State : Bayern
District : Bad Kissingen
German | In Rot eine eingeschweifte silberne Spitze, darin eine blaue Traube mit grünen Blättern; vorne eine goldene Mitra, hinten zwei goldene Schräglinksbalken. |
English | blazon wanted |
The arms were granted on June 23, 1971.
The mitre in the arms refers to the oldest known reference of Ramsthal, in the document describing the foundation of the monatery on Aura by Bishop Otto of Bamberg. The village was a possession of the new monastery. Later the Lords von der Hutten ruled for two centuries the village as vassals of the monastery. Their arms are shown in the upper left corner, the two golden bends in red. The base shows a bunch of grapes, indicating the importance of viticulture in the municipality.
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