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State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim (until 1973 Neustadt an der Aisch)
Additions : 1971 Tragelhöchstädt; 1972 Demantsfürth, Peppenhöchstädt; 1978 Schornweisach

Wappen von Uehlfeld/Arms (crest) of Uehlfeld
Official blazon
German Gespalten; vorne geviert von Silber und Schwarz, hinten in Gold zwei von Rot und Silber geschachte Balken.
English blazon wanted


The arms were granted on March 21, 1956.

The arms show in the right half the quartered shield of the Hohenzollern dynasty, which ruled the town from the 13th century until 1680. The left part shows the two chequered bars of the Von Wetzhausen family, who ruled the city as vassals from 1433-1592, the longest of all families appointed as vassals.

Literature: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.

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