: Fracture Blog Tour Schedule

The Blog Tour for CJ Daugherty's latest book in her brilliant Night School series will be starting on the 15th!  Here is the information:
We are super excited about CJ Daugherty’s latest novel Fracture coming out this month! As part of the celebrations around the launch of the book, CJ has written an exclusive short story which is set during the Winter Ball. Think you know everything that happened between Allie and Carter in book one, well think again. CJ’s exclusive story reveals that fateful night from the point of view of everyone’s favourite hottie Carter! Find out exactly what he thinks about Allie and where things started to go wrong.

In order to read this story all you have to do is visit six blogs over the course of one week, each blog will reveal a little bit more of the story in chronological order (see blog tour banner). Starting on Thursday 15th August and finishing on 20th August when Fracture is available to buy (we’ve already pre-ordered ours)! So what are you waiting for, make sure you head over to the I Want To Read That blog on Thursday 15th.
So make sure you pop back on the 15th so you can check out the first part of the story! In the meantime here is the fabulous trailer - make sure you check out the link at the end. There might just be a secret treat...

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

Publisher: Harper Teen
ISBN: 9780062235657
Release Date: 2 July 2013
Source: Purchased.

From Goodreads: Seventeen-year-old Caymen Meyers studies the rich like her own personal science experiment, and after years of observation she’s pretty sure they’re only good for one thing—spending money on useless stuff, like the porcelain dolls in her mother’s shop.

So when Xander Spence walks into the store to pick up a doll for his grandmother, it only takes one glance for Caymen to figure out he’s oozing rich. Despite his charming ways and that he’s one of the first people who actually gets her, she’s smart enough to know his interest won’t last. Because if there’s one thing she’s learned from her mother’s warnings, it’s that the rich have a short attention span. But Xander keeps coming around, despite her best efforts to scare him off. And much to her dismay, she's beginning to enjoy his company.

She knows her mom can’t find out—she wouldn’t approve. She’d much rather Caymen hang out with the local rocker who hasn’t been raised by money. But just when Xander’s attention and loyalty are about to convince Caymen that being rich isn’t a character flaw, she finds out that money is a much bigger part of their relationship than she’d ever realized. And that Xander’s not the only one she should’ve been worried about.

This was the first book I read by Kasie West and it definitely wont be my last. I really like her writing style – and this was a really cute romance!

I loved the main character in this. Caymen is so sarcastic and funny – I just loved her. Considering her mother’s story you completely understand why she feels the way she does about Xander - but I was willing her to give him the benefit of the doubt because he just seemed so nice!

A slight quibble – in that I wanted the story to go on longer. Some characters are introduced towards the end and I felt that I wanted more of them and their interactions with Caymen.  But that was because Kasie West had created a good story - I wanted more! 

Overall though, this was a great read. Recommended!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781471119156
Release Date: 18 July 2013
Source: Provided by the publisher for review.

From Goodreads: It's Spring Break of senior year. Anna, her boyfriend Tate, her best friend Elise, and a few other close friends are off to a debaucherous trip to Aruba that promises to be the time of their lives. But when Elise is found brutally murdered, Anna finds herself trapped in a country not her own, fighting against vile and contemptuous accusations. As

Anna sets out to find her friend's killer; she discovers hard truths about her friendships, the slippery nature of truth, and the ache of young love.

As she awaits the judge's decree, it becomes clear that everyone around her thinks she is not just guilty, but dangerous. When the truth comes out, it is more shocking than one could ever imagine...

You know when everyone is talking about how good a book is and you kind of really want to read it but are also slightly scared that it wont live up to all the hype?  That pretty much sums up how I felt about Dangerous Girls - not only does it sound amazing but so many people kept telling me I would be blown away.  Any you know what - it completely lived up to all the hype and glowing reviews that surround it.  I loved it!

One thing that really surprised me was how engrossed and mesmerised I was by the story when I pretty much disliked every single character.  I found I just couldn't warm to Anna. Elise annoyed me straight away and I felt Tate tried too hard to be / do the perfect thing - you just knew underneath he wasn't going to be able to live up to that.  So I found it really clever that I still wanted to read the book - that I was totally invested in what had happened / what was happening - and I think that is the key to this book.  The way it is put together means you really don't know for sure until the very end what really happened (even if you do suspect!)

Speaking of the end - I loved it and think it made what would have be a really good book a fantastic book!  But I also felt just a little bit cheated in the sense I just wanted a little bit more from that last scene.  I think you'll understand what I mean when you read it.  Because you really should read it.

