La Serre

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Département: Aveyron

Blason de La Serre/Coat of arms (crest) of {{PAGENAME
Official blazon
French D'azur à deux pals d'argent chargés chacun en coeur d'une croix de Malte de gueules; au chef de sinople chargé d'une tête de Méduse d'argent accostée de deux statues menhir du même.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially adopted in January 2010.

The blue pales symbolizes the three municipal waterways: the Gravière, Goucille and Merdanson. The Maltese cross refers to the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem who headed the Commandery of Monteils, to which the area historically belonged.

The two menhir statues represent those that were found in Anglas and Monteils. The head of Medusa symbolizes the Gallo-Roman sanctuary discovered at Fraysse.

The golden wheat stalks honor the agricultural activity.

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