That kale was delicious!
"That kale was delicious!" is what was said in my house recently.
Well, not in the house exactly. Near the house. And not by people.
Occasional Posts from my suburban St. Louis garden:
Plants, Projects, Nature and Discoveries
"That kale was delicious!" is what was said in my house recently.
I've seen a woodchuck on my driveway the last few days, walking around as if he didn't have a worry in the world. He even turned over my trashcan full of prunings to see if anything good was to be found in there. His goal is the mulberry pile on the driveway I think, created when I sweep up.
I have a confession to make. Something, as a gardener, that is difficult to admit.
Another day with some random garden observations, thoughts, and photos. I haven't done this for a while, but it's time. Starting with a little harvest of Maypop and Mexican sour gherkins:
Like many other non-lawn-obsessed gardeners (in other words, "normal people") white clover makes up a good portion of my lawn. Fortunately I like the way a good patch of clover leaves look, and love having the little white flowers everywhere.
Guess who I saw today? I haven't seen this guy for a couple of months, and was wondering where he'd gone. Today I saw him in the neighbor's yard (hehe), and watched to see if he had any interest in anything besides lawn weeds.
Every month I end up with several photos that just didn't lend themselves to a whole post. Sometimes I had planned on taking several shots and composing a post, but the subject didn't cooperate. Take for instance this woodchuck:
I've made a couple of interesting discoveries lately. One is a nice one, and the other is not so nice. I'll start with the nice one: my black stem taro (Elephant Ears) is flowering! I didn't even know they produced flowers, but there it is.
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