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Province (Landskap): Västergötland
County (Län): Västra Götalands län
Additions : 1974 Dimbo (partly, 1952 Acklinga, Hångsdala, Hömb, Kungslena, Kymbo, Ottravad, Skörstorp, Suntak, Valstad, Varv, Vättak, Östra Gerum), Fröjered (partly, 1952 Fridene, Korsberga), Hökensås (1952 Agnetorp, Baltak, Daretorp, Härja, Velinga)

Tidaholm kommunvapen
Official blazon

En sköld av silver, däruti ett blått eldsprutande berg, häröver en blå chef med en uggla mellan tvenne kugghjul, allt av silver.

English blazon wanted


The arms were first designed around 1910 and officially registered again in 1974.

The very unusual volcano in the arms is taken from the name of the match factory 'Vulcan', which was founded in 1868 by Hans Henric von Essen next to the Tidan river. This was the foundation of the town of Tidaholm. The factory was the worlds largest match factory around 1900 and still exists in the town.

The owl in the arms is taken from the arms of the von Essen family and the cogwheels refer to industry.

The original design of 1910 showed two crossed matches, owls and cogwheels, but no volcano. The volcano is unique as Sweden does not have volcanoes.

Arms of Tidaholm

Proposal from 1910
Arms of Tidaholm

The arms in the Kaffe Hag album +/- 1935

Literature: Nevéus and de Waern, 1992

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