Showing posts with label chicken coop design free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicken coop design free. Show all posts

M103 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - Chicken Coop Design - How To Build A Chicken Coop

M103 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - Chicken Coop Design - How To Build A Chicken Coop
It can comfortably hold 25 chickens
Units: Inches - fractions
Overall size: 5' x 8' 4" for Cage
7' 1/8" x 1' 10 1/2" for Nesting Boxes for 4 Hens
22' 11 7/8" x 12' 3 1/4" x 9' 3/8" (height) for area of ​​the building
Construction area: 283 Feet ²
Total volume of wood: 260399 1/4 inches3
Units: Millimeters - decimal
Overall size: 1613mm x 2629mm for Cage
571mm x  2138mm for Nesting Boxes for 4 Hens
7008mm x  3741mm x 2753mm (height) for area of ​​the building
Construction area: 26.35 Meters ²
Total volume of wood: 4.13m3

 M103 - Chicken Coop Plans Free - Chicken Coop Design
Chicken Coop Plans Construction

It can comfortably hold 25 chickens
Overall size: 5' x 8' 4" for Cage
7' 1/8" x 1' 10 1/2" for Nesting Boxes for 4 Hens
22' 11 7/8" x 12' 3 1/4" x 9' 3/8" (height) for area of ​​the building
Construction area: 283 Feet ²
Total volume of wood: 260399 1/4 inches3
Overall size: 1613mm x 2629mm for Cage
571mm x  2138mm for Nesting Boxes for 4 Hens
7008mm x  3741mm x 2753mm (height) for area of ​​the building
Construction area: 26.35 Meters ²
Total volume of wood: 4.13m3
Dimensional lumber sizes:
a: 4"x4" (Nominal) = 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" (Actual)
b: 2"x4" (Nominal) = 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" (Actual)
c: 2"x2" (Nominal) = 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" (Actual)
d: 1"x2" (Nominal) = 3/4" x 1 1/2" (Actual)
e: 1"x3" (Nominal) = 3/4" x 2 1/2" (Actual)
f: 1"x4" (Nominal) = 3/4" x 3 1/2" (Actual)
g: 1"x6" (Nominal) = 3/4" x 5 1/2" (Actual)
k: 1"x1" (Nominal) = 3/4" x 3/4" (Actual)
Dimensional lumber sizes:
a: 100x100 mm (Nominal) = 89x89 mm (Actual)
b: 50x100 mm (Nominal) = 38x89 mm (Actual)
c: 50x50 mm (Nominal) = 38x38 mm (Actual)
d: 25x50 mm (Nominal) = 19x38 mm (Actual)
e: 25x75 mm (Nominal) = 19x64 mm (Actual)
f: 25x100 mm (Nominal) = 19x89 mm (Actual)
g: 25x150 mm (Nominal) = 19x140 mm (Actual)
k: 25x25 mm (Nominal) = 19x19 mm (Actual)
h: 25 mm thickness (Nominal) = 19 mm thickness (Actual)

Units: Inches - fractions
Units: Millimeters - decimal

The functional component - the build step guide - Table of Contents:
1.0 - Building the Axis and Column
2.0 - Building the Main Frame Structure
2.7 - Building the Main Frame Structure - Roof beam
3.0 - Building the Floor System
4.0 - Building Beams surrounding the cage
5.0 - Building the Frame of the Door and Windows
5.6 - Building Perches for chickens
6.0 - Building the Nesting boxes - Main Frame Structure
7.0 - Building Roof beam
8.0 - Building Wall system outsite
9.0 - Building the Doors and Windows
- Window - Main door for cleaning - Door to eggs
- Clean Out -Lid - Litter Tray - Automatic door
12.0 - Building VENTS
13.0 - Building RAMP
14.0 - Building Nesting Boxes - Building Roof
15.0 - Building Chicken Run - Main frame
16.0 - Building the Insulated Panel for Roof
- the Planks for Roof - Architectural Shingles
17.0 - Building Chicken Run - Main door and Wire mesh
19.0 - Perspective - The building was completed!

M103 - Chicken Coop Plans Free - Chicken Coop
DesignChicken Coop Plans Construction
(Newly Upgraded Version)
I'm upgrading the entire plan, and I always do so, I am reducing the volume of wood in construction and still achieve what we want, to save money, build faster, easier,
I am presenting a plan for a better way with less drawing, to save money on printing and viewing time, download time,
I am following the suggestions and feedback from all of you,
Thank you very much!
Let keep track my work to get many Free and Helpful Plans
M103 - Chicken Coop Plans Free - Chicken Coop
DesignChicken Coop Plans Construction

home garden plans: L102 - Large Chicken Coop Plans - How to build a Chicken Coop - The Detailed Plans for Construction has been Completed

home garden plans: L102 - Large Chicken Coop Plans - How to build a C...: L102 - Large Chicken Coop Plans - How to build a Chicken Coop Message: We regularly have new designs. The design concept is always free. ...

Frank Vanh Nguyen has a special gift for you
L102 - Detailed Plans for Construction has been Completed
Free download from March 9 to April 9, 2013
This is one of those designs that many people expect to download
I also spent a lot of effort to make it
There are more than 110 drawings and statistics in this design document
Now it is free for you. Please download soon
Thank you followed my work in the past
I also notice this on the social network
I wish you success in building!
L102 - Large Chicken Coop Plans
How to build a Chicken Coop

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - How to build a Chicken Coop

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - How to build a Chicken Coop

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How to build a Chicken Coop

Dimension in the drawings as reference
Building according the actual dimension
Size of timber (section):
a: 4"x4"
b: 2"x4"
c: 2"x2"
d: 1"x2"
e: 1"x1"
f: 1"x4"
g: 1"x3"
Units: Inches
Overall size:
122" x 40" for Cage
16" x 40" for Nesting Box for 2 Hens
40" x 362" x 91" for area of the building

Order of the drawings in this profile are not the steps to build correctly.
It is suggested. You should see the drawings carefully.
Then you should create a plan to build that it suits your conditions.
And here I will suggest you a step by step plan to build of mine that you can refer to it:
4.0 - Building the axis and column
4.1 - Building the main frame structure
4.5 - Building the Floor
5.0 - Building Perch for chickens
6.0 - Building Vents
7.0 - Building Nesting boxes
8.0 - Building Roof beam
9.0 - Building Wall system
11.0 - Building the Door
12.0 - Building the Windows
12.0 - Building Litter Tray and Clean Out-Lid
14.0 - Building Roof for Nesting Boxes
15.0 - Building Ramp
16.0 - Building Insulated Panel for Roof
17.0 - Building Chicken Run
18.0 - Building components prevent rain water from the roof

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How to build a Chicken Coop
(Newly Upgraded Version)

I'm upgrading the entire plan, and I always do so, I am reducing the volume of wood in construction and still achieve what we want, to save money, build faster, easier,
I am presenting a plan for a better way with less drawing, to save money on printing and viewing time, download time,
I am following the suggestions and feedback from all of you,
Thank you very much!
Let keep track my work to get many Useful and Free Plans
S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How to build a Chicken Coop