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District (Kreis):Aschaffenburg
Additions:1976 Krausenbach, Wintersbach

Wappen von Dammbach/Arms (crest) of Dammbach
Official blazon

Durch einen erhöhten silbernen Wellenbalken geteilt:oben in Rot zwei schräg gekreuzte silberne Eichenblätter und eine silberne Eichel, unten gespalten, vorne siebenmal von Rot und Gold geteilt, hinten in Blau ein silberner Schräglinksbalken, der mit drei blauen Ringen belegt ist.

English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on July 22, 1988.

The upper half of the arms shows two oak leaves and a acorn, symbols for the forests in the Hochspessart region. The wavy bar symbolises the Dammbach (Bach=river, stream). The red and golden bars are taken from the arms of the Counts of Rieneck, who for a long time ruled Krausenbach. The blue field is taken from the arms of the Echter family, who played a mayor role in the history of Wintersbach. The family built the first church in the village in 1415.

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Heraldic Bibliography: Information obtained from the Region Unterfranken