It would also make the most amazing movie!  Just saying...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Winning and Losing (Scissors, Sisters and Manic Panics Blog Tour)

Photo credit: Paula Broome Photograhy
I'm really please to be part of Elle Phillip's Blog Tour for Scissors, Sisters and Manic Panics.  Today she has stopped by to talk about winning and losing...

Winning and losing

In my new book Scissors, Sisters and Manic Panics my heroine, Sadie Nathanson is absolutely determined to win the Thames Gateway Junior Apprentice Hairdresser (or Barber) of the Year Award. Although you’ve got to admire her spirit and determination she realises at various moments that she’s more-or-less sacrificed everything in order to give herself the best possible chance to reach that goal. I’m not going to spoil things for you and tell you whether or not she succeeds(!) but her actions do pose the question – what happens when you don’t win? Is it really the end of the world?

Go to any childrens’ party these days and you will witness children WINNING. All of them. There is a moment in your life when you are simply unable to bare the disappointment of losing at ANYTHING. Children of a certain age become fiercely competitive – they have to be first at everything, and to some extent parents these days pander to this and just let them go right ahead and win. It’s perfectly understandable – who wants a room full of crying children who’ve just ‘lost’ at musical statues? Much better to give everybody a sweetie when they’re ‘out’ and tell them they’re a winner. But of course this is just prolonging the inevitable. As soon as a child sets foot in the gates of a school, it is most likely that they will get their first taste of ‘not winning’ – losing even. And this is just the beginning of a long path where you fail and you pick yourself up and you start again.

There are places I’ve worked where sitting in the chair the longest counts for more than any amount of inspiration or original ideas. These are industries where reliability and ‘doing your job according to the rules’ are very important. It’s quite difficult to ‘lose’ in these places. At best they can be extremely cosy areas to work in. At worst – they can be dull.

If you work in a creative industry then it’s much more extreme. It’s the best of times and the worst of times, and it’s a sad fact that, unless you are blessed by good fortune, you will ‘lose’ many times over if you want to write, act, sing, dance or play music. But is losing such a negative thing? Or is the old adage ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ a truism?

As far as I’m concerned the path to success in a creative industry is not straightforward and it’s also not for the faint-hearted. Self-belief is key, as is energy and enthusiasm for what you’re doing. After a set-back; getting right back up, dusting yourself down and counting your blessings keep you in the game. And a memory of ‘recovering from failure’ is the most important lesson of all. A friend of mine who recently won a BAFTA - often judged as the pinnacle of many creative careers - spent much of her thirties on the phone to me weeping about various career failures. In fact we wept in unison! But she worked her way to success and now, whenever she has a set-back, the knowledge that she has that ability is enough to keep her going.

So perhaps winning isn’t about the end result at all:
If you are knocked down but find it in yourself to come back for more then you are truly successful.
Thanks Ellie!

Make sure you check out the rest of the tour - details are below! 

And make sure you have a go at her hair-quiz: 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Dangerous Girls Playlist (Blog Tour)

I'm really excited to be part of the Dangerous Girls Blog Tour. Today we have Abigail Haas talking about the Dangerous Girls Playlist...
Dangerous Girls Playlist

Calvin Harris – Feel So Close
I imagine Anna and Elisa and the gang partying to this track in the club on their first night in Aruba.

Florence & the Machine – Girl With One Eye
A great dark, twisted song by one of Anna’s favorite artists. Anna has these lyrics written on her notebook – which comes back to haunt her during the trial.

Ellie Goulding – Anything Could Happen
This is so full of joy and possibility, for the moment Anna and Elise first skip gym to go into the city.

Taylor Swift – Treacherous
A softer moment at the beginning of Anna and Tate’s relationship.

Carina Round – Stolen Car
I love everything she sings, but this song in particular is brooding and intense, all about the reckless thrill of attraction and danger.

Band of Horses – No-one’s Going to Love You
Bittersweet and possessive, sort of like Anna and Elise!

Yoav – Beautiful Lie
Haunting. Every lyric in this song rings true to the book, but I’ll pick just one to quote: “In the blink of an eye everything can change/ and it’s a beautiful lie if you think it can stay the same.”

Florence and the Machine – No Light, No Light
Another track by this artist, sweeping and epic and full of struggle. I had it on repeat a lot while writing. “You can’t choose what stays and what fades away.”

Check them all out below:

Dangerous Girls - Abigail Haas by Simon & Schuster Children's Books on Grooveshark
Thanks Abigail!  

Don't forget to check out the rest of the tour - details can be found below:


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