zyGrib - GRIB File Viewer Weather data visualization

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zyGrib - GRIB File Viewer Weather data visualization.
Visualization of meteo data from files in GRIB Format .

Main Features:

- Available meteo infos (W and CH - *):
- Surface Pressure (*)
- Wind 10 m above mean sea level (*)
- Wind gust (*)
- Temperature 2 m above mean sea level (*)
- Potential Temperature min - max 2 m above mean sea level
- Relative Humidity 2 m above mean sea level (*)
- Total Precipitation (mm/h) (*)
- Total Cloud Cover (%) (*)
- Dew Point 2 m above mean sea level (*)
- 0C Isotherm
- Snow (Depth - Risk)
- CAPE (convective available potential energy) at earth level (*)
- Data in altitude (850 (*), 700 (*), 500 (*), 300, 200 hPa) : geopotential altitude, wind (*), temperature (*), theta-e, relative humidity (*).
- Waves : height, direction, period, whitecap probability, for wind waves, swell, and for significant, maximum, primary, secondary waves.

- Automatic Meteo data download

- Automatic Download from IAC (fleetcode) Data
- Meteor Data from NOAA;
- Analysis and 24 hours Forecast, only for Europa and North Atlantic (pressure, isobar and fronts);
- Daily four times update;
- IAC (International Analysis Codem, fleetcode) files are very small and can be used with PSKmail (For any questions, please refer directly to PSKMail conceptors; I don't know anything about it).

- Raw or compressed GRIB Data (gzip *.gz; bzip2 *.bz2) can be used

This program received 1 award
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Jacques Zaninetti
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