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State: Bayern
District (Kreis): Hassberge (until 1973 Hassfurt)
Additions: 1972 Augsfeld, Sailershausen, Sylbach; 1976 Mariaburghausen, Oberhohenried, Unterhohenried; 1978 Prappach, Uchenhofen, Wülflingen

Wappen von Hassfurt/Arms (crest) of Hassfurt
Official blazon

Dem von Silber und Rot gevierten Schild aufgelegt ein springender goldener Hase.

English blazon wanted


The arms show a canting hare (Hase) on the quartered shield of the State of Würzburg. The oldest use of the combination dates from the 16th century, when the shield appears in the seals of the city in the gate of a city view. The colours of the arms are known since 1544. The arms were officially granted in 1818, but with a quartered shield of green and silver. The original colours were later during the 19th century restored.

Wappen von Hassfurt/Coat of arms (crest) of Hassfurt

The arms by Tyroff (1835)
Seal of Hassfurt

Seal from around 1900
Wappen von Hassfurt/Coat of arms (crest) of Hassfurt

The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925

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Heraldic Bibliography: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes; Hupp, O: Kaffee Hag albums, 1920s