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Blason de Bazougers/Arms (crest) of Bazougers
Official blazon
French Écartelé:au 1er vairé d'or et de gueules, au 2e de sinople au moulin à vent d'argent, au 3e de sinople au menhir du lieu d'argent, au 4e d'azur à cinq cotices d'or.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially adopted on May 18, 2021.

The first and fourth quarter are taken from the arms of two families that were important for the village. The first shows the arms of the Anthenaise family, oldest lords of the village since 1050. The fourth quarter shows the Souvré family arms, founders of the local castle.

The second quarter shows the local windmill and the third the Hune menhir, the largest in the area.

The shield is surrounded by wheat to indicate the agricultural character of the village.

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