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Province (Landskap): Skåne
County (Län): Skåne län (until 1997 Kristianstads län)
Additions : 1952 Rya; 1971 Skånes-Fagerhult

Arms of Örkelljunga
Official blazon
Swedish I blått fält en balkvis ställd störtad kyrkklocka av silver över en av vågskura bildad stam av silver.
English blazon wanted


The arms were granted in 1974.

The arms were designed in 1973 after the merger with Fagerhult. Both former municipalities had no older arms. The arms show a church bell, which is based on a local legend. The local bell once was sunk in the lake, but could still be heard from beneath the water.

Arms of Örkelljunga

The arms on a roadsign on the municipal border

Literature: Nevéus and de Waern, 1992

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