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State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Neuburg-Schrobenhausen (until 1973 Schrobenhausen)
Additions: 1978 Peutenhausen, Weilach

Wappen von Gachenbach/Arms (crest) of Gachenbach
Official blazon
German In Silber unter einer schwebenden blauen Krone ein hoher, kegelförmiger grüner Berg, der im Fuß mit einem goldenen Wellenbalken belegt ist.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on March 21, 1967.

The hill and the crown refer to the church Maria Beinberg on the Beinberg hill. The crown thus symbolises St. Mary. The church was an important place of pilgimage for a long time since the 16th century.

The hill is shown rather steep as a canting element (gache=steil meaning steep) as is the wavy bar (bach=stream, brook). The blue and silver colours refer to the ruling house of Bayern, the Wittelsbach family, as the area was an immediate possession of the family for a long time.

Wappen von Gachenbach/Coat of arms (crest) of Gachenbach

The arms in the Deutsches Wappenmuseum

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