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State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Schwandorf (until 1973 Nabburg)
Additions: 1972 Brudersdorf; 1975 Diendorf; 1978 Hohentreswitz (partly)

Wappen von Nabburg/Arms (crest) of Nabburg
Official blazon
German In Rot über silbernen Wellen, in denen ein blauer Fisch schwimmt, eine silberne Burg mit breitem Turm über Zinnenmauer, an deren Ecken je ein niedriger spitzbedachter Turm steht.
English blazon wanted


The oldest seal of the city is known from 1314 but dates from the 13th century. The seal already shows a castle with open gate, standing behind some waves. The composition is probably canting, the local castle and river, which also gave the town its name. The fish appears on the seal of 1547. The colours are known since 1561. The basic composition never changed since, although the size and shape of the different element has varied widely during the centuries, as shown below by the image of Hupp.

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Heraldic Bibliography: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes; Hupp, O: Kaffee Hag albums, 1920s

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