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State: Bayern
District (Kreis): Ansbach
Additions: 1972 Heßbach, Zailach; 1974 Gräfenbuch; 1978 Brünst, Obersulzbach

Wappen von Lehrberg/Arms (crest) of Lehrberg
Official blazon
German In Gold auf einem mit einem silbernen Ring belegten grünen Dreiberg eine silberne Kapelle mit rotem Dach, darauf ein rotes Kreuz.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on April 21, 1931.

The arms show the local chapel, which is the only remnant of the original church, built in 1430. The hill, Kapellenberg, is a typical landmark in the municipality. The ring is taken from the arms of the Lords of Birkenfels, who previously named themselves Von Lehrberg after their possession. They ruled the village for several centuries until the middle of the 15th century.

Wappen von Lehrberg/Coat of arms (crest) of Lehrberg

The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925

Heraldic Bibliography: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.

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