Showing posts with label japanese beetles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label japanese beetles. Show all posts


Those &@%$ Japanese beetles!

Why can't they be predatory instead of herbivores?


They've been particularly attracted to the Canna 'Paton' this year:

Just the one plant though luckily. I've got several pots of this, but they're only going after this one in another part of the yard.

I just have to resign myself to the fact that the roses are going to look terrible for a month or 6 weeks each year.

It is quite satisfying knocking big mating clusters of these shiny pests into the soapy water each morning -- which I have to go do right now.

Enjoy the meal beetles, it might be your last!



They're back.

June is usually such a nice month in the garden in St. Louis. Sunny, warm but not too hot, low humidity, breezy. (Except this year, when we're getting midsummer-like days mixed in.) All of the plants are really hitting their strides at this time too.

Unfortunately June also sees the return of a big pest: the Japanese beetles.


Their preference is for rose petals, at least in my garden.

They're so attractive -- if they weren't such pests I'd love having them around.

Rose petals are not the only thing they eat, as my neighbor has a linden tree whose leaves the beetles just love to munch.

When I saw this mallow leaf, I thought that the beetles had found a new treat:

Since I just got this plant a couple of months ago I'm not sure what to expect from it. It could very well be high on the list of beetle favorites. A closer look revealed another answer though:

I'm not sure what type of caterpillar these are yet, but their damage is limited to a few leaves (and this is a large plant) so I'm going to leave them to it while I research what they will become -- might be a very cool butterfly or moth.

Besides, with so many beetles around a few more holes in some leaves isn't going to matter.

The answer for the Japanese beetles for me is a walk around the garden each morning with a bucket of soapy water:

Knocking them into the bucket is easy -- sometimes you just need to hold the bucket below them and move your hand over them, as their impulse when threatened is to fall to the ground.

Doing this in warm parts of the day is almost impossible, because they are much more active and fly away.

Good thing morning is my favorite time in the garden anyway!

(Read my previous posts about Japanese beetles here.)



Ladies and gentlemen... the beetles!

Once again it's Japanese beetle season. Most of the eastern and central parts of the country "enjoy" this pest each year in early summer, and I certainly have them in my St. Louis garden.

Here's a brief look, as I don't like to spend too much time on them -- it's a bit depressing.


They just keep coming

The other day my neighbor said to me: "The Japanese Beetles haven't been much of a problem this year, have they?" Well, let's see... this is the "bucket of death" -- soapy water that we use to catch the beetles as they fall in their attempts to escape:

This is the number of beetles I caught after just a single pass through my yard today, and all but a couple of them came from 4 of my rose bushes. There must be 200 of them in there (some are below the surface)!


Japanese Beetles

June is one of the best months for gardens in St. Louis. The weather isn't too hot yet (except for this year, which has been really too warm), there's plenty of rain, and everything is lush and green.

Unfortunately, it's also the time that the Japanese Beetles make their appearance.


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