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State : Niedersachsen
District (Kreis) : Gifhorn
Additions: 1974 Gamsen, Kästorf, Neubokel, Wilsche, Winkel

Wappen von Gifhorn/Arms (crest) of Gifhorn
Official blazon

Ein rot bewehrter goldener Löwe mit roter Zunge steht im blauen Feld auf einem waagerechten, mit dem Mundstück links hingelegten roten Jagdhorn.

English blazon wanted


Gifhorn received town and market rights in 1275 from Johann, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg. Since the late 14th century the city used its own seals.

All lseals show the lion of the Welfen dynasty, to which the Dukes of Braunschweig belonged, as well as a canting horn. The colours are known since the 18th century and have not changed since.

Seal of Gifhorn

Seal from around 1900
Wappen von Gifhorn/Coat of arms (crest) of Gifhorn

The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925
Wappen von Gifhorn/Coat of arms (crest) of Gifhorn

Postal cancellation 1976

Heraldic Bibliography: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.

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